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Where to post Works in progress

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All the maps are 100% made by myself but I just realized i need to compile a credits page for all the weapons,monsters and textures i borrowed from like.. thirty different people so just as soon as i get that together i will post it! Is Mediafire alright? Or do I have to use dropbox here?

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Also here

From Doomwiki:
WADs in Progress is a unique Doom site where users can upload screenshots and information about WADs they are currently working on. Other users can then provide comments, allowing for constructive criticism or positive approval. It has categories for different games and source ports, along with various gameplay types, such as single player and deathmatch.

Edited by riderr3

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Heres a dropbox link. Should be fully playable but their is no text file yet. It comes with all its own weapons and items so don't run any combos with it. Just about All the weapons have an alt-fire, for most of them that's how you re-load the weapon. Jumping and Crouching are allowed and encouraged! I am running it on Zandorium, the only bugs i have found are some anomalous texture file things that will not present themselves in the game play. Also, the custom skull switches work, but they don't click for some reason. Will get to the bottom of it later. Anyway, Enjoy! 8D  https://www.dropbox.com/s/fjcp30l8zd0fb82/DrWhat1.0.wad?dl=0

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If you want to share your progress on a cool map or project there are a couple of threads were you could share a few screenshots about (see here and here), also consider posting on wadsinprogress as @riderr3 pointed out, but if you're ready to share your work and ask for some feedback just make a new thread about it, put a description, proper credits and some screenshots and you're all set

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