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Favorite Source Port? (Multiple Choice Poll)

Guest Kevin

Favorite Source Port? (Multiple Choice)  

369 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite source port?

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OK, so Boom? All I know is Eternity sucks and every day I feel so glad that I'm not the guy that made that. Aren't you glad you didn't make that crapfest of a program?

I should probably add a few million :P's to this just so I'm clear, but apparently there's a maximum character limit of 50,000 or something.

I know, worst joke evar, but even if it was Lee Killough I'd probably say something about ZenNode being teh bast nadeboldar evrar!

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I still find Zdoom to be my favorite port even with vanilla maps. I also had a chance to try out the zdbsp - omg - it kicks ASS!
Legacy is ok
I love JDOOM, but as a mapper I find it too restrictive because of the gl requirements.
Vavoom. It's ok
Same with PRBOOM and other ports. They're ok.
I think Zdoom wins hands down but that's just me.

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Deathman said:

Legacy is a walking time bomb with a good net code.

Jdoom can do 3d floors as well....you just gotta know how to do that trick....

It's a hack so it can't be 'just as well'. BTW, the fakeness of the 3D-bridges in the Doom64 TC were quite obvious to me...

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MrDoomMaster said:

Right now I'm using jDOOM, and it's REALLY awesome.

Yeah, jDoom is pretty cool. My favorite visuals-wise. ZDoom is cool technical wise, although ZDoomGL may be the best of both (haven't tried it yet :-P)


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Doom Dude said:

Legacy, ZDoom and JDoom...... they're all cool.

You know, he has a point. My port of choice, by a very long way, is Zdoom, but yes, they are all cool.

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Depends on what you want really.

Prboom has great compatibility.
Zdoom has good editing features, tho it's scripting is really weak. Once Eternity gets back level scripting it'll be far more powerful then zdoom when it comes to editing features.

There are no other ports worth mentioning really.

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>There are no other ports worth mentioning really.

Touch harsh don't ya think? - I agree with the general consensus of jDoom for graphics/3D sound/Music and ZDoom for level editing (Although Doom 64 TC is a major exception to that rule), Legacy doesn't get much of a look in these days but it does have split screen play which is neat.

I use jDoom because it does what I want and is easy to mod with new weapons/graphics/skyboxes/features (from crouching to fog to rain effects) using the various jPacks that are around. That's why I use it and make stuff for it.

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I prefer ZDoom, just because it has better than average graphics and is pretty straight forward, but Legacy is pretty cool with all the 3D things.

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  • 3 weeks later...

EDGE all the way. The amount of capabilities it has, and the easy as hell editing makes my list of favorite, with Legacy behind it (good split-screen fun). Jdoom, then Zdoom. Zdoom is buggy and feels lacking...I don't know why.

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Chu said:

EDGE all the way. The amount of capabilities it has, and the easy as hell editing makes my list of favorite, with Legacy behind it (good split-screen fun). Jdoom, then Zdoom. Zdoom is buggy and feels lacking...I don't know why.

ZDoom buggy? To me it seems it's the only source port that actually gets is bugs fixed. With most other developers it's like talking to walls when it comes to stuff like this. Actually I think that EDGE is much more problematic in most regards but to each his own...

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Yeah,,,but for some reason Zdoom feels incomplete.
It's still damn good, though.
...And isn't the new version of EDGE supposed to arive by the end of this month?

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Graf Zahl said:

ZDoom buggy? To me it seems it's the only source port that actually gets is bugs fixed. With most other developers it's like talking to walls when it comes to stuff like this.

Apparently you've never met Quasar then. :P

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WTF? I don't think that was called for.

As for bug fixes in Eternity, I have made numerous calls to the forum and community in general for complaints and issues, and whenever I get responses, I try to address them. A large number of bug fixes in betas 3, 4, and 5 were due to users pointing stuff out.

Now, you might wanna keep in mind the difference between bug fixes and feature requests. For instance, if you thought of the lack of hi-res screen modes in Eternity as a bug, that's incorrect. That would be a feature request, and when it comes to those, I prioritize them by many criteria, including my own desire to work on something at the time.

But, I have been very responsive to feature requests as well (adding drag-and-drop support for files in beta 4 was due to numerous user requests). And as far as Graf Zahl goes, his suggestions for EDF were the source of many of the v1.1 changes and additions. So how he can say that everyone but Heit is like a brick wall in this respect, I don't know.

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Quasar said:

But, I have been very responsive to feature requests as well (adding drag-and-drop support for files in beta 4 was due to numerous user requests). And as far as Graf Zahl goes, his suggestions for EDF were the source of many of the v1.1 changes and additions. So how he can say that everyone but Heit is like a brick wall in this respect, I don't know.

Hey, I didn't say 'everybody', I said 'almost everybody'. My response was meant primarily to describe EDGE's state. I never meant to insult you because obviously Eternity is one of the source ports that is seeing some active development that actually gets released. It's just that with some other source ports you report an error and there are 2 possibilities of what can happen:

1. The developers get defensive and respond in aggressive manner ( I have seen this many times with Legacy .)
2. Nothing at all. EDGE in particular seems to be a project where it is totally impossible to figure out whether something is done or not. I have absolutely no clue about the current state and the last release is way over a year old.

Does it surprise anyone that I don't use any of those anymore?

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Graf Zahl does have a point there. My two favorite ports are Zdoom and Eternity. And that's partially because their authors are so active. Zdoom gets updated faster than I can keep up with. And it I ever have a question about Eternity, Quasar is always available and willing to help.

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Graf Zahl said:

Hey, I didn't say 'everybody', I said 'almost everybody'. My response was meant primarily to describe EDGE's state. I never meant to insult you because obviously Eternity is one of the source ports that is seeing some active development that actually gets released. It's just that with some other source ports you report an error and there are 2 possibilities of what can happen:

1. The developers get defensive and respond in aggressive manner ( I have seen this many times with Legacy .)
2. Nothing at all. EDGE in particular seems to be a project where it is totally impossible to figure out whether something is done or not. I have absolutely no clue about the current state and the last release is way over a year old.

Does it surprise anyone that I don't use any of those anymore?

Ah ok, my mistake :) I myself am familiar with some defensive responses from other programmers. I really dunno why people want to be that way when it comes to their DOOM mods. Things work better when we cooperate.

It looks like EDGE is on the way out. There've been rampant rumors about the authors quitting for over a year now I think, so apparently either they have, or they're just working really slowly. Eternity has had some large release gaps in the past, usually either due to bad bugs I couldn't fix for a while, or just because I was sick of working on it :/

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i myself would go for risen3d. a simplified jdoom engine with boom/mbf support. tragically undervalued engine. has all the graphical whistles and bells.

"like raster lines - play zdoom.

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psychosomatic said:

i myself would go for risen3d. a simplified jdoom engine with boom/mbf support. tragically undervalued engine. has all the graphical whistles and bells.

"like raster lines - play zdoom.

Generally I'd agree. This is most definitely one of the most promising source ports. But:

-No source release (so we are utterly dependent on the author. If he quits it's dead.)
-How should anybody know about it if there is little to no 'advertisement' for it.

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Graf Zahl said:

Generally I'd agree. This is most definitely one of the most promising source ports. But:

-No source release (so we are utterly dependent on the author. If he quits it's dead.)
-How should anybody know about it if there is little to no 'advertisement' for it.

like I said in a thread a while ago, he just won't announce it. I have no idea why, and he doesn't even update his site about fixing his port etc. instead of announcing the new releases, he just emails me instead!

I've mentioned about releasing the source but he didn't seem to listen on that either...so..bleh.

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