Text File
Title : Klingon DOOM v1.02
Filename : klingon.wad
Authors : Ku'vac + K'boch
Email Address : chrisv@berkshire.net
Misc. Author Info : Both have had experience making DOOM
WADs before. This is their biggest,
longest, best project yet.
Description : This heavily modified WAD is Star Trek
with a twist. In it, you are a Klingon,
fighting against Federation officers
{enemy pics not yet done} and Klingon
traitors. A variety of assault weapons
await you. This WAD also contains 5 new
Additional Credits to : nobody.
Game Home Page : http://www.berkshire.net/~chrisv/klingon
* Play Information *
Game : DOOM I
Episode and Level # : E2M1-E2M5
Single Player : Yes!
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes!
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Oh, YES!
Difficulty Settings : YES!
New Sounds : Of course!
New Graphics : Wouldn't be the same without them!
New Music : Yep!
Demos Replaced : None (yet)
* Construction *
Base : New levels from scratch AND modified DOOM.WAD
Editor(s) used : WinTEX 4.3, DoomCAD 6.1, Paintbrush,
Sound Recorder
Known Bugs : There are many annoying little bugs. There are
quite a few in Episode 2, Level 5. Most of them
are there because we simply do not know how to
fix them.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use these levels as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
HTTP sites: http://www.berkshire.net/~chrisv/klingon
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com and its mirrors
BBS numbers:
Other: Kronos
HOW TO INSTALL {very important}:
1. Unzip all files into your DOOM directory {overwrite if necessary}.
2. Run 'install.bat'.
3. Type 'play.bat' to play the game.
-->This WAD was created for Ultimate Doom v1.9. If you do not have 1.9 installed,
please go to http://www.idsoftware.com/archives/doomarc.html and upgrade!<--
It took a very, very long time to make this WAD. Please feel free to pass it
around. Bugs are not uncommon, but there aren't THAT many.
Music: You should be able to identify most of the new background music.
Sounds: Just about every sound has been transformed into a Klingon equivalent
or something funny in English.
Graphics: New pics are going a bit slower than expected, but blame Ku'vac for
that, not K'boch. :)
Levels: These levels are kinda cheesy, but gimme a break: I'm new to it.
They require a bit of explaining.
LEVEL 1: For Deathmatch (otherwise boring). A simple arena
found in many Klingon ships for doing battle.
LEVEL 2: The quarters of a, shall we say, UNIQUE Klingon
officer. You probably won't get it: It's an inside
LEVEL 3: A failed Deathmatch level. Really weird. The goal,
really, is to find the exit.
LEVEL 4: A Rifle Range. For cooperative, since you CANNOT
beat this level by yourself without cheating. One
person is trapped in the control room while the other
runs around to the exit.
LEVEL 5: Assault on a heavily guarded federation compound.
Mildly tough. Still working on it (no exit yet).
More information will come in the following months (years). To be on the
Klingon Doom upgrade e-mail list, visit the HTTP site listed above. There,
you may add your name to the list. (You may be subject to an FBI background
check). Happy DOOMing!
Version Changes
Uploaded: August 31, 1997
Original release.
Uploaded: September 9, 1997
Includes a few graphic fixes (ex. Capt. Kirk, K'Boch)
Uploaded: June 29, 1998
- Credits!
- Fixed bugs in Level 4. Should work now. :)
- Added enemies to Level 5.
- Added Scotty and Spock.
- Added 'communicator' sound for multiplayer games.
- Other minor graphical changes.