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[Community Project] Doom 2 Minus Doom (30 maps complete!))

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Welp, I used yet another node builder on the map. I have no idea why these display issues are showing up. The map isn't particularly large, or overly detailed.

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I made main layout of the map and will post screenshots in a next few days. Currently eliminating error p_playerinspecialsector unknown special while lowering floor and changing texture, otherwise I will change portion of map. It happened in Chocolate Doom because it's vanilla format map.


Edit: here are the screenshots captured in PrBoom-Plus








I put the inviso sphere nearby so you can cope with those chaingunners.



Edited by riderr3

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@janiform done




For Doom 2 Minus Doom Community Project.


Map name: Triangles of Death
Map slot: MAP07
Advanced engine needed: compatible with Vanilla Doom
Single Player: Designed for
Cooperative: Yes
Deathmatch: Yes
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Build Time: 25 days
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, WadSpy
Tested With: Chocorenderlimits 1.5, GZDoom 4.10.0


Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse.



Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/hwdadz50q7bctxs/Triangles_of_Death.zip/file

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Playtested the last available maps, here's some more feedback :

@Bagellio MAP 21 : The 2 arachnotrons near the end are stuck on their plateform and can't shoot.



@janiform MAP 23 : I literally couldn't finish playtesting because of this one problem : your linedefs with actions, wether they're S or W or even G, need a tag, even if the action affects the sector right behind that linedef. That affects all lifts, the key doors, ect.

@RileyXY1 MAP 25 : For some reason the demons in the room locked behind the blue key can hear the sounds you make. That wouldn't be a problem if these monsters couldn't open the door, allowing you to skip 75 % of the map. Also, most of the fights are either broken because the monster wake up too early, or extremely cheesable. I suggest at least putting more monsters as deaf/ambush.

@Generic Doomer MAP 29 : The lift in the HK bridge fight doesn't have textures when you lower it, so you can see under the bridge. 




Edited by Demonic Meatball

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I was in a bit of a hurry last time, so I didn't mention everything :

@RileyXY1 MAP 25 : I get what you're trying to avoid here with those big blocs over the doors,



but the usual trick for this is to put the door inside the wall, like here.




@Generic Doomer MAP 29 : - I notice you love your pop-up monsters. Here's a trick to get them to pop up even faster : Using a linedef that lowers the floor to the highest neighbouring floor in these situations basically confuses the engine into instantly raising the floor !

- For some reason the damaging floor surrounding the central island is mud, and man does it feel wierd to take 20 damage from walking in mud. Could you maybe put that as lava ?

- The final fight doesn't start as intended : when you move nothing happens. flipping the lindefs seems to solve the problem.

- I don't understand why or how, but the revenant ledges are broken : they don't lower, like ever.

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Updates on some things I did :

- Minor changes to MAP 30, mostly decorative stuff (all decorative things now come from Doom 2)

- MAP 29's midi was way too short for the map it goes with, so I extended it.

- MAP 23's midi didn't loop properly, so I fixed that.



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On 8/27/2023 at 2:43 PM, Demonic Meatball said:

I was in a bit of a hurry last time, so I didn't mention everything :

@RileyXY1 MAP 25 : I get what you're trying to avoid here with those big blocs over the doors,

  Reveal hidden contents


but the usual trick for this is to put the door inside the wall, like here.

  Reveal hidden contents



@Generic Doomer MAP 29 : - I notice you love your pop-up monsters. Here's a trick to get them to pop up even faster : Using a linedef that lowers the floor to the highest neighbouring floor in these situations basically confuses the engine into instantly raising the floor !

- For some reason the damaging floor surrounding the central island is mud, and man does it feel wierd to take 20 damage from walking in mud. Could you maybe put that as lava ?

- The final fight doesn't start as intended : when you move nothing happens. flipping the lindefs seems to solve the problem.

- I don't understand why or how, but the revenant ledges are broken : they don't lower, like ever.

sorry for the late response, i'm not sure what's causing the revenant issue, everyone i had playtest never encountered a glitch like that

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15 minutes ago, Generic Doomer said:

sorry for the late response, i'm not sure what's causing the revenant issue, everyone i had playtest never encountered a glitch like that

@Demonic Meatballah alright, i think i know the issue,
flipping the linedefs makes the platforms not lower for some reason, i'll just make the linedefs a box instead
i also fixed the texture bug and made the mud do way less damage. thank you

@janiform i updated my map based on some stuff demonic meatball made me aware of


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So the revenant ledges still didn't lower (in crispy doom, they did lower in gzdoom), and I tried my best to find a solution to the issue. Th best I found was to surround the ledges with elevation and put the linedefs action to "lower to lowest floor" instead of "lower to highest floor", like this :



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/5/2023 at 5:31 PM, Demonic Meatball said:

So the revenant ledges still didn't lower (in crispy doom, they did lower in gzdoom), and I tried my best to find a solution to the issue. Th best I found was to surround the ledges with elevation and put the linedefs action to "lower to lowest floor" instead of "lower to highest floor", like this :



@janiform don't forget to use this version of map 29 meatball added with the fixed linedef issues

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, due to my busy schedule and current projects, I won't be able to finish my map in time so please feel free to have my slot back open.

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Holy shit, sorry for my long absence, everyone. There was some unexpected real life stuff that has fortunately abated. I've extended the deadline to 3-31-24, which should hopefully still let this be completed before Doom II's 30th birthday.


Attached is an updated version of my MAP23 incorporating @Demonic Meatball's advice, and tested in PRBoom: MAP23_Abyss_-_janiform V3.zip


@jazzmaster9No problem! @RorixMap 14 is all yours.

@Generic DoomerNo problem, I've got the most recent update.

@Sneezy McGlassFaceLooking forward to your map!


Edited by janiform

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is the dude on map18 still active? he hasn't posted any updates on the project yet, but he's probably busy with other stuff maybe. just askin to make sure tho

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  • 2 weeks later...

@GamingGargoyle Here's a midi for your map Texas Based Techno-Cryptid

Also I playtseted it a bit. Overall, a pretty good map. Good fights, looks nice, and the atmosphere is really well done, even with vanilla D_ROMERO. Here's a few things I would have done better :

       - You have a tendency to make your fights pretty crowded (I'm mostly thinking about the blue key fight and the final area). Now, there are times, like the blue key fight, where that "crowdedness" works in tandem with the atmosphere to create oppression and it's freaking great when that happens, but the rest of the time, I don't find it really fun. Just something to keep in mind for the future.

       - The last area has two monster-blocking linedefs that create a bit of a "cheese zone" during the final assault. Might be something to fix.

       - You used a few textures that I'm not sure are allowed in this community project. I'll have to ask @janiform about DOORTRAK, but I'm pretty sure SUPPORT3 is prohibited in here (You used it on linedef 287, in the courtyard, next to the mancubus).


Edited by Demonic Meatball

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@GamingGargoyleThis is a nice map! Nice use of TANROCK2, and in general the atmosphere is really strong. It feels like an abstractly residential area of the Doom 2 city. The difficulties are balanced well, I think; I appreciate when easy mode is actually easy. I agree with the points raised by @Demonic Meatball, and will confirm that DOORTRAK and SUPPORT3 are forbidden for this project. I used METAL2 in place of DOORTRAK for my map, IIRC.


@Demonic Meatball Nice work on this MIDI! You've really captured something of the Bobby Prince style in your work, minus the plagiarism. If you're not planning to score the whole megawad (which is totally understandable!), I think I might take a shot at making some MIDIs for the project. What software do you use?

Edited by janiform

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42 minutes ago, janiform said:

Nice work on this MIDI! You've really captured something of the Bobby Prince style in your work, minus the plagiarism. If you're not planning to score the whole megawad (which is totally understandable!), I think I might take a shot at making some MIDIs for the project. What software do you use?


Thanks, it's the best compliment you could have given me. My plan was to score the whole wad (or at least all the maps that come without a midi attached), but you can join in on the fun if you want ! I use Sekaiju to make midis.

Btw, I'm replaying the map you posted a few weeks ago, expect a rundown in the near future. After that, I have exams tho, so don't count on me for the next month and a half.


Also, "minus the plagiarism"... Uh... Sorry to break it to ya, but


Intermission == Reborn - Slayer

The Sacred Texts == Hollow - Pantera

Demons n Dem guns == Let the Blood Run Red - Thor

Shawn Lost the Shotgun == Blood Red - Slayer (Drums)

666 Feet Under == Junkhead - Alice in Chains

Mount Mystery == Untitled - Alice in Chains

Mancubus Moshpit == Mutilation - Death

Watcher of the Damned == Among the Living - Anthrax


Note how I specifically targetted stuff Bobby could have used in '94, so uh... yeah I don't know where I was going with that remark.

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@Demonic MeatballHaha, noted! If I end up making some tracks I'll also try to avoid plagiarizing anachronistically. Thank you so much for all the tracks you're making for this project!


Since we're nearing the project's previous deadline, I wanted to check in with the contributors who haven't completed their maps yet. The maps and mappers in question are listed below. Some of you have posted recently, others haven't. If you wouldn't mind popping in for a status update/screenshots/WIP uploads, that would be awesome!


Edited by janiform

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1 hour ago, janiform said:

@Demonic MeatballHaha, noted! If I end up making some tracks I'll also try to avoid plagiarizing anachronistically. Thank you so much for all the tracks you're making for this project!


Since we're nearing the project's previous deadline, I wanted to check in with the contributors who haven't completed their maps yet. The maps and mappers in question are listed below. Some of you have posted recently, others haven't. If you wouldn't mind popping in for a status update/screenshots/WIP uploads, that would be awesome!


Checking in! Made good progress on my map :)

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