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Favorite Source Port? (Multiple Choice Poll)

Guest Kevin

Favorite Source Port? (Multiple Choice)  

369 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite source port?

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Vile said:

What the hell is vavoom? :)


Vavoom is the source port that isn't even able to display the sky properly! :-D

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Zdoom is the best for playing Zdoom-specific wads.

There, a statement that is difficult for anyone to disagree with. Oh hang on, there's ZdoomGL. Oh bugger. :0

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Vavoom's level lightmapping was a really nice effect (especially on map 29, 21 and some others).... but the port had too many problems for me to want to use regularly. It didn't even draw sprites correctly on my system. Korax mod was great though, so maybe they'll do something decent with it.

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My favorite source port is Edge, but I can't honestly say it's the best source port around. Not yet anyway, maybe after Edge 1.28 gets released...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys. I'm sure this topic has been covered an infinite number of times, but I guess I have to try my luck and ask once more. I am truly sorry for any inconvenience.

I would like to know the best source port available. If there is no "best" then I would prefer each person give their opinion on the one they like most, and why. I'm trying to get an idea of which is better, but I don't know which ones to try out.

Right now I'm using jDOOM, and it's REALLY awesome. I like the lighting effects, the ability to use the mouse to look around, and it's overall nicer looking. The only problem with it is that no one is ever playing online. The master server I use is doomsdayhq.com and there are hardly people online.

If someone could also give me a good server for jDOOM games, that would be absolutely awesome. Thanks everyone, I appreciate all cooperation.

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I suggest you use the Search Forums feature. This question has been hotly debated on so many occasions that I doubt many people will be too motivated to go over it again. Apart from the real zealots, that is.

However, if you indicate what your priorities are (graphical enhancement, compatibility with the original game, new gameplay features, multiplayer, etc.), then people will be better able to suggest which one(s) might suit you best.

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I would prefer something with a LOT of gameplay options, very specific options. I like the options of Zdoom, but it lacks the graphical enhancements that jDOOM has. If I could combine Zdoom's options, jDOOM's graphics, and zdaemon's online popularity all in one (a lot of people play online with zdaemon, whereas none play online with jdoom), that would be my perfect source port. maybe I can combine them somehow without much effort? not sure. I hope everyone will work with me! thanks!

and I have tried searching, I can't really figure out keywords to search for... "port reviews"?

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Indeed, best not to feed the fire, so for RECOMMENDED source ports, here's my big 3.

1. ZDoom - many great features, support for games like heretic/hexen and strife somewhat (which is the best possibility, there was a message on the zdoom forums about the Strife source code being long gone: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=1170

You'll also find a bounty of quality addons made specifically for this port (dark7, distion, and so on).

2. PrBoom - great compatibility with the original game, making it the best choice for watching demos made with the original game executables such as those found at Compet-N

3. JDoom - Used to be my favorite, and the Doomsday engine also handles heretic and hexen very respectably (perhaps better than zdoom, I'm not very familiar with the comparison) but I'd keep it around for one very good reason, the Doom 64 TC: http://www.doom2.net/~elbryan/abs-download.html

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MrDoomMaster said:

I like the options of Zdoom, but it lacks the graphical enhancements that jDOOM has.

Sounds as if you might like ZdoomGL.

MrDoomMaster said:

and I have tried searching, I can't really figure out keywords to search for... "port reviews"?

OK, this is a search for occurrences of the word "port" in thread titles, restricted to the Source Ports forum. This is the same search, but for all open forums.

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well....it's depend on what u want from doom

if u want:
most game features: ZDoom (lots of modern doom!)
most network players: DoomConnector or zdaemon (doom online!)
most Graphic enhanced: Doom Legacy (3d floors are nice!)

personally, i like GLZdoom (a GL version of zdoom) but lots of bugs and problem, so i playing zdoom now

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johnc753 said:

most Graphic enhanced: Doom Legacy (3d floors are nice!)

If you want graphic enhancement, JDoom is much better than Legacy!

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johnc753 said:

most Graphic enhanced: Doom Legacy (3d floors are nice!)

Legacy is a walking time bomb with a good net code.

Jdoom can do 3d floors as well....you just gotta know how to do that trick....

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This thread doesn't look so bad yet. It's just some friendly opinion exchanging.

Of course, nobody has to ask me what MY favorite ports is.

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