Text File
README.TXT 11/15/98
PRBOOM v2.02 --- an official port to WIN32 of the released BOOM source
-This port is based upon BOOM v2.02
-This port was written by Florian "Proff" Schulze, member of TeamTNT
-DOOM is copyright ID software (www.idsoftware.com)
-This port is not endorsed by id software, so don't bug them about it
-I am not responsible for any damage that may be done by this program
Section 1. Installing PRBOOM
Section 2. Configuring PRBOOM
Section 3. Playing PRBOOM in Single Player mode
Section 4. Playing PRBOOM in Serial/Network mode
Section 5. Editing for PRBOOM
Section 6. Differences between PRBOOM and BOOM
Section 7. Files and Directories in the PRBOOM Distribution
Section 8. How to report bugs in PRBOOM
Section 9. Appendix
Section 1. Installing PRBOOM
PRBOOM requires a minimum of a 486DX/33 with 16M of RAM running
Windows 95 / 98 / Windows NT 4.0 (+SP3 or better).
PRBOOM requires a copy of DOOM, DOOM II, Ultimate DOOM, or Final DOOM already
installed on your system. In the installation instructions below we use
C:\DOOM2 to denote the directory it is installed in. Substitute the
path to DOOM on your system wherever that appears.
PRBOOM requires a sound card, it will not play sounds over the PC speaker. If
you do not have a sound card you should run it with the -nosound option on the
command line. It requires DirectX 2.0 or better if you want to use sound and
If you want to run PRBOOM in a window you need 32768 (15 bit) or more to get a
playable view.
To run it fullscreen you need 256 colors. No other color-modes are supported.
Suggested installation procedure:
1) Unzip the download archive in a new directory, which we will call \PRBOOM.
2) Type PRBOOM -iwad C:\DOOM2, the game will start as usual. To avoid having
to type -iwad C:\DOOM2, add the line below to your AUTOEXEC.BAT and
Alternately you can unzip the PRBOOM archive in your DOOM directory and
avoid needing -iwad or the change to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
You can also simply copy DOOM1.WAD, DOOM.WAD, or DOOM2.WAD to the PRBOOM
3) PRBOOM provides support for mouse, but in the current release the mouse
is sometimes choppy if you use it in the window-mode, I had no problems
in fullscreen-mode.
If you don`t use the mouse you should set use_mouse to 0 in the CFG-File,
because the game runs a little bit faster.
4) PRBOOM supports different ways to play music. You can choose it with
the mus_card variable in the cfg-file. You have the following options:
0 No Music
1 MCI-Midi, this uses the mci-interface and needs a temporary
file called prboom.mid
2 Stream-Midi, this uses the streaming midi-interface and needs
no more temp-file, but it could make problems.
Stream-Midi is used by default.
You can't set the volume of the Midi-Music with the option in the game, with
it you can only turn the music on and off. You have to set the volume of the
Midi-Music with the windows-mixer.
I had some problems with my PCI-Soundcard. I have solved them by setting
the hardware acceleration to one tick lower than 100%. I have found this
setting in the control panel under multimedia settings.
Under Windows 98 I had to install the newest driver for my PCI-Soundcard
to get MIDI-Music.
You can change the sampling parameters in the CFG-File.
snd_channels : This is the number of sound-channels used. A higher value
means you can hear more sounds at once, but it also uses
more CPU-Power.
snd_frequency: The sampling-rate, useful values are 11025,
22050 and 44100.
snd_bits : The bitdepth, allowed values are 8 and 16.
snd_stereo : If you have a mono-soundcard you can set this to 0.
5) If sound and music sound ok, and the mouse behaves properly, you're done!
Section 2. Configuring PRBOOM
It's the same as in original BOOM, see boom.txt in the txts/boom directory.
Section 3. Playing PRBOOM in Single Player mode
It's the same as in original BOOM, see boom.txt in the txts/boom directory.
In the game 'ALT-ENTER' switches to fullscreen-mode and all window-keys like
'ALT-TAB' work the same way as in any other windows-program.
Command line parameters
*Configuration Options
I have added the following command line parameters:
This dumps the output to the files disp.txt and error.txt
In window mode:
The gamescreen is stretched by 2 with StretchDIBits
In fullscreen mode:
If your display driver is only able to display 640x480 like in the most
NT drivers, you can use this option to stretch it up to fullscreen.
In window mode:
The gamescreen is stretched by 2 with my own routine (this
is normally faster on NT)
In fullscreen mode:
If your display driver is only able to display 640x480 like in most
NT drivers, you can use this option to stretch it up to fullscreen.
Forces fullscreen-mode at startup if it's available
Forces window-mode at startup
Specifies the resolution for the display. The maximum is 1600x1200.
Usefull values are:
width x height
320 x 200
320 x 240
400 x 300
512 x 384
640 x 400
640 x 480
800 x 600
960 x 720
1024 x 768
1280 x 1024
1600 x 1200
Default is 320x200. If you go higher than 640x480 the game will be
much slower on most Systems, this has to do with the size of the
L1-Cache and the L2-Cache.
Don't use DirectDraw. You will not be able to use fullscreen with
this option.
Section 4. Playing PRBOOM in Serial/Network mode
This is completely different to the original BOOM version, but its
similar to the Linux version of DOOM.
The following command line parameters are for use in netgames:
After this comes the player number of the machine. Then comes a list
of host addresses or IP addresses. If you use IP addresses they have to
begin with a ".". If one of the other machines has another portnumber,
you can add " :PORTNUMBER" after the address (note that there MUST be
a blank between the address and the colon).
If you want to use another port for a machine you can specify it with
this command.
Here are some samples:
2 Players:
1. Machine: -net 1 .
2. Machine: -net 2 .
3 Players with changed port on the 2. Machine:
1. Machine: -net 1 . :26001 .
2. Machine: -net 2 . . -port 26001
3. Machine: -net 3 . . :26001
The -port command is also useful if you want to run a net game on ONE machine:
2 Players:
1. Command: -net 1 . :26001 -port 26000
2. Command: -net 2 . :26000 -port 26001
*Multiplayer Options
It's the same as in original BOOM, see boom.txt in the txts/boom directory.
Section 5. Editing for PRBOOM
It's the same as in original BOOM, see boom.txt in the txts/boom directory.
Section 6. Differences between PRBOOM and BOOM
Whats implemented:
-graphics (using StretchDIBits and DirectDraw)
-sound fx (using DirectSound)
-music (using Windows-MIDI-Functions)
-networking (using TCP/IP)
Whats not implemented:
Whats new:
Section 7. Files and Directories in the PRBOOM Distribution
PRBOOM executable archive PRBOOM202.ZIP
prboom.exe The executable for Windows 95 / 98 / NT 4.0
txts Docs and infos
txts/boom Docs and infos of the original BOOM distribution
prbstuff Progs for the Win32-Version. These are from me
PRBOOM source archive PRBOOM202S.ZIP
prboom.dsp VC50 Project File
prboom.dsw VC50 Workspace File
src All the source files
txts Docs and infos
txts/boom Docs and infos of the original BOOM distribution
txts/doom Docs and infos of the original DOOM source distribution
makfiles/makefile.dos The DJGPP makefile
makfiles/makefile.c32 The CYGWIN32 makefile
makfiles/makefile.m32 The MINGW32 makefile
boomstuf Progs for the DOS-Version. These are from BOOM
Section 8. How to report bugs in PRBOOM
If you find a bug in PRBOOM you should visit
and follow the directions there for reporting it.
For more information on reporting a bug, see boom.txt in the same section.
Section 9. Appendix
You can get the PRBOOM source at:
You can get the original linux-doom source at:
You can get the BOOM source at:
Thanks go to (in no particular order):
ID Software for the release of LinuxDOOM
TeamTNT for BOOM
Andy Bay for ATBDOOM
Randy Heit for ZDOOM