Text File
Title : Option4u.wad
Filename : Option4u.ZIP (includes text file)
Author : Dave Johnson
Email Address : UDave2@ix.netcom.com
Description : Large size level. Very playable wad built in the classic Doom style with
attention to detail and design. Comments welcomed to Email address.
Really designed for 2 players but not necessary to complete.
Additional Credits to : Id Software for DOOM. Authors of DCK, Wintex,and RMB.
: My wife, Gayle, and the Winter Clan for play testing.
* Play Information * : You have options with this wad. You can take on the cyberdemon in the
Yellow Key area or go aorund him. You can kill the Boss Spider at the
end of the game or run by him to the exit. You will find other "options"
in the wad that will make it harder or easier---your option!
Game : DOOM ][
Level # s : MAP01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : YES (Designed for 2 player co-op play. Four player not tested.)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No (Feel free to add them and go for it.)
Difficulty Settings : Levels: Easy, Normal, & Hard.....If you play hard take a friend!!
New Sounds : YES. Collected from "net" sources...? Thanks to those that posted them.
New Graphics : NO
New Music : YES. Music from file sources on the Net.Thanks to ... ?
Demos Replaced : None
Other wads : All the ETPT wads at cdrom.com. BehindU, UpFront, Crusher and more.
* Construction *
Base : Created from scratch.
Build Time : Didn't keep track. 15 hours or so?
Known Bugs : None.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Players MAY use these wads as a base to build additional levels as long as
my permission is given first.
Publication permissible with my prior knowledge and credit.
Uploaded to ftp.cdrom.com