Text File
using DOOM II
(c)1995 by Rich �Weeds� Nagel
This program uses the excellent game by id Software, Doom II, to do a video
benchmark on your system. The results can be used to "tweak" your system for
maximum "frames per second". The faster the video speed, the more fluid the
To use, you must first have a copy of Doom II installed on your system. Make
sure that the DOOM.WAD and the DOOM2.EXE file have not been changed or
"hacked". If you don't know what files I am refering to then this probably
doesn't pertain to you.
Copy the files:
to your DOOM2 directory.
Then from the DOS prompt type: FPS <enter>.
Let Doom II do it's thing. It will exit to the DOS prompt on it's own. When
Doom II exits to the DOS prompt you will see on the screen the frame rate that
Doom II was running at in "Frames Per Second". Also the results will be written
and appended to the file FPS.TXT in the Doom II directory for future reference.
There are many changes in the CMOS setup on your PC that can be changed to
yeild a much higher frame rate when they are "tweaked" correctly, but you are
on your own with this one <g>.
This program came about from an idea by Jeff Rollason [100031,3537] on a way to
use Doom II, when consistantly setup the same way, as a video benchmark because
of how video hungry most modern PC games are. The results that this program
generates can be posted to him as it sets up Doom II per his specs to have a
common ground for everyone to benchmark with.
This program is free to all to do with what you wish.
Doom II: Hell On Earth is copyright by id Software (yes it's id, NOT ID, but
you should know that by now <g>). If you have not purchased a registered copy
of Doom II and are using a PIRATED version, THEN BUY IT!!!!!! or one day,
... well you know how much damage a BFG9000 can do!
I will not be held responsible if this program trashes your entire system or an
Imp materializes out of your computer and destroys your house or you run out of
2-cycle mix for the chainsaw, but it works great on mine!
Rich �Weeds� Nagel
This program was tested with Doom II version 1.9 installed on the hard drive.
I'm not sure if it will work properly with another version or the CDROM version
(is there such an animal?). Give it a shot anyway.