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[Ultimate Doom Community Project] Solar Struggle - Making maps where names are pre-selected (Development thread) [Looking for artists] [WE HAVE ALL THE MAPS]

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Stream concluded, VOD seems to be available. Encountered some weird crashes, probably related to UMAPINFO that I'll need to investigate.

Tested from E2M4 to E3M2.


@Nefelibeta I found a few small issues on your map that is probably easier for me to fix in my pack than wait for you to do it, but I'd like to run past you first. Crushers will upper-unpegged textures look like they dissolve, they probably should be un-unpegged. Pillar with plasmagun is 32 units wide but uses 24 units wide SUPPORT textures. Teleport to cyberdemon room is not active from all sides.

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  • 2 weeks later...

February is starting, so first, a reminder of deadline for at least some results by the end of the month.


Second, I am confident enough that we'll get this off the ground, that it's time to start looking for artists. While original animated screen is fine and all, I think simpler intermission screen using UMAPINFO should work for us here. What I want is essentially a depiction of celestial object in question (Titan, Ceres, Moon and close-up of Venus) covered in a grid with a particular sector highlighted for each map. It shouldn't be hard to do, but I don't have enough finesse to do it well. Action of E1 and E3 take place on the surface, but E2 takes inside the asteroid, going deeper down with each level, so that one should be a cross-section. E4 should be an up-close depiction of clouds.


Finally we need a cool attention-grabbing titlepic. This would be more ambitious. My idea is to depict solar system with a pentagram-shaped shockwave spreading through it and corrupting it.

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Just a heads up that I'm now about half way done with my map. However, school has started back up for me so that means less time to work on it. That and I've also been losing some motivation to make maps in general.


I'm somewhat concerned that I won't be able to submit my map in time, so when it reaches the deadline but my map is still unfinished, could I use a 1-2 week extension if you're fine with that @ViolentBeetle?

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22 minutes ago, Wavy said:

I'm somewhat concerned that I won't be able to submit my map in time, so when it reaches the deadline but my map is still unfinished, could I use a 1-2 week extension if you're fine with that @ViolentBeetle?

It's fine as long as it's mostly finished - and seems like would be properly finished soon. I just want to eliminate the situation where participants hold onto the slots with no end in sight, without giving it up.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just want to say that due to some devastating and unfortunate family events that I will not go into detail on, I haven't really had the time nor been in the mood to continue my map. I'll still try to get it done however, but I don't guarantee that I can submit it before the end of the month.

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@Wavy Hope things will improve for you. This project will still be here so just take the time you need. In the end your own mental health and well-being is the priority.

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12 hours ago, Wavy said:

Just want to say that due to some devastating and unfortunate family events that I will not go into detail on, I haven't really had the time nor been in the mood to continue my map. I'll still try to get it done however, but I don't guarantee that I can submit it before the end of the month.

I hope things improve for you.


If you won't be able to make a map, perhaps you'd be interested in finding a co-mapper who would bring it to completion?

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1 hour ago, ViolentBeetle said:

If you won't be able to make a map, perhaps you'd be interested in finding a co-mapper who would bring it to completion? 

Not personally my thing honestly. I'm not a fan of juggling a WAD file around with another person.


However, I was able to make a decent amount of progress that I was happy with yesterday, and I do think that with a bit more work that I can actually get the map done (even if I do use a small extension if that is fine by you).

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Popping in to say progress is going well, and I should have something to release this weekend. I might ask for more time after that for a better detail pass, but I guess that's included with fixes and feedback.

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...Add one more day to release. But I guess I can tide people over with some screens!



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Nice screenshots @dac!


As for updates on my end, the map geometry is nearly complete. I really just have to do one room, and that's about it. After that is just monster placement which I already have planned down anyways. I'll also try to share some screenshots Soon™


As for when I'll submit my map, I'll try to get the core map in sometime in March. I'll share updated versions with added details later in the month however, as it's not my priority right now.

Edited by Wavy

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Sorry to hear that things are kinda rough on your end atm VB! Hope things are looking up again for you soon! :)


Love the concept of this project, the whole thing gives me 90s golden-age-of-shareware / id / Apogee vibes, which is very much a good thing, hahaha!


Was gonna hold off giving the demo a go as the 1.0 release seems to be coming soon (?) but if the screenshots I've seen all throughout this thread are any indication, this set is gonna be an absolute winner! Bonus points for being a DOOM 1 project too!

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Hi guys, I am really looking forward to this project, take your time and do the best you can to bring it to completion.


I am really curious about what ViolentBeetle & this varied team will deliver within the boundaries of Ultimate Doom... setting aside the hard gameplay priorities for a thematic and coherent approach, which was what Skulltiverse improved upon Hellevator (I played both). Keep up the good work, you are almost done!


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16 hours ago, ViolentBeetle said:

I am not in a good place right now, personally, so I won't be able to process submissions just yet. Just for this end I extend deadline by one week.


I've seen what was going on, hopefully things gets better on your end. And also thanks for the extension, might as well use it to prettify and refine things before I hit send.

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2 hours ago, ViolentBeetle said:

So, I'm hoping you all would be able to turn in a map this week. (Stupid text editor won't let me easily add your names in one sitting)

@maxresdefault @Wavy @dac @BluePineapple72 @Astro X @Anarkzie

I'll try. Been dealing with family stuff and homework but I've made some good progress so I'll see what I can do.

Edited by Wavy

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@ViolentBeetle I'll have something this Tuesday. Health hasn't been the best these past few days, but the map should be good enough to release then.

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On 10/31/2021 at 6:12 PM, ViolentBeetle said:



Hi my map is mostly done and I should be dropping it either tomorrow or the day after. I want to thank you for your patience, I'm honestly kind of embarrassed that I've been working on this thing since October last year and I'm only now getting to the point that I can release it. 

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Just want to chime in and say that I'll try to submit my map by the end of the week. Most I'll have to do now is visual touch ups and monster placement.

Edited by Wavy

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