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Things about Doom you just found out


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Today I found out that American McGee's first name is actually American.

I always thought it was a stage name.

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15 hours ago, Edward850 said:

It's more accurate to say it doesn't let you save at all in vanilla if you're dead (unless it's multiplayer). 

Pretty much.

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14 minutes ago, VonHeer said:

Spider-masterminds can infight. Never knew that, might have seen it sometime but never had it in memory. 

MAP54: Redemption Denied (PSX and Saturn ports) has two spider masterminds that infight.

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Doom 2 Map 28 also has a pair of spider masterminds a bit apart (HMP on up), so you'll need to goad one into shooting another. Thankfully, there's two invulnerability spheres to soak up the damage, as well as the pack of arachnotrons nearby.

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Ghost monsters. When you kill a demon and its corpse is under a door, the door will crush it and turn it to mince meat. However, if there’s an Archvile and it resurrects the minced demon, the demon will be resurrected like normal, but you can’t attack it directly. You have to use a rocket launcher and lure it to a wall so you can kill it with splash damage. 

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On 9/28/2019 at 3:26 AM, Diabolución said:

Certain French shovelware compilation preserved a version of BF_THUD!.WAD which includes JPTR_V40.WAD’s E3M8 as MAP30.


Also, this compilation did preserve the entire contents (already unpacked, that is) of the original CDKSTUFF.ZIP posted supposedly on CompuServe Action Games forum by the author of all this stuff, Christen David Klie. It contains the original filenames of his Master Levels outtakes, as curiosity.


Extracted from said shovelware compilation: https://doomshack.org/uploads/CDKSTUFF_REBUILT.ZIP


And I have realised that said French shovelware compilation did preserve forever ever the updated versions (v1.1) of the free loose Cabal levels by @Soundblock. Paging @JPL as well, just in case.


Extracted from said shovelware compilation:



At any rate, these loose levels match byte-for-byte the ones compiled in the official caball ("all the cabals", basically):



P.D.: Lol! They just ignored the wishes of the author of these levels, and included them in the shovelware compilation anyway.




You may not use these levels as a base to build additional levels, and you may _certainly_ not include it in any horrible 100 000-wad-compilation.



Edited by Diabolución

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2 hours ago, Diabolución said:

and you may _certainly_ not include it in any horrible 100 000-wad-compilation. 

"Ah, but our compilation is not horrible! We find it really cool in fact!"

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10 hours ago, Oldschoolgeek32 said:

One thing I never noticed is how the pistols shoots inaccurately during a long key press. :O

...and chaingun is sniper-rifle-accurate on the first shot. welcome to "chaingun tapping sniping"! ;-)

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On 10/18/2020 at 4:43 AM, VonHeer said:

Spider-masterminds can infight. Never knew that, might have seen it sometime but never had it in memory. 

If I'm not mistaken it's because their chaingun is a hitscan weapon. and it's only monsters who fire projectiles, that can't infight. (except under special circumstances).


1 hour ago, MaxRideWizardLord said:

literally doom 2 map 28 bruh

I think they meant, two Masterminds can infight each other. because monsters of the same kind who fire projectiles cannot infight, like 2 imps or 2 barons of hell. etc

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17 minutes ago, Dylan Omen said:

If I'm not mistaken it's because their chaingun is a hitscan weapon. and it's only monsters who fire projectiles, that can't infight. (except under special circumstances).

Pretty much. Only projectiles have the infight checks for enemy types, no other attack nor any other form of damage will perform these checks and thus can cause infighting between the same types, including explosives. By extension, any two enemies of the same type regardless of what their original attack is will infight if they harm each other through a barrel blast, though this normally can't occur due to a quirk in how barrel damage ownership functions (it's only tracked on damage, not the shot that destroys the barrel).


There's 3 indirect exceptions: Melee attacks which while they don't have these checks cannot ever physically damage a non-targeted enemy, cyberdemons have an explosive attack but are also immune to explosive damage and thus can't be harmed that way, and Archviles have the only other explosive attack but can't ever trigger infighting of any other enemy against it.

Edited by Edward850

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Also pain elementals cannot trigger infighting because their projectiles are monsters, so the damage will be blamed on the lost soul instead of the pain elemental that shot it.


1 hour ago, Edward850 said:

though this normally can't occur due to a quirk in how barrel damage ownership functions (it's only tracked on damage, not the shot that destroys the barrel).

More precisely, this is tracked after damage is inflicted and possibly resulted in the barrel exploding, so it actually tracks who damaged the barrel without destroying it before, rather than who destroyed the barrel.

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8 hours ago, ketmar said:

...and chaingun is sniper-rifle-accurate on the first shot. welcome to "chaingun tapping sniping"! ;-)

The first 2 bullets have perfect accuracy, and it always shoots in bursts of 2 if you tap. It's much closer to a rifle in the way it feels and functions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used to think that the dead Baron of Hell wall texture (SP_DUDE6) was exclusive to E2M8 but I recently found out that if you manage to find the secret exit (which isn't that hard to reach in the first place) you can catch a glimpse of it in the Cacodemons side room. I would assume that since Sandy didn't have a baron corpse decorative entity to place around the room or he really liked the texture so much that he wanted to use it elsewhere besides E2M8. In this instance, instead of preparing you to something a lot worse than the Baron of Hell, he utilized the texture to emphasis the hostility between the races and to further point out the gimmick of the map, just like the Cacodemon corpses around the Barons room. 


Sorry if this was mentioned already.


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22 hours ago, Uni said:

I used to think that the dead Baron of Hell wall texture (SP_DUDE6) was exclusive to E2M8 but I recently found out that if you manage to find the secret exit (which isn't that hard to reach in the first place) you can catch a glimpse of it in the Cacodemons side room. I would assume that since Sandy didn't have a baron corpse decorative entity to place around the room or he really liked the texture so much that he wanted to use it elsewhere besides E2M8. In this instance, instead of preparing you to something a lot worse than the Baron of Hell, he utilized the texture to emphasis the hostility between the races and to further point out the gimmick of the map, just like the Cacodemon corpses around the Barons room.


Hmm. That's interesting. E2M9 is the only secret level I ever found in the normal course of playing, but I never noticed that. I'm actually rather glad I didn't see it, because it would have diminished the impact of seeing disemboweled Barons in E2M8. It's been over 25 years, but I have a vague memory of staring at the disemboweled Barons wondering what was out there that could do this to a Baron of Hell (to that point, the most difficult enemy in the game).

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@Pegleg That was the exact same reaction I had when I saw this. I only recently payed attention to the surrounding details, mainly because of how hectic the nature of the map is, which focuses on infighting element that I never bothered to snoop around. Sorry if I ruined yet another slice of Doom for you, I just enjoyed exploring the original games and try to get into the head of the creators. There's still so much to discover.

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On 10/4/2020 at 12:22 AM, hawkwind said:

The former human is not fullbright when firing, yet the other "human" monsters are. An Id oversight.

Maybe it was meant to highlight how much stronger Shotgun Guy and Heavy Weapon Dude are.

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I've never been able to replicate it again, but I found out a few days ago while testing a deHACKED enemy that you could be killed/gibbed and potentially see your corpse fly away from the camera.  I literally thought I made a mistake when creating the enemy that would spawn a corpse but it somehow managed to jam itself inside me while exploding which then sent the player corpse flying but managed to keep the player camera stationary.


I really wish I was recording a demo.  Has this ever happened to anyone else?

Edited by Mr. LBN

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44 minutes ago, Mr. LBN said:

I've never been able to replicate it again, but I found out a few days ago while testing a deHACKED enemy that you could be killed/gibbed and potentially see your corpse fly away from the camera.  I literally thought I made a mistake when creating the enemy that would spawn a corpse but it somehow managed to jam itself inside me while exploding which then sent the player corpse flying but managed to keep the player camera stationary.


I really wish I was recording a demo.  Has this ever happened to anyone else?

Sounds like you're describing this PrBoom+ easter egg:

Edited by Andromeda

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54 minutes ago, Andromeda said:

Sounds like you're describing this PrBoom+ easter egg:

Damn.  And here I thought this was some obscure bug that was possible in Vanilla DOOM.  Thanks for the link and comment thought!

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I've just discovered the utility of small, tiny sectors which are more than 24 units below the surrounding floor for purposes of blocking ground-based monsters without blocking flying monsters. Unlike the lindef flag, you can also "turn them on or off" with the use of tags and/or dummy sectors.


It's also neat that leaving off the lower textures, the player won't even notice that they're there.



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