Various minor Node problems and texture misalignments hardly noticable. Level 1 2 and 3 were some of my first levels so expect some problems Here and there. They were made in 96 and 97, earlier in my wad building days. They aern't too bad, just a few strange textures in selection and very strange Deathmatch setup.
There are NO bugs on levels 4,6,8,9,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22 23,24,25,26,28,29,30 and 31.
Text File
Title : The Twilight Zone (version 5 released to ftp)
Filename : twzone.wad
Author : Paul Corfiatis
Email Address : pauldoom@microtech.com.au
32 all new classic levels for Doom 2. The twilight zone dosen't really have a
story to it. The Twilight Zone was finished in Janurary 1998 where
Level 17 and 18 were Crossing Acheron and Dante's gate. But I did
a new level 17 and 18 myself so Dr Sleep wouldn't get angry.
Hint : If you're getting lost in level's 1,2,3,4,5 and 6, well search the
entire map for that key and switch.
To play the Twilight Zone start Doom2 like this.
Coming in the future : T H E T W I L I G H T Z O N E II
32 more levels in a Doom/Heretic/Hexen Sequel TC, (Out next year)
All new music written by me
More Sounds, enemies, etc. Includes a .DEH for BOOM users. Non BOOM
users need to email me for the modified .exe
Misc Author Info : I'm a very busy person, playing Basketball, working on 4 different
projects. And dosen't have much spare time.
Out on cdrom.com
My Demo wads for The Ultimate DOOM.
Ultimate DOOM
pe4m1.zip 7/10
pe4m2.zip 6.5/10
pe4m3.zip 7.5/10
pe4m4.zip 7/10
pe4m5.zip 9/10
Pe4m1-4 was reviewed by Sir Robin
Pe4m5 wad reviewed by Team Insanity and by an unhappy Sir Robin.
Additional Credits to : id, Matt Tagliaferri and all those guys who made these levels
to be possible.
Simon Varzseghy (sz or zs) and Ty Halderman, good comments.
Ben Hilfenhaus, next door neighbour for playtesting.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Map1-30 plus 2 secret levels
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (not recomended)
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : no (The twilight zone 2 will have that)
New Graphics : Yes, Title screen, etc.
New Music : Yes, (some Doom1, Heretic and midi rips)
Demos Replaced : Yes, version 1.9 (All, works fine in BOOM too?)
* Construction *
Base : New level from Scratch
Editor(s) used : Doomcad 5.1 & 6.1, Deth 4.19b, BSP 1.2X & 2.3, Wintex 4.1, Doomed 4.2
Known Bugs : Various minor Node problems and texture misalignments hardly noticable.
Level 1 2 and 3 were some of my first levels so expect some problems
Here and there. They were made in 96 and 97, earlier in my wad building
days. They aern't too bad, just a few strange textures in selection and
very strange Deathmatch setup.
There are NO bugs on levels 4,6,8,9,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22
23,24,25,26,28,29,30 and 31.
Level info
-none- Built especially for The Twilight Zone
Level Original wad name Finished Rating Style
1 explore1.wad Late 96 5/10 Mixture
2 explore2.wad Early 97 6/10 Mixture
3 explore3.wad Early 97 6/10 Crates
4 limbo.wad April 97 8/10 Medieval
5 sake.wad April 97 6.5/10 Underground
6 -none- May 97 7.5/10 Hi-tech base
7 -none- May 97 6.5/10 Mixture
8 -none- May 97 7.5/10 Classical
9 -none- June 97 7/10 Classical
10 -none- June 97 6.5/10 Mixture
11 -none- June 97 7.5/10 Classical/Base
12 -none- July 97 7/10 Mixture
13 -none July 97 8/10 Medieval
14 -none- August 97 7/10 Medieval
15 -none- August 97 8/10 City
16 -none- September 97 7.5/10 Hereticish
17 -none- November 98 8/10 Hi-tech Base
18 -none- December 98 10/10 Hi-tech Base
19 -none- September 97 8/10 Medieval
20 -none- October 97 7/10 Medieval
21 -none- November 97 8/10 Classical
22 -none- November 97 8.5/10 Hellish
23 -none- November 97 7/10 Puzzle
24 -none- December 97 9/10 Great Pyramid
25 -none- December 97 6/10 Small/Hard
26 -none- December 97 9/10 Hi-Tech/Classical
27 -none- Janurary 97 8/10 Hellish
28 -none- Janurary 97 6/10 Hellish
29 -none- Janurary 97 9/10 Classical
30 -none- Janurary 97 7/10 Medieval
31 -none- August 97 8/10 PSX style
32 -none- August 97 5/10 Remake of E3M1 of Doom1
Was not modified, made
completley from scratch
with the E3M1 idea.
Level history and fixes
Version 5
- Made new level 17 and 18
- Got rid of Dr Sleep's wads (old lev17 and 18)
- First version released to ftp.cdrom.com
- Got rid of crazy levels
- Demos Compatible with V1.9 only
- Fixed the Segmention violation crash to DOS in BOOM which prevented Level 23 from loading.
* Copyrights, ect.*
Authors may not use these levels as a base to build addiotinal levels.
Where to get this wad from
Team Insanity Members wads
http://doomnation.com/insanity/members.html (go to Paul Corfiatis)
ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames/levels/doom2/ (megawads or T section)