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What do the different like / reaction buttons mean?

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I tend to give invuln spheres to posts I find particularly helpful - but yeah, there's no inherent system to the spheres, you just give them out however you like! :P

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55 minutes ago, Not Jabba said:

Linguica added them on a whim, and I remember the discord discussion at the time was "it'll be funny because there's four different reacts that all mean the exact same thing and people can just pick whichever one they feel like." However, trying to get a bunch of gamers to not create a logical system of categorization for a set of symbols is like trying to stop the tides, and people have had many discussions trying to decide what they mean. It's a little disheartening seeing a good joke fail so completely, but I definitely understand why it doesn't work as intended.


I could see Linguica not getting that; reminds me about that line on Gamergate in The New Right.

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I actually was hesitant to use any other but the blue sphere (Soulsphere), as I didn't know whether they have different meanings. I thought, maybe one is used for downvoting, and so I could unknowingly downvote a post when I really meant to express the opposite.

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soul sphere - default (I agree; I like it, thanks, etc.)

blur artifact - laughter

invulnerability - nice doom content (I use this when people post wad screenshots/downloads or release new version of source port, etc.)

megasphere - you win at life


This is my personal system, but the main thing is they are all positive reinforcement and people not knowing my mental process does not really make any difference.

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1 hour ago, Not Jabba said:

It's a little disheartening seeing a good joke fail so completely

Or maybe it succeeded beyond all expectations

...I just hit soulsphere though because I'm too lazy to click on the other ones

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24 minutes ago, CorianderCastor said:


I could see Linguica not getting that; reminds me about that line on Gamergate in The New Right.

Wait, sorry, how is this related to Gamergate? 

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I got with, Invisibility sphere is like stuff I like but I’m not too impressed/I don’t like them THAT much


Soulsphere is a regular like


Megasphere is impressive


Invulnerability is the top of the top 

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We should get Argent Energy Runes for super epic post. As it's more powerful that Megasphere.

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On 7/11/2021 at 8:52 PM, Not Jabba said:

Linguica added them on a whim, and I remember the discord discussion at the time was "it'll be funny because there's four different reacts that all mean the exact same thing and people can just pick whichever one they feel like." However, trying to get a bunch of gamers to not create a logical system of categorization for a set of symbols is like trying to stop the tides, and people have had many discussions trying to decide what they mean. It's a little disheartening seeing a good joke fail so completely, but I definitely understand why it doesn't work as intended.

atleast people are enjoying the variety of doom spheres that he added :-)

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Considering the Invisibility sphere usually fucks you in-game, it's not surprising a handful of people use it as an "I only kinda like this" button.


People basically started using them in a sort of metaphorical way for what each orb represents in Doom itself - megas and invulns are amazing, souls are pretty good, and invis leaves you wondering: "Does the mapper hate me? Or do they just genuinely think this thing is helpful?"


TBH it would be like giving people a pistol react and a BFG react - the BFG is clearly the superior one.

Edited by Doomkid

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I don't have a rigid pattern, but it goes more or less like this:

Soul - I like it
Mega - I like it a lot
Invul - *Brofist*

Blur - Funny in a good way

Special cases:

- will give an invul to maps that are green

- will give blur to FIREBLU-related posts


end my life pls

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I like to use the Megasphere reaction on a map post before I record someone's map


Fun fact

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I generally use them like this:

Soulsphere - Like


Megasphere - Like Plus


Invulnerable sphere - Funny like

Blursphere - I generally give this one for bad puns and painful jokes, but I've used it for other reasons as well. A bit ambiguous. Consider the context.

Edited by NoXion

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They are based on Mexican New Year traditions. I will tell you what they mean according to fortune cookies bought from Mexican Chinese restaurants in Mexico.


The Blue Hombre - "You will live a full life, plus whatever is already in your inventory.  Unless you don't."


The White Hombre - "You now have the potential to live twice as long as an average person from your respective hometown. Please refer to your nation's user manual for an accurate number. If you cannot find your user manual, please call the number located on the back of our menu for assistance."


The Green Hombre - "You will be invulnerable for less than a minute. This is one of the perks of eating at our restaurant. You will need this when ordering our Poo Poo Platter Pinata!"


Hombre's Eye - "We provide this to all couples who order Hombre's Magic Aphrodisiac Salad. Become invisible for less than a minute! Only one per couple please!"

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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To me it goes like this:

Soul- I like your post.

Mega-I like your post and I wish you a good day.

Invul-only for absolute godly posts (rare). 
Invis-fireblue posts or I’m telling you that I don’t like your post.

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Soulsphere: General like

Invulnerability: Funny

Invisibility: Insightful / knowledgeable

Megasphere: Really awesome

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Soulsphere: I sentence you into an eternal life of painful servitude. But you will still exist, unlike all the others who simply disappear into the ether.


Invisibility: I will make you into a shadow forever bound to those they loved, and all of their descendants. You will be forever close to those you loved, but will never be able to reach out to them.


Megasphere: You will serve a subservient role in my army of destruction. Do your task, and do it well, and I may spare you. Do not take this gratitude lightly.


Invulnerability: You are accepted into the highest echelons of my forces, and will have the power of the universe at your hands. For thirty seconds. Keep in mind, I eat these things like popcorn, so don't get it into your head that you can kill me while I grant you this power. You will be cut off, mister.

Edited by Jello

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11 minutes ago, Devalaous said:

Can you even TELL what sphere someone used on you? Notifications just say 'reacted to a post'

Well, if someone used a sphere, that little greyed out sphere in the bottom right corner will change to an aqua green box, with a number in it, simply showing how many people "liked" it. If you click on it, it will show you which users gave you a sphere and which sphere it was.


But yeah, it doesn't show up in notifications. You have to go to the original comment to find out. As far as I know. 

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Soulsphhere: This post made me feel the feels. (Like)


Megasphere: This post was awesome (Love)


Invulnerability: This post is full of unassailable truth (Agreement.)


Invisibility: This post really should be invisible, as it is full of things that no human should have to behold. (Dislike/Disagreement.)


[edit] thinking about it, perhaps having a dislike button is not something we wanna encourage. Maybe it could be like subtle or clever, as Chezza suggested. Or cheesy or groanworthy. Or something.

Edited by bLOCKbOYgAMES

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I honestly wondered about that too. I usually just do the soulsphere like, but have pressed other spheres once in awhile. I'd imagine invulnerability would be the ultimate compliment. 

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  • 6 months later...

This is an incredibly common question among people new to DW, and I can't blame them myself. Matter of fact, I too was confused by this when I was new too. So, I'm making this thread in the hopes that all new members may have all their doubts cleared. The meaning behind the spheres is actually incredibly simple. I once asked Linguica himself, the creator of this very site, the question, and this was his answer:LingMan.PNG.255018f563fafd9fc4e3ea5c9ebd0417.PNG

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People registering today: ''Huh, that's neat. But other question - Which wad do you like?''


People registering tomorrow: ''Hey, first thread here, also first user, so bear with me lol. So anyway. I noticed at the posts that there are some kind of spheres in different colours attached to them. Like, they are like thumbs up or something? What do these spheres mean? Can anyone tell me? I am sorry if this has been asked before, i used the search but i didn't find anything, so. Love to hear your thoughts about it!''


@DSCI appreciate your thread. Thank you for doing this.

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9 minutes ago, Redneckerz said:

I appreciate your thread. Thank you for doing this.

You're welcome! :)

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