Text File
Title : The Abdelazer
Filename : abdelaze.wad
Author : Thomas Drugg
Email Address : thomas@z.lanbib.se
Other levels by author : GRNROCK.WAD, AHAUNT.WAD, LIBRARY.WAD,
Description : Single player only.
Additional Credits to : id Software! The DEU team!
Henry Purcell for the name "Adbelazer"
* Play Information *
Map : MAP01
Single Player : Yes (designed for)
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No (suggested music: IDMUS10)
Demos Replaced : None
To play this PWAD file, unzip it into the directory where you put
DOOM 2 then start DOOM 2 like this:
* Background story (sort of) *
Your mission is to find and retrieve the Abdelazer - a newly developed
weapon for taking out the nasty monsters!
(In this wad, the Abdelazer gun is played by the BFG ;-)
The monsters have stolen the weapon (in a surprise attack
on the secret lab) and they have probably hidden it somewhere
in an underground blood lava complex.
The environments are not very healthy here.
Your superiors have gotten hold of the coordinates for a room
in this complex and rigged a teleporter for you.
* Construction *
Base : New level built from scratch.
Design : OK, another "marble" wad. Very original, eh?
However, I´ve tried to make some twists
to the old theme.
This is the biggest wad (259 K) I´ve made so far.
Editor used : WinDEU 5.24.
Other tools used : BSP 2.3 by Colin Reed and Lee Killough,
Endoom 1.0.1 by Zink the Dink
Build time : April - June 1998
Known Bugs : None
The title : I stole the title "Abdelazer" from an orchestral
suite by British 17th century composer Henry Purcell.
However, I doubt that Purcell´s music would fit
into this wad :-)
More info : Screenshots can be seen at my web page
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may not use this level as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
<> My DOOM II page, http://www.z.lanbib.se/~thomas/doom2eng.htm
<> Ftp.cdrom.com and its mirrors