Text File
RANDOM DOOM - Random-level-generating Doom source mod by Rethcir
Version 1.1
This is essentially Dosdoom .61, with Slige and BSP built right
in. It allows you to play endless randomly-generated Doom2
levels. It will continually increase the levels' size(Slige
-room factor 5 * level #) until you reach level 9, where you
will be given a congratulatory message and can start over.
Random Doom has the sources of Slige, the random level
generator by Dave Chess, and BSP, the level compiler by Colin
Reed and Lee Killough compiled as modules within the DosDoom
source. The source has been changed to generate a new level
every time you go to a new level. The level will be generated
as MAP01 in slige.out, then BSP'ed into tmp.wad, which is then
loaded into Doom 2. All this is done behind your back during
the normal level load time. However, this process may be
lengthy, especially with the later, 45+ room levels. Be
patient, your CPU light might not flash during the generation,
and the levels may take a minute or longer to generate.
(I'll add a progress indicator eventually.)
In version 1.1:
- New title sequence(with nice wav music)
- Now certain monsters will not show up until certain levels
- Savegames now work. When you save a game, the current
level will be saved to (savegamename).wad.
- A few other little tweaks to make it releasable
I've gotten mixed bug reports, but nothing that serious for
myself or most other people.
- Generation Progress Indicator.
- More themes for levels
- Theme coordination (don't go from a wood level right to a
base level, etc.)
- Add some all-new enemies/weapons for good measure?
- Scoring mechanism?
Thanks to all those involved with the creation of the
above listed utilities that are now a part of Random Doom,
and to the doomers on efnet #doom2 for their semi-constant
support and good ideas. Also, to id software for #doom, the
Beatles for the White Album which I listened to while doing
this, and the cast and crew of several good TV shows I don't
have time to list.
PXMark2@aol.com, or Rethcir on efnet IRC #doom2.