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Doom 2 levels

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whats everyones favorate doom2 level?
and what is the general concensus about the hardest doom2 level, excluding Icon Of Sin

I think level 25 Blood falls is the hardest level

my favorate with out a doubt is level28: the spirit world

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The Spirit World indeed impressed me the most when playing doom2 the first time. Now I simply don't have a favourite.

And Bloodfalls I'd say is one of the easier levels - even in NM.

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Map30 is in no way the hardest level

And when you ask "hardest" it really does depend on the skill level. Some levels are harder on NM than UV, some vice versa (wide open, little backtracking, etc).

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I don't really like any of the Doom II maps.. if I were forced to pick one anyway... I'd probably say something like map04 ("the focus") or map15 ("industrial zone"). as for the hardest, i'd probably guess map29.

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Tricks and Traps is my favorite.

Nirvana is the hardest for me. I've never beaten it before, but someone told me something about it not too long ago and I think I know where I got stuck. Maybe I'll attempt it again...if I feel like it.

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The early levels like The Crusher and The Focus, The Gantlet, etc were my faves. That is Doom2 in my eyes.

Danarchy said:

Tricks and Traps is my favorite.

Nirvana is the hardest for me. I've never beaten it before, but someone told me something about it not too long ago and I think I know where I got stuck. Maybe I'll attempt it again...if I feel like it.

I've never beaten The Citadel. That one just kicks my butt. I think it's the citadel, anyway. Wait, no. It's some other open, large map. The one that requires all 3 keys to leave.

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Courtyard is that one I think.

My favorite is 14: The Inmost Dens. One of the best doom levels ever :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

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MaximusNukeage said:
whats everyones favorate doom2 level?

My favourite is map 7, "Dead Simple". The first real slaughter map. ;-)

and what is the general concensus about the hardest doom2 level, excluding Icon Of Sin

The "hardest" depends on what style you're playing. Map 7 for example is extremely hard to do Tyson style but is easy to do UV max style.

For UV max, the DHT6 level sets considers the hardest maps to be 8, 16, 18, 19, 23, 27, 28, 29.

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Doom 2 has a very mixed bunch of levels, some are truly great while others seems like they where thrown together in a hurry. My favorites (in numerical order):

11-Circle of death: Looks good and fun to play
14-Inmost dens: Brown stone theme done very well, love those canals
15-Industrial zone: Very large and open, with lots of different structures, many good secrets
16-Suburbs: Doesn't look good, but great fun to play from pistol start/no saving on UV, nice and open gameplay
19-Citadel: This was my favorite early on, loved the citadel theme and the exploration, but I was disappointed when I played it again recently
29-The living end: Best map in Doom 2! The theme has been copied many times (twice in Plutonia, in HR, etc), and some of these are better than the original.

Don't know about hardest, but Bloodfalls is one that comes to mind. It seems hard in an unfair way, not in a good, challening way.

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the citidels arcetecture is pure ownage, but the living end is a work of art; its so pretty.
why is the inmost dens so popular, it didn't seem that special then i played it (about 3 hours ago)

edit: how come no one has mentioned the wolf levels?

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MaximusNukeage said:

how come no one has mentioned the wolf levels?

What's hard/beautiful in the Wolf levels?

Danarchy said:

Nirvana is the hardest for me. I've never beaten it before, but someone told me something about it not too long ago and I think I know where I got stuck. Maybe I'll attempt it again...if I feel like it.

Really? Do you remember what part in Nirvana was hard for you? Because it's fairly short, and IMO, once you learn the layout and the tricks - not too difficult.

I'm not much into playing "the hardcore way" - from scratch with no saving, but this thread has got me intrigued. Might try Bloodfalls soon.

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I'd have to agree with several others: I think that "Circle of Destruction" and "The Living End" have the best consistent themes are generally the most entertaining; also, there's just so much to do in the "Industrial Zone" level that it's always a good time. As for the ugliest, "The Suburbs" is the clear winner for me.

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I'd have to say that Nirvana is the ugliest. Bloodfalls is also rather ugly, but it looks more like it's incomplete or was rushed. Nirvana is just plain hideous.

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As for my favorite maps, that would be Spirit World, Living End, maybe Refueling Base.

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Map01 gave me the most entertainment so far (in DM). Map11 and 14 are the prettiest maps.

Map30 is the only one I can't beat on UV 100% of the time so I guess that it's the hardest (or at least most unpredictable) one, map04, 12 and 29 are harder on NM though.

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For me, the best Doom II level is The Gantlet. I love the beginning, where you can just make out a zombie guy through the window.

The rest of the level is supremely well designed. It took me ages to know what to do once that switch being guarded by the chaingun sergeant, but when I finally saw the wall that had been raised to level the portal, I was very happy indeed.

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the hardest? well i must say that would be following

refueling base
the chasm A
Abandoned mines

my favorites are:
Gotcha! (a classic)
the spirit world (those face pillars are awesome, i wish i could put them as my background)
the citadel

i love starting every level with just the basics (i.e. pistol/fist)
good multiplayer practice...... :)

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I really like the tech base theme of refueling base. However, I think the start for The Living End is dramatic...lowering elevator and bam, this massive, open area with ready-to-go hostiles. I don't know if the pit in the beginning had to be so deep. It always struck me as kind of n00bish in nature. Catacombs was a level I liked too, on second thought.

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larsboy said:

Don't know about hardest, but Bloodfalls is one that comes to mind. It seems hard in an unfair way, not in a good, challening way.

Just tested. Bloodfalls is incredibly easy.

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Mr. Woot said:

the spirit world (those face pillars are awesome, i wish i could put

You don't know what wintex is? You could just extract the patch and set it as the background...

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sargebaldy said:

I find Suburbs is without a doubt the ugliest myself.

The Spirit World isn't a looker either.

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