Text File
Title : Blue Streak Doom v1.0
Date finished : 22/12/1996
Author : Nick Giles
Email Address : anacondauk@aol.com
Home Page Address : http://members.aol.com/anacondauk/
Check out my Doomed Pages!
COOL STUFF: : New chainsaw weilding monsters
New weapon, the vacuum cleaner!
Misc. Author Info : This is my first Doom WAD that i've released, but
don't underestimate it! I've spent a good deal
of time making this WAD and made many unreleased
WADs. If you like loads of baddies, loads of guns
and loads of cool rooms, then this is for you!!!!
Description : For single player, read the story below. You
basically wander around killing everything in sight
<G> Where have I seen that idea before??!!! There
are some neat tricks, you may have to watch the demo
to complete it properly but try to figure it out
yourself! Ultra-Violence is VERY hard and
nightmare is just stupid!!! If you can complete it
on nightmare, record a demo and send it to me!! I'd
like to see it done!!! Find the vacuum cleaner and
suck brains out!!! It's great fun! Do it to your
mates in a multiplayer game!! They make a kinda
slurping noise!!! Visit my web page shown above
for some screen shots...
Additional Credits to : * My Dad for telling me about the real "Blue Streak"
* My brother for the feather duster idea
* iD Software
* The makers of DoomCAD v6.1, DEUSF, WinDEU and
WINTEX and Endoomer
* Doug Ryerson for the new status bar thing which I
ripped from his Pure Evil WAD
* Author of DALEKY.WAD for some extra GFX
* Author of REDDWARF.WAD for the lift sound
* Skywalker,(author of NIRVANA.WAD) for intermission
* Mark A. Klem for the new shotgun sounds
* Whoever made the WAD called "funthing.wad" for the
new sprites.
* Whoever made the level 1,2,3 music
* Play Information *
Map # : 1,2,3
Single Player : Yes
Co-operative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (great fun!!!)
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
New Music : Yes
Demos Replaced : Yes, one of me doing it on Ultra-Violence,
completed at 10 to midnight!!! As you can see in
some parts, I am a bit crap at aiming, my Dooming
skills have unfortunately suffered over the past
few weeks, although I am soon getting my old skill
back!!! Anyone for a deathmatch? :-) I had
to kill myself at the end though, it crashes if you
try and exit the level.
To play with new graphics you'll need to add all sprites to a graphics WAD,
I've included a setup batch file and DEUSF.EXE to do this.
* Construction *
Base : Scratch.
Construction time : 8 months (on and off, mainly off)
Editors used : DoomCAD v6.1, Wintex v4.3, PSP, SB sound utils,
DEUSF, WinDEU v5.99b1, Endoomer
Known Bugs : None, please tell me if you find any and I'll
fix them!
* How to play *
Just unzip the file BLUESTR.ZIP into your Doom2 directory and type
bluestr install
Then when you want to play Blue Streak Doom, type
And that's it! If you have any problems or need help just e-mail me!!!
* Copyright / Permissions *
You MAY use this WAD as a base to build others on as long as you include
me in your text file and let me know first!
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact and let me know first!
Comments by e-mail are greatfully appreciated!!!
* What's in the ZIP file? *
OK, so you want to know what's in the ZIP file, BLUESTR.ZIP
BLUESTR.WAD - The main WAD file, with the level map in
BLUESND.WAD - The sound WAD with the new sounds in
BLUEGFX.WAD - The graphics WAD with new graphics in
BLUESTR.TXT - This text file
BLUESTR.BAT - A batch file to run and install Blue Streak
DEUSF.EXE - Program needed to copy sprites to the graphics WAD
Three separate WAD files are used so that you don't have to install the
graphics WAD in order to play, usefull if you're short of disk space.
And also so that you can play with standard sounds if you want.
* Where to get this WAD from *
it should be under one of the Doom2 levels directories
Or go to my Home Page and download it from there:
it'll be in my Doomed Pages...
Or try Wall Street BBS in Hull(UK):
01482 589796
* The story *
During the height of the Cold War, the British Government built a secret
nuclear installation on the Moon. Nuclear weapons were stockpiled and a
nuclear power station provided materials for the weapons and powered the
huge mass of military buildings. This huge operation was code-named
"Blue Streak". Hundreds of people were conscripted to go to the Moon
bases and train for a huge war that never was. The top scientists
conducted experiments on the soldiers, trying to make them perfect nuclear
soldiers. Then one day an experiment went drastically wrong, the reactor
in the power plant reached critical and blew up. The moon bases were
blown apart and hundreds of people were killed. All communication to the
bases was lost and no-one on Earth never truly found out what happened on
that unfortunate day. For over 30 years the moon bases have remained a
lost nuclear waste dump, left to moulder and decay in the ravages of time.
Alien bacteria, carried to the Moon on meteorites spawned and mutated
creatures of hideous forms roamed the Moon bases, that is until now...
It is your job to clean out the Moon Bases, and find out the truth behind
what happened there, 30 years ago.... You are equipped with no more than
a feather duster and a pistol, maybe you can find a Hoover or a shotgun in
the large expanses of the Moon Bases.... Nearing the Moon your navicom
picks up sign of humanoid life, surely, it cannot be....? Your ship land
safely on the lunar surface, not far from one of the Bases. Already you
can hear grotesque noises emanating from inside. You see a way in, you
push open the door and behold the vast Moon base.........