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Fungous Abortion (vanilla WAD)

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DOWNLOAD https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/d-f/fungo


On the border between hell and earth lies a small world covered in a strange green organism. UAC wishes to study its peculiar qualities obtained by proximity to hell, but the demons got there first and constructed an outpost to harvest it for themselves. You are the only survivor of a platoon sent to claim the base for humanity. Get down there and show those alien freaks who is the BOSS!










Edited by xdarkmasterx

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update: major issue was discovered which made impossible to pass the level on boom derived ports, if you encounter a door that will not open, please re download wad, new version added

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20 hours ago, riderr3 said:

These vanilla screenshots have some charm.

thank you for a replies any to go through the help and test all encounteres went to much trouble any way greetings

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From the video that you posted, the level looks good. It seems to flow decently well.


These are my only comments:

It looks like ammo is a bit sparse, at least for my tastes. The player isn't forced to go Tyson for stretches, and you don't have to kill every enemy to proceed, but you definitely have to manage your ammo, the further you get into the map.

You have one section with an archvile, a revenant, a former human, and an imp, with each of a turret. You essentially have dispatch them before you can drop down and hit the switch. However, tThe way you structured this fight, these four enemies seem essentially toothless, because they can be dispatched quickly and from a distance, so that you have to engage them only minimally.

The last fight can be managed using circle-strafing, with occasional changes in the direction that you circle.

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hi anypony thanks replys all but simple or


On 4/17/2018 at 5:50 PM, Pegleg said:


These are my only comments:

It looks like ammo is a bit sparse, at least for my tastes. The player isn't forced to go Tyson for stretches, and you don't have to kill every enemy to proceed, but you definitely have to manage your ammo, the further you get into the map.

You have one section with an archvile, a revenant, a former human, and an imp, with each of a turret. You essentially have dispatch them before you can drop down and hit the switch. However, tThe way you structured this fight, these four enemies seem essentially toothless, because they can be dispatched quickly and from a distance, so that you have to engage them only minimally.

The last fight can be managed using circle-strafing, with occasional changes in the direction that you circle.



1 the reason is for make the player continue to play in the open (+ higher challenge) instead of camping around a corner, ammo reduction was acquired, because if in high quantity of ammo, the player will not be encouraged to move forward into area until all enemies are dead, but without many ammo they will expend all bullets unless they move in and remain in zone, any way, lower difficulty have more ammo


2 reason for they is to attack player who fights the imps below platform, it is not objective to challenge the player on his own


3 last fight is an easy on purpose because it is not gameplay focused, in original plan the level will end after acquire the final key, but due to dissatisfaction of climax in a small cave without enemies more fitting ending was created at last


any way hello for DOOM everypony ;)

Edited by xdarkmasterx

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