DeletedUser Posted May 5, 2018 (edited) Here is my delectable cat 2, hotfix victory in 1:48:12 Despite playing it when it was first released, this didn't prevent me from getting lost several times like a nub :3 Large, intricate tech bases galore with backtracking excapades and the path forward isn't always immediately obvious. A very unique set as it effectively reverses the gameplay strategy for Doom 1, with low health distribution and Zombies everywhere combined with devious trap placement, you need a cautious, tactical approach to each room and corner, as charging through at full speed will get you shredded in no time, unless your intimately familiar with the set ;) This design philosophy puts the nail in the coffin for the expectations set by past Doom 1 sets, namely a low difficulty curve stemming from abundant resources, low monster count and not having layouts which make you vulnerable from every angle, so you can blast through at an accelerated pace with little fear of dropping low on health, let alone the chance of dying. I like how Double Impact is scarce with bullets, as the few opportunities where I can accumulate a moderate amount above 100 allows for a brief burst of momentum where I can charge through a room relying on the rapid fire stunlock to quell the relentless onslaught of Zombies. At these brief moments the gameplay flow is reverted back to a standard Doom 1 set, where you can blast through a room quickly, alas Double Impact keeps these rambo moments scarce at best before inevitably having to revert back to the Shotgun for the majority of the set, which slows the pace down considerably due to the time delay with the reloading mechanic. With the shotgun I choose to approach each corner slowly, popping out and shooting Zombies and diving back during reloading to minimize overall damage taken throughout the duration of a level, where as the Chaingun allows for rapid decimation of a group of Zombies while keeping them stunlocked, allowing one to move out into the open comfortably without being highly exposed to several shots if you had the Shotgun at the draw by contrast. Other sets which mimic this design choice which come to mind are later parts of 'The Beginning of the End' and Cannonball's Doom 1 projects, but they don't reach the same level of lethality demonstrated by Double Impact, as the levels here manage to combine a high monster count, with thoughtful Zombie placement making you exposed most of the time and using ambushes in tight spaces which creates moments of intensity, where you need to react on the spot similar to Plutonia or Hell Revealed spring traps. In summary, a fucking rad and challenging wad :D Edited May 5, 2018 by Bloodite Krypto ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 11 Quote Share this post Link to post
42PercentHealth Posted May 6, 2018 Category 1 run, died in map 5 to a troll crusher. -_- Given some of the close calls before that though, I don't think I have much room to complain about performance here. Definitely one of my favorite Ultimate Doom mapsets, from the few that I've played. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
Crusader No Regret Posted May 7, 2018 Type 1: blind I did load up the WAD beforehand to sample the music choices and make sure it worked but didn't try to progress through the maps beyond the opening room, if at all. Reluctantly picked up a soulshpere while under 40% health, may not have survived M2 without it. M3 was a tense one as I spent a long time without finding armor. I do make it to the blue key but get gangbanged by its guardians. PrBoom-plus -complevel 3 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fiendzy Posted May 7, 2018 Type 1 : Blind, I've loaded E1m1 as a quick test to make sure my recording software was working, also wanted to make sure my Cosmetic mod addon's were working (Behavior wise weapons, monsters and items behave exactly like their vanilla counterparts) I've used a Colourblind filter (tritanopia) to replicate what I see, I've used a sprite swap for some weapons and edited the decorate files to include Earthworm jim voice lines upon picking up ammo / armour etc. Engine used: GZdoom G.3.4pre- 278... -compat (Boom strict) SV_Nojump 1 SV_Nofreelook 1 SV_Nocrouch 1 R_Drawtrans 0 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Woolie Wool Posted May 7, 2018 Is the Freedoom version not allowed? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
NaZa Posted May 7, 2018 On 5/1/2018 at 1:16 PM, Alfonzo said: Oh, I'd forgotten all about Double Impact being hosted in Freedoom. You'll have to use the PWAD version linked, yes: running Freedoom as a substitute with a set that uses only vanilla resources would be accepted, but meddling with map order (as well as things and actions etc.) is definitely off the table. @Woolie Wool 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
an_mutt Posted May 8, 2018 Did my runs last week, forgot to post them. Part 1, Part 2. Chopped it in half because I'd set encoding to too high in the first part. I dunno whether to call this a category 1 or 2 run, as I'd played the first 2 maps last year, and I looked up where the secret exit in e1m3 was, but aside from that it was all blind. Spoiler eeeeehhhhh 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
HexaDoken Posted May 9, 2018 ALRIGHT I DIDN'T DIE ON FIRST LEVEL WOOT Me: "Okay, this ambush was stupid, but now I can catch my breath" Shotgunner I never noticed was there: "nope." Reached e1m5 in 54:54 (neat), skipping the secret map because I thought the normal exit isn't actually an exit. Cat 1 run. (eeeee i didn't forget to specify it this time) Overall, I have not found Double Impact to be particularly difficult, at least up until this point. Before me gloriously mishandling the ambush, it was a pretty relaxing playthrough. In total, this is not exactly the best of showings, but I'll take it. also wtf the wad updated since I downloaded it back in the month? reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
cannonball Posted May 9, 2018 So another month and another stupid death where I simply ignore an imp wandering towards me. Finally I succumb to the yellow key trap on E1M7. Man I could remember the first couple of maps really well but after that my memory simply vanishes so this is a category 2 demo. The secret map was not played because I could remember how to get to it. I guess on the other hand compared to previous months reaching the second to last map is probably a good achievement for Mr Cannonfodder. :P 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
HexaDoken Posted May 9, 2018 and then I reviewed my video and realised I had a plasmagun THIS ENTIRE GODDAMN TIME I just picked it up on e1m2 and then completely forgot it exists Would've been so useful in that ambush... man I'm good at this game amirite 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
NaZa Posted May 9, 2018 2 hours ago, cannonball said: E1M7 Dammit, you were so close to your... First survival? Either way, tough luck man! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
SilverIce Posted May 9, 2018 (edited) Not sure how to classify this run (I've played the crap out of the version included with Freedoom), so let's just call it a 2. Made it to E1M4 before getting knocked into a nukage pit by an infinitely tall specter. EDIT: Used the hotfix version. Edited May 9, 2018 by DaIcemann76 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
cannonball Posted May 9, 2018 45 minutes ago, NaZa said: Dammit, you were so close to your... First survival? Either way, tough luck man! Something tells me I will be six feet under before I ever survive one of these. Oh well at least if everyone is laughing at my misfortune then all is good. Double impact is probably one of if not my favourite Udoom episode replacements. On the note of surviving I really hope one of my works doesn't crop up as the humiliation of dying to my own work would be embarrassing. :p 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Cynical Posted May 9, 2018 So, is there any chance of having a gameplay mod month of this someday? I'd love to watch everyone fail miserably at Term's new "completely unplayable" mod. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
HexaDoken Posted May 10, 2018 On 5/2/2018 at 4:10 AM, Alfonzo said: Changing brightness is okay I think, yes, though choosing what renderer to use could be a point of contention and I'd like to get some input from other members of the league, because while there's nothing in the rules that enforces one or the other there are plainly going to be times when darkness really plays into the difficulty of a set; and in Double Impact it's particularly harsh. Software render folk (like me!) are going to get shafted where GL will allow for cushy visibility. For the time being, there are no restrictions on it but if you're the noble sort then you'll select a renderer that doesn't gimp the horror of the game in this context. I think adjusting brightness and contrast levels is fine, though (it totally smears the visuals and that's punishment enough :)). FWIW I dunno prboom and the such but GZdoom at least features a setting called "software sector light mode", which is pretty faithful to the vanilla renderer in terms of brightness. I didn't play the set on actual software so I can't vouch for 100% accuracy, but there definitely were times in the set where I could see precisely shitall. Somewhere midrun I also realised that having dynamic lights on probably counts as cheating too, and so I tried to disable them, but, uh. The game wouldn't let me. I'm not sure what's up with that. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
SSGmaster Posted May 10, 2018 Died in E1M9, looks like I don't know how to use a rocket launcher. Category 2, I already played that wad years ago. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
dt_ Posted May 11, 2018 Category 1 (blind) Holy shit I survived, came close to death a few times- in a couple of instances I was so sure I'd die I almost gave up, but then at the last second a door would open or an infight would break out to save my skin. Sergeants are definitely priority number one in any battle in this set, and cautious play set me right. Used the hotfixed version, also I confess I'm playing with GLBoom, and had the gamma correction set at 4, which I'd say is definitely a bit of an advantage; in some of the darker rooms I turned it off, and could barely see anything. The demo is about 4 hours long, I had to leave the house for about an hour or so mid demo, but I was not in any trouble of posting a record time anyway! 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
Alfonzo Posted May 14, 2018 Haven't checked the run out but I'm going to slip a crusher obituary onto the leader board and be 90% certain it's correct, anyway. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ancalagon Posted May 14, 2018 (edited) Died to the last 5 cacos in the wad, the map was fun so I gave it another try and completed it in 2 mins, blind run. Edited May 14, 2018 by Ancalagon 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dragonfly Posted May 16, 2018 I ded. x_x Died on E1M6, didnt do the secret level. Died to what FELT like 20% damaging floor but in reality was just a horde of enemies. :( Either way, @an_mutt can stop polishing the britbowl for now. I don't want to win a tarnished lump of scrap! @Suitepee you're up next! Spoiler 7 Quote Share this post Link to post
Pegleg Posted May 18, 2018 Here is my DW Ironman debut, in all its glory. I died on E1M1. I forgot to check the monster count (hopefully that won't be held against me), but after watching my demo (recorded in PrBoom+ -cl3), I'm pretty sure I counted 72 monsters killed before a sergeant (I think) got me. I enjoyed Double Impact. I may not have played well, but I had a good time. Ordinarily, I like to save rather often, so this was a nice challenge for me. Originally, I was going to play this blind. Then I played E1M1 and half of E1M2 on ITYTD (not that it helped me much, because I forgot most of it in the week or so between then and my actual Ironman attempt). I ended up playing through a few times because I was unhappy with the first few playthroughs. Once, I backed into a dead end instead of a corridor while running from demons. Another time, I was standing next to a barrel while being shot at by a sergeant (that didn't kill me, but left me wounded enough that it didn't take long for something else to finish me off). Finally, I just decided to call it, and be content with my performance. Besides, I realized, while watching the demo, that I forgot to hit the switch that opened the door to the red key. Oh well. I would call this run a category 2. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
Vince Vega Posted May 26, 2018 (edited) When Vince Vega is late on the DWIronparty: The month was just crazy; finally I've found a minute between Void Linux and stancing my car and then... (VV) — Yeahbuddy, I've reached that secret blue emoji. Who wants some, who's next? (TP) — Maboy, I missed you so much! (VV) — Blow your trumpets, Gabriel. (TP for toxic pool) Vince versus Absinthe, round two (and total score is 0:2, lol). prboom-plus.exe: call me when you're sober. How make a doomguy dumbguy die? Give him a soulsphere. Meh, Double Imp is so chllin', I could really surve the entire if only put that latex dress on. Actually the only Ultimate DOOM WADs I've ever played were maxed out doom.wad itself and 2002: ADO (luvit). Impact is not really my sort of dooming, but pretty meaty kill counters spotted BTW (412 goodfellas on E1M3). As well as secret placement — now I'm gonna watch all the DSDA max demos for this one, because I had ten blue-keyed doors and not a single blue key at all (you're damn good at secret finding, Vince, keep it on (N O P E)). DSDA/DW version, evergreen category one, E1M4 and 133 hellokitties of 211. Fukk that all, where's my new tyres... DoomTube: Spoiler Edited June 2, 2018 by Vince Vega Some moving pixels 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
42PercentHealth Posted May 26, 2018 11 minutes ago, Vince Vega said: When Vince Vega is late on the DWIronparty You're not officially late until after @Alfonzo updates the leaderboard (wink, wink, nudge, nudge). 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
NaZa Posted May 26, 2018 3 minutes ago, 42PercentHealth said: You're not officially late until after @Alfonzo updates the leaderboard (wink, wink, nudge, nudge). I don't mind the board not being updated - my run looks fairly solid like this :D (on the updated board it'd be near the bottom)... 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Malrionn Posted May 27, 2018 Category 2, I played this PWAD some time ago, a fun one. No prepared run this month. I died in Hydroponic Facility, which is E1M4 I believe, just after grabbing the yellow key (kills : 167/211). I have done the run with the hotfixed version from the OP. The run time is 50min27sec. File : 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Suitepee Posted May 27, 2018 = died on E1M2 to a Spectre. (cat 3 run, using the fixed version) At the moment it seems I'm not cut out for this Britbowl thing. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
NaZa Posted May 27, 2018 I'd so love if there was a TNSBowl, comprised of people who hop on TNS sessions. I mean, there would be no need to guess the winner each month, but the battle for the other places would be fun! :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tristan Posted May 27, 2018 ^ Krypto used to be a TNS regular. RIP :P (unless he's returned recently..I haven't played in months) We had planned to film a session once and submit it as an ironman run under the TeamTNS account, lol. There were a couple of rules that prevented it though, mainly down to compat. settings iirc. I mean, there's nothing in the rules about multiplayer runs :P 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
42PercentHealth Posted May 28, 2018 6 hours ago, Eris Falling said: ^ Krypto used to be a TNS regular. RIP :P (unless he's returned recently..I haven't played in months) Eris used to be a TNS regular. RIP :P (I haven't played in months either) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
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