Text File
Title : RJG Blast, Version 1.0
Wad Engine (Game) : DOOM II, Heel on the earth v1.9.
Author : Ricardo Gonzalez (1997-1998)
Other WAD's by author : R.J.G. Stark Base (RJGSTARK.ZIP)
Enigma Town. (RJGNIGMA.ZIP)(Bug with DEUSF)
Email Address : rgonzal@strix.ciens.ucv.ve
URL Location : http://strix.ciens.ucv.ve/~rgonzal
Misc. Author Info : I live in Venezuela.
Description : If you are tired of complete the 32 levels of
Doom II; finished R.J.G. Stark Base and
Enigma Town then you have been trained for this.
This one is the ultimate multilevel sequel.
The new argument?:
You have destroyed the Enigma Town menace by
touching the Sacred Gems in order to activate the
Mystical Transportator. You step on it and a
curious travel throught the teleport doesn't
lead you to home, but a strange place, a very
secret teleporter exit in another dimension.
You understand that the job is not finished yet,
the ultimate enemy, the insane mastermind of all
previous Doom Team's struggles against the
disasters is somewhere in this "world?" maybe
awaiting for you.
Now you must begin a quest throught strange
passages, bases, castles, etc., terminating all
type of insane life form in order to find and
destroy RJG Blast. You will face new powerful
enemies, new lineage of Hell Knight, The extinct
Baron of Hell Spirit, and more.
But, you count on great weapons, like the
Fire Plasma Gun from Enigma, now more powerful,
The new BFG10000, the super-chaingun
(more bullets per sec).
So can you get stuck off?.
You should feel the
master of this level if : You complete it in ultra violence mode with -fast,
no cheat codes and 100% secret. It's no easy ;>
Many special thanks to : Carlos Milano & Eloy Milano for a great & cool
beta testing.
Patrick Martin, by the first (and the most
objective) E-mail comment.
EvansWard@aol.com by the bug fix on RJGNIGMA.
fbrito@entelchile.net by nice surprises via e-mail
Additional credits to : The programming staff of the editor(s) used
and Midway by the sounds. (Listed Below.)
* WAD File Information *
Map : MAP01 to MAP08 (MAP02 to MAP07 playable).
New Sounds : Some MK2 (Copyright Midway Manufacturing C.O.)
SFX's and others by me, including music piece.
New Graphics : Yes.
New Sprites : Yes 3D rendered Again.
New Music : Yes, composed by me all except:
MAP06 ('To live is to die' by Metallica) and
MAP08 (Heretic song).
Demos Replaced : None due to incompatibilities between D2 versions.
Require to have in Dir. : The game in normal state (not modified).
* Play Information *
Single Player : Designed for.
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, (Tested) Let's beat them!!!.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes, but not recommended in some levels.
Difficulty Settings : Yes.
* Construction Information *
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : DCK 3.4
Win Tex 4.2
ZenNode for node builds.
Known Bugs : None. Please E-mail me if you find something.
* Where-to-get information *
Original site : ftp.cdrom.com & mirrors.
Other cool WADs there : ENSLAVE.ZIP
DWELLER1.ZIP (deathmatch)
RJGSTARK.ZIP ;> why not?
And others...
SuperB Jobs, Keep it. :)
* Copyright / Permissions *
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) or upload it anywhere as long as you
include this file intact.
* Instructions, notes. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY *
Follow steps below:
1.- Make sure that you have in Doom II dir and the files DOOM2.EXE and
DOOM2.WAD are intact.
2.- Unzip the file RJGBLAST.ZIP in Doom II directory.
3.- READ ALL the notes below.
4.- Execute the installer (RJGBLAST.EXE) to setup the Doom II game
to RJGBLAST's likings.
5.- Follow instructions within the program.
6.- Enjoy!.
This procedure does modify the file DOOM2.EXE. Although the installer makes
a backup copy of this one called DOOM2EXE.BAK for restoration purposes,
I recommend you make your own backup copy, anyway you must NOT delete the
The installer will let you to choose between 2 install options. The first
will not modify the DOOM2.WAD and is intended for single play mode only. The
second option does modify DOOM2.WAD (safely restorable) and is intended for
single or network play, the second option also provides better performance
than option 1 in single play. The choose is yours.
If you own a non 1.9 version of Doom II, you must edit the file DEHACKED.INI,
modifying the last row, the steps are in the same file. Note that I haven't
tested this procedure. If this doesn't result then get the upgrade patches
for Doom II at ftp.idsoftware.com.
To restore DOOM 2 files and/or uninstall RJG Blast run the installer and
choose the respective action.
If you have a question about - cheat codes and or hints included ;> -
you can e-mail me.
* Final Notes *
You already played RJG BLAST? is good?, it sucks?, it's the best? please
write me.
This is my third released level, and I need to know some impressions
from cool people like you. So I would thank you very much if you e-mail me
in Spanish or English and tell me what do you think about.
This will be my last DoomII-WAD-work but lots of e-mail, postcards, donations
and/or such may change this. :)
...Happy Dooming.