Text File
================================= v2.0 =======================Sept. 28, 94===
Ok, here it is, the next version of my grenades patch. A weapons patch for
DooM that among other things includes a Hand Grenade and a Pistol Crossbow
Please let me know if you find any bugs, and I'll fix them
Hope you like it. I used Deluxe Paint II Enhanced to create the graphics
for this patch.
Title : Grenade Weapon Patch
Author : Douglas Beck
Email Address : beckd@holmes.ece.orst.edu
Additional Credits to : Dehacked v2.0 (Thank You, Tree!)
WackerB7 (Great Programs!)
iD (They're God's, enough said)
BETA testers : Matt976@aol.com
Thanks for all the great testing/feedback!
* Play Information *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : About 25 hours, plus playtesting
Editor(s) used : Dehacked v2.0, Dmgraph, WackerB7
Known Bugs : none.
The following things are changed with the Grenade Weapons Patch installed:
Rocket Launcher -----> Hand Grenades. Work Very Nice. First you need
to find the Grenade Trigger. (a little box you
stick the grenades in to arm them) Then aim and
throw. Once thrown, they only last about 3-4
seconds before exploding. The little red light
on the grenade will 'turn on' about a half second
before the grenade goes off. enjoy :) You can
also "pummel" the enemies with them, although it's
more humerous then effective. I like watching
them jump and scream as it hits them even though
it hardly does any damage---I think it just scares
them :)
Plasma Gun -----> Pistol Crossbow. This weapon works very nicely.
Also, the crossbow bolt can be seen from all
angles. It looks neat when it sticks in
opponents. >:)
Barrels -----> Respawns!
Sargeants -----> Now you can blow their legs off with grenades! >:)
Sprites -----> About 25 new sprites.
Targets! -----> Crossbow targets (items 73 and 74)
E3M9 -----> Now a Target Range
DEMO1 -----> Demo of the Target range. Watch it!
* Files Included *
GRENADE2.TXT ----> This text file
GRENADE2.DEH ----> DeHackEd v2.0 patch file
GRENADE2.WAD ----> The .WAD file
* Loading and Playing Requirements *
To play with these new features you first need to use Dehackedv2.0 to
install the patch. Just run dehacked and press 'L' then type 'grenade2.deh'
make sure the .DEH file is in the correct directory: something like
\doom\patches. IMPORTANT: To install this patch you need the REGISTERED
DooM v1.666.
To run the grenade patch after loading the dehacked patch type:
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may use this patch as a base to build additional
levels, but please don't modify my weapons. If you feel like you want to,
just email me.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* For those of you who haven't seen the patch yet.... *
I suggest ALTDEATH on LEDGESI.WAD. You can stand up high on the top of the
tall elevator, and throw a grenade all the way across to the other side and
land it on another ledge. Very Cool. Another neat thing is to go get the
Blur Sphere, sneak up behind your buddy, and throw a grenade right next to
him while he is hiding. Then watch his guts crumble >:)
The grenade looks especially neat when you throw it up at an enemy and it
lands at his feet and blows up.
* Side Effects *
The following are side effects that I would be impressed if somebody could
1. There is no sound when the grenades explode. This would require a hack
into the main program.
2. The grenades just throw straight out unless your throwing up at a monster.
It would be neet if a hack to the program could make the grenades alway
launch upward a bit.
* Liability *
I am not responsible for anything. :)
I am not responsible for my grenade patch, my actions, etc...
Just be careful. ALWAYS backup your DOOM.EXE and your DOOM.WAD!
* Sprites *
The following objects are included in the GRENADE2.WAD file:
DSPLASMA ---> Sound of crossbow firing
DSRLAUNC ---> Sound of crossbow bolt impact
TITLEPIC ---> Made a little change on the Title Screen
SPOSV0 ---> Sprites to make the Sargeants legs blow off.
PISGF0 ---> Pistol Crossbow Graphics
PMAPE0 ---> Grenade Graphics
BROKB0 ---> Grenade box, and single grenade graphics for when they
BFUGB0, ROCKB0 are sitting on the ground
PLASB0 ---> Pistol Crossbow on the ground
PLSSC1 ---> Crossbow Bolt graphics from all angles
AMMOB0 ---> Graphics for the target
S_END ---> Termination of sprites
E3M9 ---> Simple walkthrough level with targets
DEMO1 ---> Demo of the target level. Watch!
* Where to get this patch *
"finger" my account and pipe it into a file. From the unix prompt type:
finger beckd@holmes.ece.orst.edu > grenade2.uue
Or this WAD can be FTPed:
infant2.sphs.indiana.edu /pub/doom/incoming
XXXXX PLEASE help reduce the load on infant2. Below are a list of XXXXX
XXXXX mirror sites of infant2. These are official infant2 mirrors, XXXXX
XXXXX and all of them update nightly. Use them first before infant2. XXXXX
ftp wcarchive.cdrom.com /pub/doom
ftp ftp.uni-erlangen.de /pub/pc/msdos/doom
ftp ftp.sun.ac.za/pub/msdos /doom
ftp iglou.com /doom
ftp flinux.tu-graz.ac.at /pub/doom
ftp ftp.dungeon.com /pub/msdos/games/doom
ftp aurora.bld189.jccbi.gov /infant2
ftp ftp.cdrom.com /pub/doom
ftp ftp.orst.edu /pub/gaming/doom
ftp ftp.luth.se /pub/doom
Please email me with suggestions/comments at beckd@holmes.ece.orst.edu
or post what you think to a.g.d.