Text File
Title : Thrash.wad
Copyright @1998 by Nik Pilkington
Author : Nik Pilkington (aka Sniper sst_misery) for DOOM II
E-mail Address : grizzlebrach@hotmail.com
Other Files by Author : "sniper1, gook, volcano, Overkill, Attic"
: Several more to follow
Misc Author Info : I *LOVE* Doom ][. E-mail any comments Please!
Additional Credits : Everyone at I.D. Software, Everyone at Dwango, EVERYONE
That plays Doom2. And Mr. Ayres for Creating Waded 1.87
Description : Thrash.wad is a Deathmatch level taking the shape of a football
Stadium. There is a Soulsphere in the center to Fight for.
Opinions, comments, suggestions to grizzlebrach@hotmail.com!
Instructions : Put thrashd.wad into your Doom ][ Directory. At the
Command Prompt Type "Doom2 -file thrash.wad" and have FUN!
Disclaimer : I Assume no responsibility whatsoever, in any shape
or form, for anything, that by some Miracle could go wrong.
I also assume no responsibility for any ones feelings getting
hurt, whether it be your Mom, Dad, sister auntie, uncle, pet
uncles pet, neighbor, etc, for you being confined to the
computer playing this wad or any other kick ass wads. This
Wad is Fun, and should cause any harm to your computer. However
if by some strange chance it does, don't come cryin to me!!!
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : 1
Single Player : No
Cooperative 2-4 Player : NO
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Duh! (4 is better)
Difficulty Settings : no
New Sounds : Not yet
New Graphics : Not yet
Demos Replaced : Not yet
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch, Took me
Build Time : A week Off and On
Editor(s) used : Waded 1.87beta
Other Utilities :
Known Bugs : none known.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY!!! use this level as a base to build additional levels as
Long as credit is given to me, and my Email address is included for
Comments, suggestion purposes, AND a copy of the new level be sent
to grizzlebrach@hotmail.com, or a LEAST a link to the new level.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You MAY distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) for non-profit purposes, as long as
you include this file intact (for instance, you may include it on a
CD that comes free with a book or magazine).
You MAY NOT distribute this WAD on any commercially released CD collection,
any shareware CD, or any other CD for which you charge a fee of any
sort without my prior permission. If you do, I will pursue all legal
means available under copyright law.
* Where to get this WAD *
Ftp.cd-rom.com or write grizzlebrach@hotmail.com