Text File
Doom Classic 4: Evil Refinery
File Name : classic4.wad (v1.1)
Release Date : 15/11/98
Author : Nick Baker (nbaker1@net.ntl.com)
Level : E2M4
Other wads by me : The Darkening
GothicDM 2
Twice Risen Pre-release
Decription : A level in the classic Doom style. Theme = E1
Thanks to : The Darkening guys
This is the fourth level of a series of levels in the classic Doom style,
originally started by Jan Van Der Veken. I must note that the majority of
this level was actually done by fellow Darkening member Travers Dunne
(tjdun2@mugc.cc.monash.edu.au). I altered the texture scheme (this was
originally going to be a Doom 2 level), added some more monsters, and
made the ending area.
This version has had some stupid bugs fixed (like forgetting to make some
nukage hurt, and forgetting to assign a tag to a lowering wall), and more
shotgun shells added to improve gameplay.
Look for more releases in this series in the future by other Darkening
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Authors may NOT use this WAD as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file