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Box Doom - Community Project [Slots Filled]

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On 9/7/2023 at 11:13 AM, randomsounds01 said:

I'd love to see it in more detail. Right now, it just feels a little too simple, a little too basic.


Maybe if you added a mechanism like having an area in the middle like a fountain or a platform lowering ammo/health it would be more interesting?


Any update on the number of monsters allowed? Several of us would like to have it increased a little bit, specially for bigger maps.

As suggested above, 5, 7, and 10 depending on room size looks reasonable:


21 hours ago, Djoga said:

I also thought about increasing the monster count in bigger rooms, like 7 in 384x384 and 10 in 512x512.

What about bosses, maybe replace one of them with a dehacked monster (Cybruiser from Valiant) and introduce them in room 69.


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@randomsounds01 can you clarify if we're allowed to teleport and additional 5 enemies to a room even after filling the room with the max 5 enemies? I feel like that is allowed given that one of you very own maps does this exact thing, and also the wording of this rule:


On 9/3/2023 at 5:22 PM, randomsounds01 said:

1. The maximum monster count is 5 at a time.


Seems like something that should be communicated a bit clearer as it seems that alot of the contributers are assuming that boxes are only allowed a max of 5 monsters total

Edited by No-Man Baugh

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8 minutes ago, No-Man Baugh said:

@randomsounds01 can you clarify if we're allowed to teleport and additional 5 enemies to a room even after filling the room with the max 5 enemies? I feel like that is allowed given that one of you very own maps does this exact thing, and also the wording of this rule:



Seems like something that should be communicated a bit clearer as it seems that alot of the contributers are assuming that boxes are only allowed a max of 5 monsters total


I also have that same understanding of such rule.

It sounds that 5 monsters can exist inside the playable/walkable area of the map at any given time, so if you kill 2 monsters, but then another 2 are teleported to replace them, that could also be OK.

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13 ”Hazardous“ FINAL.zip

Now it no longer relies on the plasma rifle and the rocket launcher.
Also, please delete EVERYTHING at the player start. and in order for the music changers to work, you need the midi and the musinfo, it's all there in the file.

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On 9/6/2023 at 11:53 PM, Proxy-MIDI said:

Hello there. Here comes my map. Enjoy ! ;)


Name : IDCK. 

Music : Metroid Prime OST - Tallon Overworld (made by Kenji Yamamoto).

Slot : 04.


Tested on UV. The first part is a bit difficult. For the way with the damaging floor (the green water), if you don't see any suit it's okay because you have to run and trespass the courtyard. ;)


Amazing map but uhh... you were supposed to make one small box not an entire map. Good job though!

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On 9/7/2023 at 3:01 PM, stochastic said:

Here's my other submission, Room 71 - cleverly titled "The Blue Room". Difficulties are implemented - the current version assumes the player doesn't have the BFG yet, but I can always modify it if that's not the case.





The exit doesn't quite fit with spot 71 although it does work with 70. Would you like that spot instead?

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1 hour ago, randomsounds01 said:

The exit doesn't quite fit with spot 71 although it does work with 70. Would you like that spot instead?


I'd like it to go before my Box 72 if possible. From the map diagram you posted it looked like 71 had this layout - and I can definitely try to modify the exit to make the two fit together. Maybe I can post 71 and 72 together showing how I intended them to connect?

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9 minutes ago, stochastic said:


I'd like it to go before my Box 72 if possible. From the map diagram you posted it looked like 71 had this layout - and I can definitely try to modify the exit to make the two fit together. Maybe I can post 71 and 72 together showing how I intended them to connect?

1602083076_Screenshot2023-09-08194958.png.a3f92504d16d8e01491098c763f9a55d.png That would work, yes. Here's what 70 and 71 look like.

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1 minute ago, randomsounds01 said:

1602083076_Screenshot2023-09-08194958.png.a3f92504d16d8e01491098c763f9a55d.png That would work, yes. Here's what 70 and 71 look like.


Oh I see! Yeah we can have my original 71 and 72 be 70 and 71 now. I was just basing the orientation off the photo from the original post, but I guess it changed since then:



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@randomsounds01 Here's both of my submissions in one wad file. So now this will be Box 70 titled "The Blue Room" and Box 71 titled "The Red Room", which leaves 72 open. Would you mind updating the original post with my new room numbers and titles when you get a chance? Thank you!





Edited by stochastic

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18 hours ago, Djoga said:

13 ”Hazardous“ FINAL.zip

Now it no longer relies on the plasma rifle and the rocket launcher.
Also, please delete EVERYTHING at the player start. and in order for the music changers to work, you need the midi and the musinfo, it's all there in the file.

@randomsounds01 also 'Hazardous' is the name of the room. Please add it.

Thank you.

Edited by Djoga

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On 9/7/2023 at 10:12 AM, Djoga said:

Ok now I want a room with OTEX, not so mean this time.

Slot 38 if it's free.

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BOX29 - Library of Bael.zip


Another 512x512 boom-compatible map using only stock Doom2.wad textures and no more than four tags. It works/looks the best with PrBoom+ and EDGE-Classic. It works/looks the worst with gzdoom and derivatives.

Difficulties implemented, pistol-start OK. RL, Plasma and/or BFG start not ok.

It has been tested extensively, but if you can test it in UV I would be grateful. You will have to blame and direct your complains to @Djoga for the increased difficulty. 







20 hours ago, Djoga said:

13 ”Hazardous“ FINAL.zip

Now it no longer relies on the plasma rifle and the rocket launcher.
Also, please delete EVERYTHING at the player start. and in order for the music changers to work, you need the midi and the musinfo, it's all there in the file.


As my personal preference, I like this last version the most.

I just noticed that once the player leaves the initial door area, it is not possible to go back because the door sector is too high to walk back to it. Unless you jump, but jumping is not possible if you play with PrBoom or Boom itself. Don't know if that is intended or not, but just reporting that.


6 hours ago, tewgytaylor said:

Is this project open to all skill levels? If so I'll take slot 15 slot 21


Nobody replied to you but I would say that yes, anyone is welcomed as long as the map has some thought placed into it, so just a plain STARTAN squared room with an imp probably won't be added. We would be happy to test your map : )

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20 minutes ago, macro said:

I just noticed that once the player leaves the initial door area, it is not possible to go back because the door sector is too high to walk back to it. Unless you jump, but jumping is not possible if you play with PrBoom or Boom itself. Don't know if that is intended or not, but just reporting that.

You can jump back there from the second platfrom when it's raised.

And yes it was intentional so you will not immediately hide from the incoming monsters.

Edited by Djoga

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23 minutes ago, macro said:

You will have to blame and direct your complains to @Djoga for the increased difficulty. 

I'm sorry what-

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25 minutes ago, Djoga said:

I'm sorry what-


On 9/6/2023 at 3:38 PM, Djoga said:

I am definitely not right person to do that but it's pretty playable if you manage to hide from the archvile's attack behind a thin wall, that's the part where I always died.

Also the map design is freaking awesome.


I understand that you said that it is a map even a toddler could complete, so I just pump the difficulty up. Hopefully ; )

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7 minutes ago, macro said:



I understand that you said that it is a map even a toddler could complete, so I just pump the difficulty up. Hopefully ; )

I might disappoint you, but

I beat it.

First try with no saves.

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21 minutes ago, Djoga said:

I might disappoint you, but

I beat it.

First try with no saves.


Did you try UV? Was the difficulty at least higher than previous one or basically the same?

If you don't mind, would you please record a demo (a demo file, not a video) with PrBoom+ and send it to me? I am mostly interested in knowing how other people run around the map so I can understand possible points of failure in the map, or areas that become too easy/difficulty due to some unexpected player behaviour etc. Any other source port would be ok.


prboom-plus.exe -file MyMap.wad -record MyDemo.lmp


Knowing the logic and path that other players use while playing maps is a very valuable tool to see if the map really performs as designed or not.



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2 minutes ago, macro said:


Did you try UV? Was the difficulty at least higher than previous one or basically the same?

If you don't mind, would you please record a demo (a demo file, not a video) with PrBoom+ and send it to me? I am mostly interested in knowing how other people run around the map so I can understand possible points of failure in the map, or areas that become too easy/difficulty due to some unexpected player behaviour etc. Any other source port would be ok.


prboom-plus.exe -file MyMap.wad -record MyDemo.lmp


Knowing the logic and path that other players use while playing maps is a very valuable tool to see if the map really performs as designed or not.




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11 hours ago, randomsounds01 said:

Amazing map but uhh... you were supposed to make one small box not an entire map. Good job though!


Oh crap ! When I saw the example, I thought I had to make 80 boxes and make a level with that. Well, your wad will be longer than expected then. :P

(By the way, my map will be called "IDKC"). 


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21 minutes ago, Proxy-MIDI said:


Oh crap ! When I saw the example, I thought I had to make 80 boxes and make a level with that. Well, your wad will be longer than expected then. :P

(By the way, my map will be called "IDKC"). 


Also, you gave the door linedefs "SR Door Open Stay" and didn't tag them. The doors won't open if the map is launched in non-gzdoom ports.

Edited by Djoga

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4 minutes ago, Djoga said:

Also, you gave the door linedefs "SR Door Open Stay" and didn't tag them. The doors won't open if the map is launched in non-gzdoom ports.


Oh my gosh ! 


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Room 38 "Queuerockshow".

Note that when you're gonna put the room in the map, sector 85 mustn't break into 20 small sectors cuz flickering will become desynched. All the stuff at the player start also must be deleted.

38 'Queuerockshow'.zip





Edited by Djoga

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@randomsounds01 So, where would slots 75, 76 and 77 be? Since apparently now the slots dont correlate with the ones in the original screenshot.

Edited by LSC Lasico

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