Text File
Title : Mockery
Filename : Mockery.wad
Author : Covaro
Email Address : covaro@mindspring.com
Homepage : http://www.mindsrping.com/~covaro
Misc. Author Info : Doom lover... and Doomworld News Guy
Description : Basically this is a tribute (ok, Mockery, hence the title)
of all the really really bad wads that have ever been
made and uploaded to cdrom.com. This is not meant to be
a good level, and I am much better than this. Also, to all
you bad level designers, please take note, this is how
you go about making good crap!
Additional Credits to : All the losers who make the bad wads that this level
is modeled after.
id software for the best games ever.
The rest of the Doomworld gang for be great guys.
All the gang at #doom2 for thinking this a cool idea.
* Play Information *
Game : DOOM II
Episode and Level # : MAP 01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No, no starts.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No, why play it in this crappy map.
Difficulty Settings : No, would defeat the purpose.
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : Yes, Titlepic
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : Yes, demo1.
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch, inspired by many a crappy map
that I have played.
Editor(s) used : WinDEU 5.24
Paint Shop Pro
Known Bugs : Yeah, no texture alignment, once again that would defeat
the purpose.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may use this level as a base to build additional
levels. As long as you please give me credit. (Please also note that
this level was intended as a joke).
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com and it's mirrors