Text File
Title : Mr. Woola Doom v1.0
Date finished : 21/8/1997
Author : Nick Giles
Email Address : anacondauk@aol.com
Home Page Address : http://members.aol.com/anacondauk/
Check out my Doomed Pages!
Misc. Author Info : I am just an average Doom maniac who gets bored
with the same old boring Doom sprites. I
like heavy metal, gothic, punk, britpop and other
music. This is really a very useless paragraph!!!
Description : !!!WARNING!!! Hymers College has been over-run
by large bearded monsters from outer P1!!! It all
started when an experiment The Moog was doing, went
terribly wrong! Mr Woola, who was standing by,
got sucked into The Moog's machine and lots of
little Mr. Woolas started coming out of it! Then
all the Mr. Woolas started to grow, and grew into
deadly Mr Woolas who could throw fireballs. They
all went on the rampage and ate all the other
teachers, now they are very hungry and are looking
for a nice tasty morsal. But YOU must rid Hymers
of these deadly Woolas before they spread and
take over the whole school! Your only aid is
a small pistol, who Mr. Swinney kept in his top
draw, (just in case.)
This is a DoomWAD which contains sprite
replacements for the imp, with Mr. Woola! You
basically wander around the science block of
Hymers College, Hull, UK, blasting the hell out of
Mr Woola, our physics teacher.
Additional Credits to : * Me for making Hymers Doom, which is the level
* iD Software
* The makers of DoomCAD v6.1, DEUSF, WinDEU and
* Me for making DHU, which without, this WAD would
be 10 times its size!
* Play Information *
Map # : 1
Single Player : Yeah!
Co-operative 2-4 Player : Good idea, you're gonna need some help!
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yeah, but Mr Woola on his own is hard!
Difficulty Settings : BFG does not appear on skill levels 4 and 5
New Graphics : Yes! Sprite replacement for the Imp to Mr. Woola
New Sounds : Yes!
New Music : No.
Demos Replaced : Can't be bothered :-)
* Construction *
Base : Hymers Doom, by me!
Construction time : 4 hours.
Editors used : DoomCAD v6.1, Wintex v4.3, SB sound utils,
DEUSF, WinDEU v5.99b1, DHU 0.3, PSP
Known Bugs : None, please tell me if you find any and I'll
fix them!
* Copyright / Permissions *
You MAY use this WAD as a base to build others on as long as you include
me in your text file and let me know first!
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact and let me know first!
Comments by e-mail are greatfully appreciated!!!
* How to install Woola Doom *
An installation program is included in the ZIP file. Just unzip the ZIP
file into your Doom2 directory and then type
woola install
Then just follow the on-screen instructions which are very simple.
To play Woola Doom again once you've installed it, just type
and it will launch Woola Doom! :-)
* What are those little rooms for? *
Those little rooms outside? Well, me and Ian thought that there were no
safe hidy-holes where you could hide if you wanted the bog half way through
a deathmatch. So, i decided to but those rooms in, all you do is, go inside
and hit the button to close the door. I find them usefull! But, if playing
single/co-op then DO NOT go in them! Coz you need the blue skull key to get
out, which you get automatically in a deathmatch.
* A handy hint *
See those demonic eyes staring at you through the wall? Shoot to kill.
* Where to get this WAD from *
it should be under one of the Doom2/deathmatch levels directories
Or go to my Home Page and download it from there:
it'll be in my Doomed Pages...
Or try Wall Street BBS in Hull(UK):
01482 589796