Text File
Title : Decamatch II : Annihilation
Filename : DECA2.WAD
Date Finished : 17/9/98
Authors : TeamOnslaught.
We are:
Luke Cama "Spike"
Vince Fong "Vkiller"
Simon Howard "Fraggle"
Tom Robinson "mystican"
Also: Justin Saunders "DOMiNiON"
Email Address : mystican@cyberspace.org
If you play this wad, don't hesitate to contact us
with any comments you may have.
TeamOnslaught Website : http://www.frag.com/teamons/
Description : The sequel to the excellent deathmatch compilation
Decamatch. 10 More Deathmatch levels with more
concentration to gameplay than the original.
NB. If you don't have this text file(uh?), then
you can extract it from the TXTFILE WAD resource.
Who Did What? : Levels all made by Luke, Vince, Simon, Tom and
Wad Graphics by Luke, Vince, Simon and Justin
Music (some Remixes) by Vince
Webpage by Tom
Endoom data by Tom
Thanks to : First and foremost, id software for Doom II.
Jeff Rabenhorst for Edmap, Vermulen for Deep, Ben
Morris for DCK. Authours of RMB, Neopaint, PaintShop
Pro, Deutex and NewWadTool. Colin Reed and Lee
Killough for BSP. Inspirational level authors.
Frag.Com for web hosting. Greets to everyone in and
around the Doomcommunity. Special thanks to Brian
Rayner and Andy 'Ginge' for featuring in DEMO2 and
DEMO3. Special special thanks goes put to Fod of
Forest BBS for featuring and giving us playtime on
Forest BBS for DEMO2 and DEMO3.
* Play Information *
Maps : MAP01-MAP10 (and MAP11)
Single Player : No. Except to try the levels out, of course.
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No. Can I say that again? No.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Indeed.
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented.
New Sounds : Just enough.
New Graphics : Yes. New wall textures, title screen, level titles,
interpic etc.
New Music : Yes.
Demos Replaced : DEMO1 - The Credits (MAP11) (by Tom Robinson)
DEMO2 - Frags 'a' lot (MAP01)
Stars: Green: Fod (Thanx!!)
Indigo: Vincent 'VKiller' Fong
Brown: Andy 'Ginge' (Thanx!)
Red: Max 'Reptile' Davis (Thanx!)
DEMO3 - Temple of Despair (MAP07)
Stars: Green: Fod (Thanx!!)
Indigo: Vincent 'VKiller' Fong
Brown: Luke 'Spike' Cama
Construction Base : New levels from scratch
Editor(s) used : Levels: Edmap (Simon and Tom)
DCK (Tom)
Deep, Deep97 (Luke)
DoomCad (Vince)
DETH (Justin)
Others: TED - Endoom Data
BSP - Node Builds
RMB - Reject Builds
Paint Shop Pro - Graphics
Neopaint - Graphics
DEUTEX - Compilation
Known Bugs : None! OK theres a few in doom2 but you already know
them and they're not our fault. If you do find any
don't hesitate to contact us at <mystican@cyberspace.org>
* Level List *
MAP Level Author(s)
=== ===== =========
1 Frags 'a' lot Simon 'Fraggle' Howard
2 Bloody Arena Luke 'Spike' Cama
3 The Abodoned Base Tom 'Mystican' Robinson
4 The Wilderness Vincent 'VKiller' Fong
5 Metallica Simon 'Fraggle' Howard
6 Castle Tom 'Mystican' Robinson
7 Temple of Despair Luke 'Spike' Cama
8 Ocean Wave Simon 'Fraggle' Howard
9 Installation Justin 'DOMiNiON' Saunders
10 Future Zone Luke 'Spike' Cama
11 Credits Tom 'Mystican' Robinson
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use these levels as bases to build additional
levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.
**!** If you place this WAD on a CD then please contact the authors
**!** via email <mystican@cyberspace.org>
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames
http://sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk/packages/idgames (UK mirror site)
TeamOnslaught homepage: http://www.frag.com/teamons/
If you have ANY comments about Decamatch II or any suggestions for future
projects please don't hesitate to email mystican@cyberspace.org
* Shameless Plug *
For DEMO2 and DEMO3 we used Forest BBS. On Forest BBS you can have smooth 4
player games of Doom2 on just a 14.4k modem. We recommend you give it a try
as it helped us a great deal. Use your terminal program to dial Forest BBS
(+44) 01204 436120
--Thanx For Readin'!