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Resurrecting the missing Doom64 monsters. ("missing" weapon animations done)

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I absolutely love this. I was eagerly awaiting DrPsy's revenant, but there haven't really been news about it in a long time...

I like that you tried to capture that "90's CG" look with these, and I think it fits the bill honestly. I really wanna see how these look like once rendered into sprites tho. Of course, you can't rush perfection, I'm just saying!

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This whole project sums up my childhood's dream of having the same demons in D64 as in Doom 2 since D64 was my favorite of them all. Very neat stuff right there, definitely looking forward in seeing more.

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Just dropping in to show more support. I think the IOS replacement is a strangely obvious thing that hasn't really been considered before. It begs the question: Are there logical Doom 64 replacements for the Nazis and Keen? I know those are gimmicky, but it would be interesting to discuss possibilities.


im not sure what could replace a Nazi other than a Nazi variant, as it's a very specific kind of enemy. It might be that an undead/possessed variant could work. As for Keen...I would, in light if this all being Nintendo property, probably go with something based on the model used for Super Mario 64.

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7 minutes ago, GoatLord said:

im not sure what could replace a Nazi other than a Nazi variant, as it's a very specific kind of enemy. It might be that an undead/possessed variant could work.

I second the motion for zombie nazis.


Maybe the Keen replacement could be somehow tied to the turkey puncher game from Doom 3. Or if not, were there any easter eggs specific to PS1 Doom? 

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I feel like Doom 64 is more natural a progression of PS1 Doom, with the colored lighting and ambient music, is all. So a reference to that game could kinda work in its own way. Because unlike Mario, Id actually made Commander Keen and wolfenstein.


Actually, maybe a Midway Games centered reference? Mortal Kombat fatalities are kinda in the same vein as chainsawing Keen, and both games were instrumental to the formation of the ESRB, so it kinda seems fitting(?)

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I always imagined a D64 version of Keen being his sprite from the GBC game with the collar of his shirt caught on a meat hook, and after doing enough damage he falls and lands face first but then gives a little thumbs up.


As for Wolfenguys, I think it'd be fine to just use the sprites and sounds from the Mac/Jaguar/3DO versions. Like Doom 64's versions of existing monsters, they're given higher resolution sprites with darker colors and more threatening sounds. Plus, iirc PSX Doom Master Edition's planning to base its take on Map31 on the first map in console versions of Wolf3D, so this little homage would work in the same way that does.

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@GoatLord I really like the idea for zombie nazis. It could be a 3d model resembling Doom64 zombies wearing Nazi clothes. What about Wolf 3D mutants?

I also can model a D64 Keen resembling the GBC appearance as @SiFi270 suggested as well.


@EtherBot I had thought about including Midway/Williams references as well, those were (possible spoiler) battling against Sinistar in a hidden level and finding Robotron.


About Nintendo references... What could it be?

Edited by Gerardo194

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There's Devil World, or maybe Rare's N64 shooters, and something from the Metroid series could also work despite that not diving into the FPS genre until after Doom 64.

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I really like Devil World, I remember myself playing that game long time ago. OK, I will be including some references at its time. I guess it will be fun. :)

Meanwhile, I must finish what I started. There's too much to be done.

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  • 3 weeks later...

These are awesome!


They're very well done already, but there's still a few things I could suggest.


The Mancubus may be withered and all but that's a bit too thin to be entirely convincing. It would feel more real to have just a little bit more meat on it's bones on the biceps and thigh muscles. After all, those would have been thicker to start with before they withered, so it would make sense they stayed a bit thicker (plus the way revenants move so fast and punch--which would use those muscles especially). And that would give it a more intimidating look because of the impression of still having strength.


The Spider Mastermind has hands! Maybe they could fire the chainguns?


The red Cyber... I know the original model had those bowls on the ends of the rocket launchers--and you did an amazing job of recreating that model. But those bowls kind of look like plungers (which is probably why they changed that for the Cyberdemon in the final game). The box-like rocket launchers on the original cover and the Cyberdemon in the final game are more convincing because of that.


For some reason those bowls also make me think they'd shoot some kind of powerful energy instead of rockets.


Hmm. It could work having a Cyber with bowls which shoots energy, and a different one with more boxy rocket launchers? Just something that came to mind. Or maybe one with both kinds of weapons, and shoots energy from one and rockets from the other. That would be a unique combo.


The hell-hound is another well done model. Have you considered giving it horns? Just because that might give some extra menace. I'm also very curious what it would do.


The summoner--interesting idea and well done once again. If you wanted her to be more creepy and arch vile like it could help to have inhuman feet instead of shoes, and maybe a more skeletal or alien face?


I guess I'm a bit late in seeing this as you said the icon has a body. Looking at your model that's just a head, I was thinking that looks like a lost soul on steroids, and could really work as a head floating around all by itself, belching out enemies and projectiles.


If there were two phases, both the body and head-only versions could work.


Or, crazy idea, maybe it could start out with the head attached, and after enough damage the head detaches and both head and body attack independently until each are killed.


I'm probably going overboard here. But your models are inspiring.

Edited by sector666

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Thank you very much @sector666 I see we're having same ideas about the Icon of Sin, I will be considering your suggestions about this. Spider Demon has arms because she is gonna have a psychic attack or something like that.

I'm still working on them and some new ones. I had to stop a while because my wisdom tooth is killing me but I never give up.

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Guys, this is the only one place I host all of my progress (twitter included but not much like this one) but don't worry, I'm showing more progress soon. I'm still with the original missing monsters besides modeling the Titan monster, I just need to finish his head.

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  • 4 months later...

Hey guys, sorry for bumping the thread but this project is not dead yet. Now you can find new pics of what is coming on page 1. 

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Those new pics look awesome.

Question: what if the Spider Mastermind had black pupils on her red eyes, much like the original classic version of her?

At least to make her a bit more different from the Arachnotrons.

Otherwise, everything is 10/10.

Then again, you don't really notice her eyes that much.

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Looking great as usual! Really digging the new enemies too, specially the Cyber titan and the Nyx/Man eater(who gives me HR Giger vibes). Perhaps she could be a Succubus, and suck your blood and heal like a vampire? Titan would work well as a final boss, and the Cyber Titan maybe as a secret final boss. Great stuff here.

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This is some phenomenal work bro! They particularly look like they'd fit in after turned to sprites.

Edited by EtherBot

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The SMM's look is too close to that of thd Arachnatron IMO, but aside from that they look pretty fantastic.

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22 hours ago, GoatLord said:

You are knocking it out of the park with these latest versions!


17 hours ago, EtherBot said:

This is some phenomenal work bro! They particularly look like they'd fit in after turned to sprites.

Thank you very much, guys! You know I'm doing this for everybody, including my own projects :)


19 hours ago, whatup876 said:

Those new pics look awesome.

Question: what if the Spider Mastermind had black pupils on her red eyes, much like the original classic version of her?

At least to make her a bit more different from the Arachnotrons.

Otherwise, everything is 10/10.

Then again, you don't really notice her eyes that much.


15 hours ago, KVELLER said:

The SMM's look is too close to that of thd Arachnatron IMO, but aside from that they look pretty fantastic.

Thank you, guys! I know she looks very similar to the Arachnotrons except she has 8 legs and she is going to have a new attack. @whatup876 i like your suggestion, because I think she must change her eyes color when performing her new explosive/psychical attack.


18 hours ago, SirJuicyLemon said:


Hmmm, I did a google search and realized you took this name after an Overwatch character... Interesting coincidence...despite I'm don't know anything and I'm not interested in Overwatch games...but still interesting!


18 hours ago, HorrorMovieGuy said:

Looking great as usual! Really digging the new enemies too, specially the Cyber titan and the Nyx/Man eater(who gives me HR Giger vibes). Perhaps she could be a Succubus, and suck your blood and heal like a vampire? Titan would work well as a final boss, and the Cyber Titan maybe as a secret final boss. Great stuff here.

 Thank you!! Yeah, i inspired this character from HR Giger's art, I really love his art too much! I like the idea about being a Succubus and sucking your blood. All of her frames are already done but they can be used for that occasion. And I guess I've found a name for her, she will be called: Megena or The Jealous after a deity from Greek mythology.

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37 minutes ago, Gerardo194 said:

Hmmm, I did a google search and realized you took this name after an Overwatch character... Interesting coincidence...despite I'm don't know anything and I'm not interested in Overwatch games...but still interesting!

Yeah, they are really really similar. But I guess it can happen to be a coincidence! Yours looks kind of a more Quake-like/gothic version so it's cool.


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