Text File
Authors : Brian and Craig Sparks
Email Address : csparks@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu
Background : This series, BCDEATH2 thru BCDEATH6,
was made with Deathmatch in mind (Secret Passages, Open spaces,
good weapon selection, and tons of ammo to continuously kill
your buddies with) They are all very well done and debugged.
We have collectively made over 25 levels to date. This series
represents some of the best we have made. A lot of care and
work went into the look and theme of the levels in this series
You will not be disappointed.
We have played these levels many times in four player Deathmatch
and they are a lot of fun and although these levels were
designed with Deathmatch in mind they are all still designed
for single player mode.
Description.............:Another favorite of mine for both
Deathmatch and single player. There is a seemingly impossible
room with filled with barons and some blue armor. Its not
that hard though, there are several ways to get it. Once you
figure it out you should be the first to get it in Deathmatch
. Tons of ammo located in a huge indoor (what's behind this
door) room. And of course in keeping with the theme of the
other levels there is a snipers window looking down into this
room. There are some long running secret passages. There is
a large vertical differential in this level that leads to a
very long elevator ride.
Good luck. They are all challenging in that Hurt Me Plenty is
challenging enough and Ultra Violence is what it should be,
very hard.
We welcome any feedback you might have.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : E2M6
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes!!!
Difficulty Settings : only 3 and 4.
New demos : No
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : We lost track.
Editor used : DEU 5.2
* Copyright / Permissions *
You may do as you please. Just give us credit if you modify it.