Text File
To run this wadfile: Unzip the contents of ZANDOR2.ZIP into your DOOM2
directory. Unzip the zipfile.
Use the following command line from the DOOM2 prompt:
doom2 -file zandor2.wad
PLEASE NOTE: The ZANDOR Series is a personal side project of mine and is
not a Team TNT/Team ETERNAL release or project.
Title : Zandor2
Author : David Brachman
Email Address : 76614,1014 from Compuserve email.
76614.1014@compuserve.com from INTERNET email.
Member of Team TNT/Team ETERNAL
Misc. Author Info : Other DOOM2 WADS by Author.
Level 18 (STANDS) of ETERNAL DOOM 2.
Description :This wad is one of an undetermined number of
levels. After ETERNAL and all of the wonderful
new textures, I wanted to build a level using
the original DOOM2 textures. Not an easy task
with all of the new textures that were at my
fingertips. But, I wanted to try, and I had a
great time doing it.
Mission :The evil Zandor has once again eluded you. You
came here hoping to capture him, and return him
to earth to face trial for the horrible experiments
he performed on the innocent. He has left many traps
and surprises for you, as he dares you to chase him a rising seething torrent of steam and heat, a
across his fortress.
Additional Credits to :id and gang.
Jim Flynn
Bob Evans
Stan Gula
Lisa Moore
Chris Couler
Chris Christenson
* Play Information *
Game : DOOM II
Episode and Level # : MAP1
Single Player : Yes (TESTED!)
Cooperative 2-4 Player : no
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : no
Difficulty Settings : Yes (ALL are implemented)
New Sounds : no
New Graphics : no
New Music : no(music from level 19 is used
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch.
Editor(s) used : DETH 3.xx/4.xx (Anthony Burden/Jim Flynn)
BSP 2.2x (Colin Reed/Lee Killough)
RMB 3.0 (Jens Hykkelbjerg)
STAT 2.x (Jim Flynn)
MER (Jim Flynn)
The Unofficial DETH Tutorial (Jim Flynn)
Known Bugs : None that I am aware of.
Thanks to : Jim Flynn for getting me going on this madness
two years ago; Bob Evans for the Odessa series
and all of his help; and every member of TEAM
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY NOT use this level or any portion as a base to
build additional levels.
You MAY NOT distribute this WAD file in any format. Available only on
Compuserve for downloading for your personal use. You may
NOT use this Wadfile for any Commercial use for profit or non profit on
any CD, disk or diskette for redistribution without the author's
expressed written permisssion. NO FEE should ever be attached to
retrieving this file other than normal charges from Compuserve.
* Where to get this WAD *
Other: Compuserve Action Forum ONLY.