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NaNoWADMo 2018

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My mapping really fell apart near the end but I think I put in a good enough effort.

I will continue working on this until I have 15-20 maps and then I will release it with the name "Beautiful Nightmares".


Here is a compile of 12 boom maps in no particular order: bnight.zip

It runs on TNT.WAD and -complevel 9.

Maps 1-7 are fully functional although not completely balanced yet, map 8 is just a message that says "incomplete maps ahead" (making the total 13) and the rest are, well, incomplete.


Good show lads, I'll be checking out your wads shortly, maybe I'll even do some demos on them!

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good work everyone :3
i'll have a twelve midi pack coming out sometime in december from my work on this
not as many tunes as I imagined but I'm fairly happy with them all

(then maybe I'll map for zekhmet or start a doom 1 episode to go with the new songs)

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A playable alpha release is here!


There's quite a lot of work to do, 5 maps are incomplete, 1 just needs to have monsters, guns and items placed.

Plus some maps needs to have better thing balance (mostly on episode 3), but is playable at least.


Is a Ultimate doom megawad, vanilla compatibility.

For playing this on chocolate doom, just type -merge doomdoom.wad -deh doomdoom.deh using choco port


It will be completed, but first gave me a break and then i'll finish this out

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Finished most of the map, only a bit of detailing left to do.

I'll definitely continue this pack and shoto for a near-future release.

Congrats to everyone who managed to hit the goal, and everyone else who's like me - what matters most is that you made things and had fun with it. :)


Here's the editor shot of 'Endless Night''s Hell Noble Spam Map Night of Knights.



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Alright.  32 maps done before midnight, November 30th, 2018.



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Here's an uncompiled zip of what I have pre-deadline, for sake of "Official NaNoWadMo Certification".

NoisyDiarrhea_uncompiled.zip (vanilla compatible; light playtesting in chocolate and prboom+)

I have errands tomorrow but I'll try to order and compile the megawad later.  Also, especially in it's current state, it's mostly a bunch of unrefined, unbalanced shit that I squirted out in a months time.  Play at your own risk.


Congratulations to all participants.





Edited by NoisyVelvet

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I know I didn't sign up for this but posting it anyway since its still technically November here :P


So Between November 17th and 30th I was able to crap out 3 2+ hour speedmaps(despite my limited time these days) that will be the start of a Doom 2 megawad I'm attempting to make.


May I present to ya'll...




(see what I did there)


 Map 01 - Teleporter Station

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Map 02 - Storage Center

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Map 03 - Military Rush 

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I'm gonna try to continued this beyond November and see if I can at least cough up 11 maps total and improved the first three maps(especially Map 03) :) 

HoPEA.zipFetching info...

Edited by Philnemba
Forgot to put first screenshot in spoiler box -_-;

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I only set out to make 8 or 9 maps, and I got halfway finished with 6 of them. I think it's enough for me to keep going, though. I'll probably work on it a bit more this weekend and release it when it's finished.


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Here's the alpha version of Halfdeath, my contribution for this challenge. Right now it includes 12 maps for GZDoom. It's intended for continuous play, but all maps have been tested from pistol start. I want to get to 17 maps (15+2 secrets) and polish the whole pack. I hope you like it although I tested a pair of silly ideas inbetween. All feedback is appreciated.

Download link:

I enjoyed the challenge a lot, although I would have liked to put a bit more commit (I got sick a few days). It's my first time releasing a map pack so it was a learning experience. I think I improved my map speed, but I still lose time with stupid little details instead of progressing. Also I believe I still have the issue of doing kind of flat maps mostly.

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  On 11/24/2018 at 6:19 PM, Pegleg said:

Six weeks ago, my goal was 11 maps. Then four weeks ago, my goal was 6 maps. As of a week or two ago, my goal was 2 maps. And now, here we are.



Here's my update. I didn't get any maps made. I managed to finish a short map for 1 community project, but I had even less time this month than I expected. Oh well.


@Ryath has mentioned doing this again next year, but in a different month than November. I'm looking forward to that discussion.


Congratulations to everyone who did get mapsets and megawads finished!

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So despite what I'd hoped, I wasn't able to scrape together the time to finish up another map, so Chicxulub Impact remains at five maps (E1M1-M4 plus M8).  The .zip file below includes a .deh patch which updates the automap names for these maps.  Replacement of in-game graphics files for the map names to follow in a later release.



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Compiled NoisyNanowad (32 maps; vanilla): NoisyDiarrhea_beta1.zip


Targeted Format: Vanilla, though you can just play on cl9 be better off.

Functional Bugs (*known): at least one map visplane overflows if an archvile pops you off in a certain place;  Map04 has crushers unintentionally insta-crush you on cl2; Map09's exit is a little weird.

Difficulty Settings: Sorta for a couple, but not fully implemented



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Finished with 4 hours to spare, didn't post before cos I was tired. Remake of Operation Arctic Wolf is complete.







Edited by Impie

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Hey all! Keep the submissions coming. I'm going to play every single map made for NaNoWADMo -- in the order they were posted in this thread starting on November 30th. That means if you posted your WAD earlier in the thread, I'd appreciate if you posted again just to bring it to my attention. Also, I'll add a link in the OP to your post (or your release thread if you've got one) in order to make all the NaNoWADMo WADs easy to find. If you'd rather I didn't link to your WAD until it's in a more finished state, etc., just say so and I'll hold off.

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Here's my little mapset, (which I just titled) Beyond the End! It has three whole maps, and even a storyline. You're one of the few surviving humans after the invading demons destroyed civilization decades ago. You've been doing relatively well in your hidden underground bunker, until your place has been found by a gang of looters. They knocked you out, stole everything of value you had, and kidnapped your boyfriend in hopes of benefiting from his scientific knowledge. Now it's time to leave your old home behind and travel the hostile surface...


It's a pretty cool idea, maybe I'll expand on it one day.




Compatibility: limit removing.


NaNoWAD_demo.zipFetching info...

Edited by Scypek2

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Well, as you might have been able to guess, I fell off the wagon hard after the first several days.  I really underestimated how nuts November would become, but even before that my efforts were mediocre and incomplete.  I learned a lot about where I tend to get stuck when it comes to mapping, though, and I have hopes for being able to turn that experience into better work down the road.


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Thanks for the updates, folks. I'm still updating the OP and working on playing through your WADs.


  On 12/4/2018 at 6:42 AM, jerrysheppy said:

Well, as you might have been able to guess, I fell off the wagon hard after the first several days.  I really underestimated how nuts November would become, but even before that my efforts were mediocre and incomplete.  I learned a lot about where I tend to get stuck when it comes to mapping, though, and I have hopes for being able to turn that experience into better work down the road.



Speedmapping tends to teach you a lot about your mapping hangups. I'm glad you got something out of NaNoWADMo, even if you weren't happy with the maps themselves. Keep working on them, though, and see what they turn into!

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  On 12/4/2018 at 4:15 PM, Voltcom9 said:

Hey I posted in the previous thread. It was no where near 32 maps but it was something. It's surprisingly difficult to remain focused with such tight deadlines and real life things. Anyways, add my set to the OP. It is as 'done' as this is going to get. 


Even if you didn't make a full megawad (mine was only 8 maps), events like this give incentive to finish something, so you still accomplished a thingy.

Edited by Impie

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I've played only a few so far (no demos srry).  here's some quick thoughts:


@DanielAlexander : "comfy slaughter".  infinite ammo is actually kinda nice for such a thing; you don't have to focus on running out of ammo and can just kinda shlong about at your own pace.  Not too hard either.

@Scypek2 : I like the exploration style. I don't see this style very often.  On map 1 (even on UV) I still ached for more clip ammo though, unless I missed something blaring.  Even for ammo-starved maps, this felt too starvy.  My first go at map2 also missed the chainsaw, so my impression was the same, heh.  still cool though.  Map03 felt more like a "normal" doom map in terms of ammo and health but felt didn't feel the same exploration/puzzle thing I felt from the first map.

@meapineapple : I played only Map01 so far; died at the end and lost my spirits for now (I'm just salty).  it was tight on health/armor and was done in by hitscanners (UV), not a bad thing mind you.  I really ought to give this a good proper go-through though to honor your success at a making the full 32 maps. Congrats.

@franckFRAG : i love doom 2.  tickle my nostalgia nerve and get an automatic A+ :)

@NoisyVelvet : the first 14 maps need less shells, more clips.  Some bugs that need scrubbing out.  Not a perfect wad, but not shabby; could use feedback.

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  On 12/5/2018 at 3:10 AM, NoisyVelvet said:


@NoisyVelvet : the first 14 maps need less shells, more clips.  Some bugs that need scrubbing out.  Not a perfect wad, but not shabby; could use feedback.


Gettin' there! I've made it through elmle's maps and half of Walter's. You're up after @Terminus! (I'll be sending feedback/demos via PM.)

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  On 12/5/2018 at 3:58 AM, Ryath said:

Gettin' there! I've made it through elmle's maps and half of Walter's. You're up after @Terminus! (I'll be sending feedback/demos via PM.)



I don't recall posting a beta, other than that one map I finished early on. Feedback on that map would still be greatly appreciated :)

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  On 12/1/2018 at 4:27 AM, NoisyVelvet said:

NoisyDiarrhea_uncompiled.zip (vanilla compatible; light playtesting in chocolate and prboom+)



uv fda continuous, keyboard only + a dog laying on top of me (this should be an official category). amusing collection of small-scale ideas/gimmicks. 13 and 18 were standouts in the set for seeming the most complete/polished, 30 was also cool.


- didn't figure out the exit on map09 or map15

- I don't have sr50 bound for keyboard controls, so I skipped map21

- would've played 31 longer if the floor was -20 instead of -5 -.-


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  On 12/7/2018 at 5:22 AM, Ribbiks said:

uv fda continuous, keyboard only + a dog laying on top of me (this should be an official category). amusing collection of small-scale ideas/gimmicks. 13 and 18 were standouts in the set for seeming the most complete/polished, 30 was also cool.


awesome! will watch.

also, the feedback helps a lot.



- didn't figure out the exit on map09 or map15


Map09's exit was bugged at first due to blockmap or hitbox height or something, so i moved it around a bit and now you can only see it from a particular angle if you stare carefully... and also have max gamma.   'gotta change this one for sure.

Map15's is a hard one get to unless you explore in a particular spot and also have audio on... I might consider changing this one now that I think about it.



- I don't have sr50 bound for keyboard controls, so I skipped map21


Fair enough, though the intended method is to bob-sled down the stairs head-on like a lunatic, and to hit the jumps at a precise angle.  WASD keys only; no sr50 or sr40-with-turns needed.



- would've played 31 longer if the floor was -20 instead of -5 -.-


hah. I actually started with 20, then said, "nah people will hate me", and instead added a couple sparsely located teleporters that go back to start of level.  I think I'll make a concession and add more teleporters but up the damage.

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