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[Released] Doomworld Mega Project 2022 (12 folders)

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50 MB allows for a lot, but 100 files is tricky! One of the things I considered including had 190 files, and only 77 of them seemed non-essential. We'll see!

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Just to clarify, the 100 files limit only refers to the amount of files in your zip file. For example, one wad file containing new maps/textures/music/etc. only counts as one file.

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This is something I've been wondering about... I don't suppose I can just bypass it by putting a zip inside a zip, and putting 1000 files in that zip? But then, a WAD file can contain absolutely anything too... it's just less convenient to access.

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  • 1 month later...




Title: Mystery of the Forgotten Ruins

Author: Philnemba

Game: Sorrow by @Redead-ITA

Editor(s) Used: Ultimate Doom Builder & SLADE

Port: GZDoom 

Slot: MAP03 to 01

Files: MOTFRv2.wad. MOTFRv2.txt

Zip file size: 5.05 MB

Build time: on & off for a few weeks

Tested with: GZdoom & wigzdoom

Bugs: None

Description: An experimental Sorrow mapset, the first in its existence, with an ancient ruins theme using unuse textures(?) from the original game using public domain chiptune music by Hefka Games












Edited by Philnemba
small late update description

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10 hours ago, Philnemba said:



Title: Mystery of the Forgotten Ruins

Author: Philnemba

Game: Sorrow by @Redead-ITA


COLOR ME Surpised, i didn't expect people were going to make maps of my games, i have to check it out!


Ok so i played the maps, i had to say at first the mood whiplash from the main song to the chiptunes kind of threw me off but i later got used to it, Definitelly like the feeling of it, ESPECIALLY the second map, i also dig how you used decorations for the monsters as turrets and added the miniboss enemies(those gave me a good chuckle.), Here is some small feedback

Spoilers for the later stuff:

Is jumping and crouching allowed? because i found it enabled and i didn't know why.


The secret health wells are very nice, but i feel they are very slow on their job, maybe push the health speed to be 5 or 10 instead of just 1.

The boss fight seems very sudden so i'd say maybe to make it so you start before the fight to give, maybe hide a secret 200 health area too? not to say that it is necessary.


Edited by Redead-ITA
Added my review of the mapset!

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13 hours ago, Redead-ITA said:


Is jumping and crouching allowed? because i found it enabled and i didn't know why.

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The secret health wells are very nice, but i feel they are very slow on their job, maybe push the health speed to be 5 or 10 instead of just 1.

The boss fight seems very sudden so i'd say maybe to make it so you start before the fight to give, maybe hide a secret 200 health area too? not to say that it is necessary.



Yeah not sure why jumping & crouching isn't disable so I should add that to MapInfo lump 🤔



Honestly don't know how to speed up the health sector since there are no options to increase their tick speed on UDB so probably could change that via ZScript but I have little to no experience on how to properly do that -_-;


I'll probably do a small update base on your suggestions later this week 👌

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13 hours ago, Philnemba said:


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Honestly don't know how to speed up the health sector since there are no options to increase their tick speed on UDB so probably could change that via ZScript but I have little to no experience on how to properly do that -_-;


I'll probably do a small update base on your suggestions later this week 👌


Have you tried doing something with it in ACS?

That is how i coded my secret in secret mirror room.


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Updated my Sorrow mapset thanks to @Redead-ITA feedback & this should be considered done for me :)



Version 2 changes:
- Increase the tick rate & HP recovery in the two secret healing chambers on map02 & map03
- Map 02: Ajusted floor height on the right side of the map before the mini boss 
- Map 01: Add a room before the main boss room


On 7/5/2022 at 5:07 AM, Redead-ITA said:
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Have you tried doing something with it in ACS?

That is how i coded my secret in secret mirror room.



Just discover that in UDB I can change the tick rate in the sector damage options which I somehow completely didn't notice til today -_-;


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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 4 weeks later...

Really, this starts to become my junkyard of ideas now lol



Title: Radio Transmission Tower

Author: Walter

Game: Doom 2: Hell on Earth (1994, ID Software)

Editor(s) Used: Ultimate Doom Builder

Port: MBF21 (complevel 21)

Slot: MAP01

New Textures: No

New Music: No

Files: testtowr.wad

Zip file size: 9 kb

Build time: 1 hour and half, even shorter.

Tested with: DSDA-Doom

Bugs: Sky bleeds between sector borders

Description: A very small map made to testing DSDA-Doom port capacities for MBF21, sets in a tower in a middle of universe collision.

Inspiration: Half-Assed for the theme concept.


Screenshots in spoiler:




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Looks like Walter might be the big winner at the end of year :)


Also, I've decided the rules for next year's DMP: boom compatible with no new textures/flats/dehacked/etc., plus a super secret oppressive rule that people will hate. It's probably not what you think.

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11 hours ago, TimeOfDeath666 said:

Also, I've decided the rules for next year's DMP: boom compatible with no new textures/flats/dehacked/etc., plus a super secret oppressive rule that people will hate

So, like DMP 2018?


But without new midis as well? Or something even more oppressive?


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Zip file 4,53 MiB

Contains a public alpha and beta stuff (and their description.txt as well):


Two maps and a zdoom texture pack from nothing. Public alpha


The first map is meant for a dbp41 continuation or its spin-off, named Complex, requires dbp41 itself or its resources to run. Public beta, limit removing


The second one is a standalone single map, named KOFESKARDAMONOM, a public alpha of my new personal megawad. Has MudicewindTNT texture pack inside. Maybe runs in PrBoom+ but I'm not sure, should run in Zdoom 2.8.1




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17 hours ago, Walter confetti said:

So, like DMP 2018?

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But without new midis as well? Or something even more oppressive?



New midis will be ok. I think it will be even more oppressive than dmp2018. It will be tricky, for myself as well, but not in the way you might think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jumping in and dropping this off: ACS_RaceTest.zip


Originally a scripted easter egg thing for my map in JAMP2, but didn't have enough time to finish.
This is an extremely basic concept using ACS and DECORATE where you race around the map until you pass 3 laps.

Don't expect quality... Or anything really.

Tested with GZDoom 4.8.2

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  • 2 weeks later...



Title: Panopticono

Author: Clamgor

Game: Doom II, Boom format

Editor(s) Used: Doom Builder, SLADE, WhackED4

Port: PrBoom+ or GZDoom 

Slot: MAP01

Files: panopticono.wad, panopticono.deh, panopticono.txt

Zip file size: 2.30MB

Build time: 12 Days.

Tested with: prBoom+ 2.6.1um, GZDoom 4.8.2

Bugs: slime trail(s)

Description: A high tech hellish monstrosity. Made up this map to test some design and gameplay ideas, the central area is a circular courtyard with access to the four other branching rooms. Have fun.

Additional credits:
DiR for OPal Custom Palette
Tormentor667 for 2mbrown Texture WAD
Doomkid for Riff v2 MIDI






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On 10/21/2022 at 7:54 AM, Rykz said:

Password: not yet, wait until I'm done lol

Maybe if it's not ready... don't post it yet, instead of being an asshole by posting it and going "lol no password for you!"

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Seems perfectly fitting for this project... unless an unusable file falls under "inappropriate files", which arguably could mean absolutely anything, thus allowing you to freely bypass "the files can be anything" rule at your own discretion.

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2 hours ago, Scypek2 said:

Seems perfectly fitting for this project... unless an unusable file falls under "inappropriate files", which arguably could mean absolutely anything, thus allowing you to freely bypass "the files can be anything" rule at your own discretion.

Might as well submit nothing then.


EDIT: Thinking about it, you could have like two zip files, one containing one level and the other would contain the remaining ones, but locked with a password you could find hidden deep in the first level. But the submission being password locked and with no real incentive to crack it is just lame though.

Edited by Andromeda

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