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Question regarding -longtics in PrBoom+.

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Sorry if this has been brought up before, but if -longtics is disabled when doing normal recordings (like using glboom-plus -complevel 3 -iwad doom.wad -warp 1 9 -skill 5 -record n1m9-xxx) then why are there -shorttics?

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1 minute ago, 4shockblast said:

You can use -shorttics in PrBoom+ to have it on when you're not recording a demo.

Do you mean that PrBoom+ has -longtics on normal play?

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Just now, rehelekretep said:

yes when youre not recording a demo its longtics as usual

That means i have been cheating for my entire life, and i truly do suck at doom :P

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1 minute ago, rehelekretep said:

yes when youre not recording a demo its longtics as usual

I never knew that, rather shocking discovery on my part.

Thanks for the replies @4shockblast and @rehelekretep!

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I'll take this chance to ask a noob question: What do the -shorttics and -longtics commands do? Do they have anything to do with the framerate?

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When you record a demo it stores your turning amount in a single byte. This means that there can only be 256 possible turning values (well, 255...) and since there are 360 degrees in a circle this means you can't even turn 1 degree at a time - the minimum turn angle is, like, 1.4 degrees.

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You can also use -longtics for demos in -cl2, 3, and 4 to have them feel like default, non-recording, gameplay. -cl9, and I believe 11, have some crap preventing the -longtics command from working. As far as I'm concerned, -cl -1 feels the same as Boom format when playing normally and supports -longtics, assuming you keep everything on default except the "monsters give up pursuit" setting. So that's my choice for recording any and all future Boom stuff. Then again, I only make leisurely-paced UV-Maxes.

Edited by Spectre01

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