Text File
Title : BLOB.WAD
Author : Bob Findlay (irc Blob)
Email Address : findlay@bbsrc.ac.uk
Misc. Author Info : been playing games since Space Invaders... This is
my first WAD, so go easy on me!
Description : A DEATHMATCH wad with THREE different play styles,
a ranDOOMizer room, with a random (32 point)
teleporter, spot sound effects, and more (I won't
spoil the suprise) Story? "We don't need no
steenkin story" - get out there and kill each other!
Additional Credits to : ID (naturally), and Ben Morris, author of DCK,
and of course, my long suffering wife Kim, who
although she has been a Doom widow for months,
and is now a level contruction (and Doom ][) widow
still doesn't complain. She's the best.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : E1M1
Single Player : No (well, just to look around)
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, but there would be no point
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes indeedy (BUT use -ALTDEATH) too big for <4 plrs?
Difficulty Settings : YES YES YES - VERY IMPORTANT (see below)
New Sounds : Yes
New Graphics : No
Demos Replaced : None
This WAD can be played in 3 different ways. These 3 games are implemented
by use of the 3 skill levels 1-2, 3 and 4
*** DO NOT SPECIFY -NOMONSTERS *** (they provide some sound effects)
Game 1/Skill 1-2
"Random weapon selection"
You are placed in front of a weapon bay. On entering the bay, the door
shuts behind you (to stop you being attacked, while waiting for a respawn)
once you've collected your weapon/ammo, leave the weapon bay through the
rear, and you will be taken to the ranDOOMizer room. This transports you
to a random position in the main arena. There are no weapons or ammo in the
main arena, once you run out of ammo, it's chainsaw time!
Game 2/Skill 3
"Gentlemen, choose your weapons"
As "Game 1", but you get to choose which weapon you want. Trouble is, the
better the weapon you choose, the less ammo you get...
Game 3/Skill 4
"Normal Deathmatch"
I think you know how this works by now... I used to have deathmatch starts
in the arena for skill 4, unfortuantely, doom was using them on levels 1-3
too! You'll just have to start in the weapon selection bays...
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : T.F.L.
Editor(s) used : DCK 1.1a, DMAUD, and DEU to combine the map&sounds
Known Bugs :
Not a bug really, but it might be a tad too large for any less than 4 players.
I got carried away - sorry.
Skill 1-2 and 3 use a different map area for weapon selection prior to
entering the deathmatch arena. After taking your weapon/ammo, you are
transported to a recess in the ranDOOMizer room. If an over-zealous fragger
kills you while you are in this recess, then the door to your particular
weapon will stay shut (it opens when you leave the recess). To cure this,
someone needs to walk in and out of each recess, until the weapon bay door
Any others?
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional
levels. (Although I can't see why you'd want to)
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites:
infant2.sphs.indiana.edu /pub/doom/NEWSTUFF
BBS numbers: