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Will the Demons be smarter or be as stupid as in Doom2?

Ultimate Demon

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Well i hope that they are smarter than befour but not like in UT, Quake3 and the other games today. If i'm beeing chased by a Birdman can i hide in the shadows and it walks past me or is it like old games???

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Ultimate Demon said:

If i'm beeing chased by a Birdman can i hide in the shadows and it walks past me or is it like old games???

You can see exactly a scene like that in the gameplay video (but the Hell Knight walking past you, not the Birdman), so yes. And of course the AI will be better than in the old Doom2, stupid question...

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Ultimate Demon said:

Well i hope that they are smarter than befour but not like in UT, Quake3 and the other games today. If i'm beeing chased by a Birdman can i hide in the shadows and it walks past me or is it like old games???

Tell me, haven't you been around long enough to know what we know on this issue?
AI is something we've already discussed backwards and forwards, cross analyzed and straight analyzed.
They will definitely seem smarter than in the old game, but whether it will be through AI or scripted behaviour, time only will tell.

This thread looks like another dumb excuse for someone to raise his postcount. I think I'll close it - go look through some of the hundreds of other AI related threads in this forum.


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