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  On 5/19/2023 at 10:25 PM, Matacrat said:


If you know that you can submit your map before the hard deadline and you have already claimed a slot then go for it, but please tell me that you're going to do this.


Consider it done, I won't have a problem getting it done before the hard deadline.

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Here is the first draft of my map for this project:




Tested with DSDA-Doom on -complevel 9. I think the difficulty is moderately hard on UV and a little easier on lower settings. I'd like to spend more time tweaking the encounters and difficulty balance on all settings. Some more detail could be added here and there as well. I used AutoDoom to test for any co-op bugs in addition to testing for the usual (soft-locks, no ammo, etc.).


Map Name: The Secret Service

Author: Moustachio

Music and Composers: "When Hell Is Full" by @KCLaz

Par Time: 3:00

Map Description: More or less a 10-minute long adventure through an invaded military base.

Map Screenshot:

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Edited by Moustachio
Added a link to the finished midi. The map file was updated to include the midi

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Map Name: Clean Ewers
Author: Chuckles_troll
Music and Composers: Passport.mid - George Stone
Par Time: 8:00
Map Description: This a short map isn't exactly too hard but isn't too easy either
Map Screenshot: 

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  On 5/19/2023 at 10:25 PM, Matacrat said:


If you know that you can submit your map before the hard deadline and you have already claimed a slot then go for it, but please tell me that you're going to do this.





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Sorry to say this on this short a notice, but I won't quite be able to meet the soft deadline either. But I won't be too late - I'll have my map ready to go next week.

Edited by MFG38

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  On 5/19/2023 at 10:25 PM, Matacrat said:

but please tell me that you're going to do this.



Sadly I cannot get my map out for the soft deadline either. My map is nearly finished so hopefully I can get it out relatively soon.

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Phew! Had my work cut out for me this evening. Here are your playtest videos, kids!


@eater29 Terrific map, fam. As someone who usually struggles immensely with slaughtermaps, I had a great time. Probably the most fun I've ever had playing a slaughtermap. Well done :^)




@russin Simple, elegant and downright cheeky.



@Moustachio Top-notch quality as per usual, mate. Some very wily encounters indeed.



@Chuckles_troll Solid work, no complaints



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OK, mine feels very inadequate compared to basically all other submissions I've seen, but at least I've got something, and I don't think it's entirely terrible... There are definitely visual improvements I could make before the hard deadline.




Map Name: another_nukage_plant.dwd
Author: DrinkyBird
Music and Composers: Bobby Prince - Between Levels (D_BETWEE)
Par Time: 3 minutes
Map Description: Another short, not too hard map very creatively set in yet another nukage plant.
Map Screenshot:

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Still working on my part, hopefully it will be done somewhere around next week

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Obs: I know it's looking quite blocky, i'm thinking on how to decorate to fix this issue

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So definitely more work to be done with the enemy encounters and some texture alignment. The level can be and has been balanced for all difficulties/Co-Op. I will adjust enemy encounters depending on how everyone feels about the difficulty levels. I was going for a level that is fun to play but not frustrating. The layout is more surrealist than based on real architecture. I have allot of things that go on behind the scenes, they all work on my end but I am curious to see if the timing and everything works for everyone else. 




Difficulties Tested and Completed On :

  • HNTR
  • HMP
  • UV

Engines Tested :

  • Crispy Doom 5.11.10
  • GZDoom 4.10
  • PrBoom+ 2.6.2
  • Woof! 9.0.0
  • ZDoom




Map Name : Everything is Going to be Okay

Author : HorseJockey

Midi/Composer : Everything is Going to be Okay by Mick Gordon, sheet music transcribed by Olivier Rifa, Arangement by HorseJockey

Par Time : 4:02

Description : "Everything is going to be okay."

Map Shot :

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Edited by HorseJockey
Updated download link

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Map Name: BFG Testing Facility (probably temporary)
Author: tonytheparrot
Music and Composers: Fight To The End by Knightrider of Doom
Par Time: 20:00
Map Description: Listen up Marine!!! We have created this combat simulation inspired by the products of NoReason.Inc to do further testing on our BFG and we feel like you are the perfect guy to send there! So get in there, hold down the fire button, stay alive and try to find the little surprise we've hidden for you!
Map Screenshot:

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Notes: I know the map is not perfect aesthetically (especially in regards to texture alignment) but I am gonna work on that for the hard deadline. Also, all difficulties are there, but not tested outside of UV

tony blockedout.zip.





Edited by tonytheparrot

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Map Name: Gateway To Infinity
Author: Monsieur E
Music and Composer: Under Death by Mark Klem 
Par Time: 4:00
Map Description: "Infiltrate the forsaken outpost rumored to house the gateway to infinity"

Map Screenshot: (image taken with -nomonsters)

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Notes: Scythe-like short map, uses RSKY2 renamed to RSKY1 from the asset pack to use it in map01. Difficulties implemented but not extensively tested, all eight co-op starts implemented. Should be on the easier side. Tested on dsda-doom 0.25.6, prBoom+ 

GatewayToInfinity.zipFetching info...

Edited by Monsieur E

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@Biodegradable Thanks for the playthrough, that one was really fun to watch!


@Matacrat A couple of small updates on my map:

  1. I think I want to change the title to something like The Secret Service or udb_secret_service (if we're keeping with the indev theme here).
  2. @KCLaz Is getting close to finishing up an original midi for this map. It'll likely be done well before the hard deadline, and I'll post it here when it is.

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@Biodegradable Thanks for playing the map i'm glad you enjoyed it even with it's shortcomings.

I know some area feels underwhelming at times and the useless area with the pinkies at the beginning I almostly added it just because why not.

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Map Name: Ochre Enigma
Author: Blast_Brothers
Music and Composers: "Break Silence" from Ristar (by Tomoko Sasaki\Naofumi Hataya\Masafumi Ogata; MIDI by Don Brislan with some minor edits by me)
Par Time: 10:00
Map Description: Three challenges await in an amber void... Medium to hard. Lower difficulties are implemented but may or may not be "done".
Map Screenshot: 


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@DrinkyBird Perfectly fine map with a little room for improvement. It's good, I promise. Be kinder to yourself, fam.



@HorseJockey Unfortunately I had a great deal of issues with your map, fam. It's plagued with something that causes GZ to randomly crash the entire time I played it. At first, I thought it might've been my cosmetic mods which would've been unusual but should never be counted out. However, that didn't appear to be the culprit as it happened regardless. Your midi also appears to be broken as it doesn't loop. I also think it might be a little too short given the map's length and the fact it stopped before I had even finished the first 2 minutes of the map. Balancing is also a big issue as there simply isn't enough health and ammo to work with. I was scrambling for it the entire time and the rug-pull fight at the very end was made virtually impossible due to the complete lack of resources. The layout is cool, the design is interesting and I think it could otherwise be fun if not challenging thanks to its hitscanner hell philosophy, but it definitely needs some more time in the oven.



@tonytheparrot The map tanks GZDoom's frame-rate given the sheer number of enemies, but I got it to run fine on DSDA-Doom. However, this map is far beyond my pay grade and I couldn't get even remotely close to finishing it. I'm dreadfully bad at this kind of in-your-face slaughtermap style. Hopefully, someone else more experienced with this kind of insane slaughter can give it a proper run-down for you.

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  On 5/19/2023 at 10:25 PM, Matacrat said:

If you know that you can submit your map before the hard deadline and you have already claimed a slot then go for it, but please tell me that you're going to do this.



Yes, i see to do some small, boxy arena map.

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Not sure why that is freezing on you, I didn't encounter that once in my playtests. I'm curious to know if anyone else has that issue. The ladders I agree with, you actually don't need to hold down forward on them but that isn't intuitive. If you just walk into it, it will "carry" you up the ladder. As for the resources, I thought I had way too much lol. There was also the chainsaw and rockets you didn't pick up in the Revenant room. I'm mostly concerned about the freezing as there isn't any code running because it's a Boom compatible map, so the only thing I can think of off the top of my head is the nodes aren't getting built correctly, But again as it doesn't freeze for me I'm going to be taking a stab in the dark, so if anyone else happens to play the map and can confirm the freezing issue that would be awesome. 

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  On 5/21/2023 at 6:58 AM, Biodegradable said:


@tonytheparrot The map tanks GZDoom's frame-rate given the sheer number of enemies, but I got it to run fine on DSDA-Doom. However, this map is far beyond my pay grade and I couldn't get even remotely close to finishing it. I'm dreadfully bad at this kind of in-your-face slaughtermap style. Hopefully, someone else more experienced with this kind of insane slaughter can give it a proper run-down for you.


Well, even if you didn't beat it, thank you for trying it out!

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@HorseJockey, after watching Biodegradable's playthrough of your level I also decided to give it a try. Tested it in PrBoom Plus on UV. I didn't have crashes or freezes after deaths, but the MIDI still didn't want to loop.


Good - I loved your map design and usage of Boom gimmicks. Also the idea of separate starting areas for different players in co-op is rather interesting.


Bad - I'd agree with Biodegradable, your map is rather resource-stingy and feels like E4M1's little brother in this regard.


Ugly... nah, can't think of any. MIDI not looping properly, maybe?


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  On 5/21/2023 at 9:04 AM, HorseJockey said:

Not sure why that is freezing on you, I didn't encounter that once in my playtests.
I'm mostly concerned about the freezing as there isn't any code running because it's a Boom compatible map, so the only thing I can think of off the top of my head is the nodes aren't getting built correctly, But again as it doesn't freeze for me I'm going to be taking a stab in the dark, so if anyone else happens to play the map and can confirm the freezing issue that would be awesome. 


I can confirm that the freezing is an issue for me too.
After some digging through the wad, I've found that the MIDI of the map is causing the crashes.
Something about it is crashing gzdoom's internal MIDI renderers, as i've had no problems running the song on external ones like VirtualMIDIsynth. 

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So I removed the download link. I went to edit the midi and I'm not sure what I did but it's crashing on my machine now too, sorry everyone. Didn't think I could bork up anything trying to create a midi. Will update shortly with the balancing changes and worst case scenario a new song for the map, best case scenario a longer version of the original track. Thanks @Biodegradable for suffering through my initial release, I appreciate you playtesting and helping us make out maps better. 

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  On 5/21/2023 at 4:01 PM, Biodegradable said:

The midi is the culprit?! Man, computing is wacky.


I contemplate opening a discord server for blocked-out just so I can stream myself dealing with more bugs like that.

Edited by Matacrat

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  On 5/22/2023 at 3:17 AM, Matacrat said:

I contemplate opening a discord server for blocked-out just so I can steam myself dealing with more bugs like that.



that'd honestly be a great idea, i'd be down to join it.


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