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GZDoom, Complex Doom, LCA and HEM

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Hi all. Not exactly sure where to post this, but since it relates to ZDoom, here it is.


I've been following King G on Youtube and seen all the Complex Doom add-ons. I have been able to happily play Complex Doom using GZDoom with the Legendary Creatures Add-on and Dusted Add-on. However, the monster variety wasn't enough compared to what I've seen on Youtube (too many of the weakest versions spawn), so I tracked down HEM. Unfortunately it refuses to load up, giving me error message :


Execution could not continue.

Script error, "hem lca_v2.1.pk3:actors/spawner.txt" line 222:
Script error, "hem lca_v2.1.pk3:actors/spawner.txt" line 222:
Tried to define class 'Cybruiser2' more than twice in the same file.


GZDoom version:

Complex Doom version: v26a2

LCA version: v1.5.9.5

Dusted version: v1.6.1

HEM version: v2.1


King G and the gang don't explain how they got it all going. In fact one of the more potty-mouthed Youtubers actively refuses to do so. Can anyone help me?

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7 minutes ago, MajorRawne said:

Execution could not continue.

Script error, "hem lca_v2.1.pk3:actors/spawner.txt" line 222:
Script error, "hem lca_v2.1.pk3:actors/spawner.txt" line 222:
Tried to define class 'Cybruiser2' more than twice in the same file.

It looks to me like the DECORATE file in question is trying to define Cybruiser2 multiple times, which GZDoom 3.x doesn't like. If you go in and remove/comment out the second Cybruiser2 definition, it should work unless it does this with other actors.

It's telling you exactly where it is (actors/spawner.txt line 222), so it's really just a matter of repairing it and testing it exhaustively until it works.

Edited by Aquila Chrysaetos

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@MajorRawneComplex Doom and all of the addons are recommended to play in Zandronum 2.1.2 and above. GZDoom is not suited for it because it recognize different shit that it's for Zandronum-code

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Alternatively, if those mods can't work together in Zandro, use a launcher like ZDL. It'll bypass all errors and play the thing as normal.

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Thanks for the replies chaps. I am using a Zdoom launcher at the moment. I've got Zandronum too but don't know how to make it all work together. Zandronum keeps asking for my Doom directory and won't accept anything I try to use.


I also don't know how to edit the Decorate? My computer knowledge seems to have degraded by 2D10 points in recent years.

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Slade3! Wow, I completely forgot what that was for! Haven't used any of this stuff since I left the Panophobia project years ago. (What happened to Panophobia?)


I got it going, found the definition and simply commented out the line:


Actor Cybruiser2 : Cybruiser {}


The following lines state:



Actor DarkCybruiserSpawner : randomspawner

 DropItem "Cybruiser2", 255, 80
 DropItem "DarkCybruiser", 255, 45


But line 16 states:


ACTOR OverlordSpawner3 : RandomSpawner Replaces Cybruiser


I'm confused. Does line 16 imply that the Cybruiser (whoever he is) has been replaced by the Cybruiser2? And does the DarkCybruiserSpawner line mean that if the game decides to deploy a DarkCybruiser, it must then randomise a choice between a DarkCybruiser and the mysterious Cybruiser2?

Edited by MajorRawne

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EDIT: Commenting it out and deleting it don't work. I get the same error message. Looks like everyone who mentioned ZDoom being the problem were correct. King G definitely plays in Zandronum and I am pretty sure Ultraviolence does too, although thanks to his constant and unnecessary swearing, I'd rather skin myself alive and roll in salt than contact him about it. Let me try setting ZDL3 up to work with Zandronum.


EDIT2: It won't work in Zandronum either, with or without line 222. Instead I get a huge list of all the monsters in the game saying that they tried to register more than once and execution cannot continue. Everything works perfectly without HEM. Am I missing something here? And why do my edits create new posts??

Edited by MajorRawne

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