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If Doom II monsters had people names what would they be?

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47 minutes ago, Final Verdict said:

The Arch Vile feels like a Barney to me, it also explains his attitude.

Barney the archvile is already a thing. He opens the door on Monster Condo.

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Zombieman - Tommy

Shotguy - Joe

Chainguy - Max

Imp - Nikolai

Demon - Ivan

Spectre - Vanya Stealth

Baron - Kostyan

Hellknight - Diman

Lost Soul - George

Mancubus - Granma Tanya

Baby Spider - Roman

Cybie - Sergey

Spider - Ignat

Arch Vile be Sanyok

Pain Elemental - Greg

Caco - Misha

Revenant - Granpa

Edited by SilverMiner

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Heavy weapons guy: Burt


Hellknight: Carlos


Mancubus: Otis


Revenant: Jim


Archvile: Andre


They strike me as those names. Now if I was trying to be humorous I'd probably put more thought into it, but this is just knee-jerk naming the sprites.

Edited by Hellektronic

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Lost Soul: Kristi (an annoying little brat, simultaneously one of my neighbors)

His equally annoying mother would be the Pain Elemental.


EDIT: they're screaming right now, so they inspired me to write this

Edited by Elio AF

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7 minutes ago, Elio AF said:

Lost Soul: Kristi (an annoying little brat, simultaneously one of my neighbors)

His equally annoying mother would be the Pain Elemental.


EDIT: they're screaming right now, so they inspired me to write this

I know this one kid who looks like the revenant. He says he watches SMG4 and is always blasting edgy music and tells """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""jokes""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" (which are him just saying random stuff like "Rape"). He harasses me and my friend and some others. And tries to pick a fight with some kids (even though he would be destroyed by a cacodemon in a fist fight).

Edited by DownloadTheseSweetViruses

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6 minutes ago, DownloadTheseSweetViruses said:

I know this one kid who looks like the revenant. He says he watches SMG4 and is always blasting edgy music and tells """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""jokes""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" (which are him just saying random stuff like "Rape"). He harasses me and my friend.

bruh his friends try to harass me, only to end up roasted

he never tries himself tho, he's like 5 (he's actually 12, i think, still too young, but he's a lost soul, so he's tiny)

Edited by Elio AF

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2 minutes ago, Elio AF said:

bruh his friends try to harass me, only to end up roasted

he never tries himself tho, he's like 5 (he's actually 12 i think, but he's a lost soul, so he's tiny)

this kid is in the 5th grade. (the one I'm talking about). And another thing if you don't know what SMG4 is I envy you.

Edited by DownloadTheseSweetViruses

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I’m kinda glad my name hasn’t popped up here yet as it’s nice to know I don’t have a demonic / douchy name :-P Yay!!! XD


Although will keep watching as am really curious as to which kinda demon gets associated to my name XD

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5 hours ago, DooM Bear said:

I’m kinda glad my name hasn’t popped up here yet as it’s nice to know I don’t have a demonic / douchy name

Arch-vile- Bear

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2 minutes ago, DownloadTheseSweetViruses said:

Peppa and pepper?

Just Curious why pepper for the spectre? 


Well, Peppa as in Peppa pig for the Pinky and as the Spectre is literally a transparent Pinky demon I just thought that a variant on almost the same name would be a laugh.

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IoS - Tagen

Imp - Hot

Demon - Tot

Hell Knight - Jin
Baron - Jod

Caco - Fie
PE - Fly

Revenant - Zan
Mancubus - Zod
Lost Soul - Pik
Specter - Snik
Arachnotron - Lun
Spider Demon - Lod
Cybie - Dreaded Icabod

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37 minutes ago, Zulk RS said:

IoS - Tagen

Imp - Hot

Demon - Tot

Hell Knight - Jin
Baron - Jod

Caco - Fie
PE - Fly

 Revenant - Zan
Mancubus - Zod
Lost Soul - Pik
Specter - Snik
Arachnotron - Lun
Spider Demon - Lod
Cybie - Dreaded Icabod

This is the winning post.

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Zombie - Floyd

Shotgunner - We'll still call him Sarge

Chaingunner - Marcus

Imp - Impy

Demon - Bob

Specter - Robert

Cacodemon - Phil

Pain Elemental - Bill

Lost Soul - Scully; or Dana if you prefer

Hell Knight - Brad

Baron of Hell - Chad

Arachnatron - Cutie Pie

Mancubus - Mr. Creosote

Revenant - Mike

Archvile - Pumpkinhead

Cyberdemon - Brandon (I don't know why, but he seems like a Brandon to me)

Spider Mastermind - Marilyn

Icon of Sin - John



Edited by Jello

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On 8/24/2020 at 3:37 AM, LiT_gam3r said:

Former Human- Derek, because only derek's are dicks that kill you after killing 3 Arch-viles in a slaughter map

Shotgun guy- Todd, because Todd's are that one guy that wants to be like everybody else, but serves no purpose

Imp- Suzette, because Suzette's are all sadistic assholes from the bowels of hell

Wolf ss- Hans, because that's the name of the German asshole in the movies, so that's the name of the German asshole in the games

Commander Keen- Billy, cuz dats hiz naym

Demon- Chet, because all Chet's are morons that believe they are better than everyone, when they are not

Spectre- Chad, because Chads are just a bit worse than Chets, and are even more braggadocious

Heavy Weapon Dude- Earl, because all Earl's act like they have the greatest purpose at every party, when they are all just dicks

Lost Soul- Ryan, because Ryan's are all jocks that would be the first to die in every zombie movie

Cacodemon- Samantha, because Samantha's are like karens, but less karen than karen

Hell Knight- Junior, because they believe they will never look good in their parents eyes

Revenant- Gale, because Gale's seem nice on the outside, but are all evil on the inside

Mancubus- Jessica, because Jessica's all show up all glamourous, then ruin the show with their fireballs of gossip

Arachnotron- Leonard, because Leonard's spew crap at you all at once, when you realize they were never invited to the party

Pain Elemental- Josh, because Josh is the only Douchy name I could think of

Arch-vile- Richard, because he's a Dick no matter what.

Cyberdemon- Cheryl, because although they have nice looks, you still don't want to flirt with them

Spider-mastermind- Alexandra, because they boss Cheryl even though Cheryl could take her down in a fight

IoS/John Romero- Sandy, because Sandy was not good at mapping.



Hey, apologize!





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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

for some reason i kept naming imps "Jefferson the 3rd". i name the demons way too often, like one of the demons says "no! you killed henry! he was going to be a father!" and other things. if you name them, then you'll feel bad

Edited by Deathclaw886

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