Text File
Title : ROKS "Reach Out and Kill Someone"
Filename : ROKS_MA1.ZIP
Description : NEW BREED MAP03 converted to ROKS format
Date : 1/22/1998
Author : Marc A. Pullen [FANATIC]
Email Address : marcpullen@mindspring.com
Misc. Author Info : The New Breed -all levels, coding, sounds, music, and graphics
HacX -Levels 03, 16, and 17, various textures and some coding
GothicDM2 -14 delicious MIDI's
ROKS DM -one awesome map, coding, sounds, and music
Additional Credits to : Banjo Software
Everyone that worked on GothicDM 1 and 2
Kennith Scott for getting me a position at Banjo Software
DOOM Legacy source port authors
id for being kewl guys
= REQUIRES ROKS AND DOOM LEGACY (or another robust source port) =
= ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/doom2/levels/doom2/deathmatch/Legacy =
= Play Information =
Game : DOOM II
Source Port : DOOM Legacy prefered, BOOM or ZDOOM should work too
Episode and Level # : MAP02
Single Player : Only for looking or playing BOTs
(works really well with about 4 BOTs)
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (should be able to handle 8)
Difficulty Settings : Yes
-skill 1/2 -ambient sounds, lots of ammo and health
-skill 3 -lots of ammo and health
-skill 4/5 -less ammo and health (competition mode)
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None
= Construction =
Base : NEW BREED MAP04 Converted to ROKS format
Build time : 2 hours to convert, about 2 weeks to build (originally)
Editor(s) used : DOOMCad 5.1, BSP, RMB
Known Bugs : None
= Install: =
Unzip ROKS_MA1.ZIP to your DOOM2 directory.
= Playing: =
You must already have ROKS installed, type:
ROKS -FILE ROKS_MA1.WAD -WARP 1 (to warp right to it)
You MUST have DOOM2 version 1.9 for this to work.
Upgrades to 1.9 are available at:
You need to have DOOM Legacy installed in your
DOOM2 directory (should be called DOOM3.EXE and DOOM3.WAD).
It is available at:
http://www.frag.com/doomlegacy (about 700k)
ROKS should work with BOOM and ZDOOM, but I developed ROKS
using Legacy and it's abilities.
You need to have GOTHICTX.WAD in your DOOM2 directory.
It is available at:
ftp://members.aol.com:/gothicdm/gothic2/gothictx.zip (about 2 megs)
And lastly, you need ROKS installed.
It is available at:
= Copyright / Permissions =
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this WAD set, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
You DO NOT have permission to kill anyone.
The term "Someone" in the ROKS title means a
computer generated DOOM marine, not real people.
= Where to get this WAD =
FTP: ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/doom2/levels/doom2/deathmatch/Legacy
WWW: http://www.mindspring.com/~andyboy