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DOOM: Annihilation - the new Doom movie


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We didn't even get a trailer yet. Both sides are going to conclusions too early, too early to call it shit or good. Just because they've shown some random photos doesn't reflect how good or bad it'll be. People who go out of their way to attack actors\writers\directors though can go fuck themselves, the movie is just their excuse to show how shitty they themselves are.

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In all honesty, this phenomenon just reminds me of this, except somehow dumber:



Like, there’s just so many butthurt manchildren and actual clueless little boys ranting and raving about “where’s muh Doomgy” when there’s not even so much as a trailer. 


Seriously, the only photos we have of the set come from the actors and the director, and most of them are just the actors goofing off on phone cameras!


EDIT: One asshat even compared this movie to DmC: Devil May Cry (that reboot of DMC that everyone hated). Seriously. 

Edited by Man of Doom

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9 minutes ago, Man of Doom said:

Like, there’s just so many butthurt manchildren and actual clueless little boys ranting and raving about “where’s muh Doomgy” when there’s not even so much as a trailer. 


Seriously, the only photos we have of the set come from the actors and the director, and most of them are just the actors goofing off on phone cameras!


It's best to just ignore the idiots and their diarrhea, let's not give them the attention they don't deserve.

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Well, Reddit just made there first bold move that has me surprised in a good way. Well done. 


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3 hours ago, Agent6 said:


Some people can never be pleased no matter what you do.

To be fair, there are some valid points:

  • The movies actors aren't "famous" (although I agree The Rock made much better movies than Doom).
  • Direct to DVD usually means "cheap" and not so good quality.
  • It's still unclear whether the Doomguy has an appearance or not - on the other side some female squad members are making fun ("who needs a doomguy"). Although Doom is not a chauvinist game like Duke Nukem comments like that could make people worry this will be "Tributes of Mars" or something like that. I don't think the major part of the Doom fanbase have problems with strong women - according to id Software the original Doom is heavily inspired by Alien, a movie which features a strong woman which is portrayed in a very respectful way. And, on her side, treats men in a respectful way too.

On the other side: Thanks to Netflix I still have hope for this movie:

  • Many Netflix exclusive (and quite popular) productions look like direct to DVD quality to me. Maybe the audiency is ready for a different kind of movies.
  • Doomguy not being part of the initial team might help portraying him as the badass even space marines are afraid of.
  • No more bioengineering stuff - true demons!

Right in the moment the direct to DVD point worries me most, but who knows.

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Despite all of this negativity and the movie still being a work in production. I'm hoping Tony Giglio is using this as fuel to make an even better movie not wanting to make any fans upset, even though some are just bound to either way. I'd hope a trailer is soon to be released to start shedding some real light on what were going to see. Plus E3 is like tomorrow, so we should hear positive Doom news very soon.

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39 minutes ago, ArchangelOfHell said:

Well, Reddit just made there first bold move that has me surprised in a good way. Well done.


I sent a DM to Caligari87 (one of the subreddit admins) about it. Yeah, it got really bad on that tweet. 


And in case you're wondering, that tweet from Amy really was meant to be just a tongue-in-cheek joke, nothing else. 


32 minutes ago, igg said:

Many Netflix exclusive (and quite popular) productions look like direct to DVD quality to me. Maybe the audiency is ready for a different kind of movies.


Video on demand, especially on platforms like Amazon and Netflix, are really where the money’s at so far.

Apparently, ticket sales at theaters have been waning in recent years, and more VOD movies have been popping up.

In fact, I’ve noticed that many Netflix-exclusive movies are actually getting budgets closer to what a big blockbuster would have. 


“Direct to DVD” is something of a misnomer these days. On the other hand, “direct to video” is becoming more of a budding marketplace. 


As a result, it would be a mistake for the Doom to be directly sent to Blu-ray or DVD, as not only are you handicapping the movie’s financial potential, you’re also incurring unnecessary distribution expenses. 


3 minutes ago, ArchangelOfHell said:

Despite all of this negativity and the movie still being a work in production. I'm hoping Tony Giglio is using this as fuel to make an even better movie not wanting to make any fans upset, even though some are just bound to either way. I'd hope a trailer is soon to be released to start shedding some real light on what were going to see. Plus E3 is like tomorrow, so we should hear positive Doom news very soon.


Like I mentioned earlier, I have good faith in Tony Giglio and this crew, that they’ll be able to pull off a more successful effort on a Doom movie. And hopefully, more Doom-related news tomorrow should cool the jets of everyone involved. 

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2 hours ago, igg said:

To be fair, there are some valid points:

  • The movies actors aren't "famous" (although I agree The Rock made much better movies than Doom).
  • Direct to DVD usually means "cheap" and not so good quality.
  • It's still unclear whether the Doomguy has an appearance or not - on the other side some female squad members are making fun ("who needs a doomguy"). Although Doom is not a chauvinist game like Duke Nukem comments like that could make people worry this will be "Tributes of Mars" or something like that. I don't think the major part of the Doom fanbase have problems with strong women - according to id Software the original Doom is heavily inspired by Alien, a movie which features a strong woman which is portrayed in a very respectful way. And, on her side, treats men in a respectful way too.

On the other side: Thanks to Netflix I still have hope for this movie:

  • Many Netflix exclusive (and quite popular) productions look like direct to DVD quality to me. Maybe the audiency is ready for a different kind of movies.
  • Doomguy not being part of the initial team might help portraying him as the badass even space marines are afraid of.
  • No more bioengineering stuff - true demons!

Right in the moment the direct to DVD point worries me most, but who knows.


Well Netflix isn't know for poor quality shows and movies so that alone gives me some hope, but I'll make my mind when we get the actual story and everything, not just random pics of actors, places, outfits, props, and so on, bring some action. And Doomguy or not, it's not like they couldn't make a movie set in the universe of the game and tell a story without him, so whether we'll see him or not really shouldn't be such a big concern like some people make it look like.


2 hours ago, Sgt Nate V said:

The whole thing on r/Doom got so bad, the mods had to ban all hate about the movie.



Made me laugh, ah the glory of the internet. So, so predictable.

Edited by Agent6

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Seems like Tony has something to say, DoomSlayer Confirmed ;)


Tony Giglio‏ @tonygig

"Doomguy" IMO represents PLAYER 1. Whether man or woman plays, they play "doomguy". Amy's post isnt a slight on "doomguy" the character. It's a play on the word "guy". Anyone who doesn't see this is just looking to hate. Plus Doomslayer - a seperate actor not Amy - is IN the film

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Tony addresses the fans (including the above tweet):












EDIT: You know you’ve got some entitled asswipes when even Caligari87’s post on the “tweet controversy” gets downvoted to hell. 

Edited by Man of Doom

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20 hours ago, Man of Doom said:

Tony addresses the fans (including the above tweet):



"Plus Doomslayer - a seperate actor not Amy - is IN the film" 



Edited by Lüt
Removed excess quoting

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The only thing that upsets me about this is how long it takes for the embedded tweets to load, even if the whole page finished loading.

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Quite disheartening to see the filmmakers having to repeatedly defend their art from people who claim to speak for the entire community.

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11 minutes ago, GoatLord said:

Quite disheartening to see the filmmakers having to repeatedly defend their art from people who claim to speak for the entire community.


At the very least, Tony Giglio seems to be taking it in stride.

Unfortunately, it’s gotten to the point where he absolutely HAS to spill some of the story-related beans just to placate the rabid dogs asking for the filmmakers’ heads on a pike. 


On a related note, @IMX shares his thoughts on the viability of a Doom movie, as well as the current movie we’re getting:


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Man, I haven’t checked this thread since page 2 and the movie’s already in post-production? Looks like they’re maybe pulling a Rogue One like side-trek? Idk. More excited now than when i first heard of this anyway. Hopefully the social media backlash (“storm i et vannglass”) hasn’t put a dampener on the director/crew’s enthusiasm. The film looks to aim for close enough references to OG Doom that not having to worry about what boxes to tick to make a cinema release might actually be a benefit. If that makes sense. :) The stunt woman’s hot + has a more down-to-earth vibe than the slightly Starship Trooper’y cast. Kinda wish she’d been a character!

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"Plus Doomslayer - a seperate actor not Amy - is IN the film" 


Well thanks for fucking spoiling it Tony!!! I wanted it to be a surprise...




Also, please don't be rude to Amy or any of the crew...ffs people. The Doom subreddit is pretty bad. I remember before Doom 2016 came out and everyone was super vitriolic about it but after the game came out the became annoying fanboys. As far as communities go, it's pretty bad. As bad as the YouTube comments section.

Edited by DooM_RO

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So this is a reply to a comment about the weapons shown in that armory locker:



Interesting to note that they’ll be taking a similar route to Dredd 2012 (the Lawgivers in that movie were basically modified Glocks). 


and oh god it just keeps getting worse




But at the very least, there’s some modicum of positivity. 




5 hours ago, Shaviro said:

Oh god what a bunch of Goldilocks fantards.


Seriously, I haven’t even gotten into the Twitter posts with #DoomMovie that’s just nothing but complaining about “no Doomguy” and “esjaydubbaewes”. It gets so much worse. 



10 hours ago, DooM_RO said:

Well thanks for fucking spoiling it Tony!!! I wanted it to be a surprise...


Considering the context of the whole situation, it was either that or even more butthurt manchildren complaining. As much as that getting spoiled sucked, it’s almost like there was no other way. 


10 hours ago, DooM_RO said:

I remember before Doom 2016 came out and everyone was super vitriolic about it but after the game came out the became annoying fanboys.


I dunno, at least the idiots complaining about Doom 2016 didn’t need moderator action and the banhammer to keep things under control. It actually got to the point where posts about that “who needs Doomguy” tweet actually got banned altogether. 

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BTW That was me (@PNMEdia). I wanted to let Tony know that whatever the outcome is, I'm just glad it's being made.

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On 4/20/2018 at 11:03 AM, Revved said:

So a few days ago, actress Nina Bergman tweeted that she was going to Bulgaria to film the next Doom movie.





Edited by Lüt
Snipped 100 pages of quoted material

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1 hour ago, Sgt Nate V said:

Please don't quote the entire first post and just say a single word like that. It hurts our scrollbars.

^ Yes.


And apparently IPS likes to hang if it has to display 4 million embeds in the post edit window as well.


So please quote only the parts of posts you're directly replying to. Excess quotage has been/will be trimmed.

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Yeah man, Tony Giglio is going out of his way trying to handle this the right away. The man has all my respect. As much as there getting bombed with negative comments I hope with our support they & everyone else sees the positive aspect of our community as a whole.

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To piggyback off my idea from earlier, what if when the Doomguy/Doomslayer does show up, he comes flying out of a portal to Hell, he starts killing demons, and its all in first person, and only near the end does it pull back and show him in all his green space marine armor? Mmmmm

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So after ruminating a bit on IMX’s Twitter thread, I’ve come to realize that this new Doom movie being direct-to-video might actually be a good idea. And it’s for similar reasons that caused the 2005 movie to suck so hard. 


Don’t get me wrong, a big budget with big names would be exquisite, but what good is the wattage of your movie if it’s not written well?


According to several sources, the producers of Doom 2005 were hardcore evangelical Christians who hated anything having to do with demonology, so it was pretty much demanded that the “demons from Hell” be scrapped completely to appeal to a wider audience. 


According to what we've seen in those tweets, it appears that Tony Giglio has more creative freedom with what he can do with the movie, and that’s why we’ve got actual demons this time around. 


With a direct to video movie, you don’t really have to worry about higher-ups dictating what you can put in your movie, or at least not as much. Even with a more limited budget, you can take more risks with your writing. 


And here’s the rub; you don’t have to worry about appealing to a wider audience if you’re not under as much scrutiny.

As a result, you’re pretty much free to put in more graphic content or adult material if you so desire (and yes, that includes more graphic violence and gore). 


The rise of more Amazon exclusives or Netflix exclusives have proven this wholeheartedly.

On Netflix, I’ve seen more  shows and movies with a TV-MA rating than anything I’ve ever seen on cable television (extending even to channels like HBO). The latter movies having that TV-MA rating (or the equivalent of an R/NC-17 rating), usually tend to have content and material that would normally have those Hollywood bigwigs turn white in terror (and probably brand that movie “unmarketable” as a result).

And in case you’re wondering, these movies can indeed contend with those family-friendly blockbusters in terms of quality storytelling, even surpassing them. 


So all in all, this Doom movie better deliver the goods in the “Ultra-Violence” category. 

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Speaking of Netflix, I encourage everyone to watch the movie "Infini" somewhere on the sci fi horror section. This movie is pretty well done and will definitely hit some key Doom vibes, trust me you will enjoy. If want to see what a doom survival movie would appear as.

Edited by ArchangelOfHell

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2 minutes ago, ArchangelOfHell said:

Speaking of Netflix, I encourage everyone to watch the movie "Infini" somewhere on the sci fi horror section.

I was actually thinking of this when the topic of budget was brought up; particularly, how the first Doom movie had a $60 million budget, and could anything truly good come of a significantly smaller budget.


Infini is not the best movie of its type that I've seen, but the one reason I've been recommending it to people even remotely interested in that style of film for the last 2 years is to show them what can be done with a budget of $1 million. And regardless of whether or not people enjoyed the final film, they always admit they're genuinely impressed to see how far such a small budget can be stretched by competent filmmakers who know how to use their resources efficiently.


So I'll also second the Infini recommendation as a good "warm-up" for a Doom movie, as well as a way to quell possible budgetary concerns.

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