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32X Doom TC for GZDoom

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Hey everyone!


I found an incomplete TC for ZDoom of the 32X version of Doom in my computer, I've been looking around and I can't find any thread pointing out on who did it, so if that is a problem, this thread should be deleted accordingly. Anyway, that mod had only the mapset, replaced the sprites with just the front angle, some graphics and a basic MAPINFO, so I took it and completed it.



  • The 17 maps with all their glitches included. (the Imp behind the exit switch in E1M2 and the inaccessible room in E2M2)
  • Weapons fire faster.
  • 32X music assignment. (I didn't include the actual music because, well... It's quite obvious. You're free to provide your own, though. I personally recommend trying out DMXOPL and play the music with that, kind of sounds like the 32X should have sounded.)
  • All sprites have just the front angle. (including the rockets, which look quite funny)
  • Infighting disabled.
  • HUD weapons graphics are half the original width.
  • Almost 100% accurate replica of the 32X status bar, including the mirrored face.
  • Pink text and numbers, including the small font which is absent from the 32X version, but was needed for this TC.
  • Plasma rifle fires slower.
  • Ending sequence.
  • Bluish tint for invulnerability. (it appears yellowish when playing on Fusion, I don't know if that's emulator bug or if it's actually like that, this bluish tint was done by whoever made the first version of the TC, not me)
  • Silent teleporters. I don't know if teleporters are actually silent, but I've never heard a teleporter make a sound when playing the 32X original.
  • Runs with either Doom 1 or Doom 2, although I recommend Doom 2 if you want to use IDCLEV. Level 15 uses Doom 2 textures, so use Doom 2.


I tried to have everything as similar as possible to the original but obviously a 100% accurate version is impossible with the current iteration of GZDoom.



  • The status bar shows nothing in the ammo section when using the fist or chainsaw, while it shows a 0 in the original. I don't know if it's possible to replicate that behavior with SBARINFO.
  • Unfortunately, the colors of the numbers in the status bar and intermission are limited to the Doom palette even if you're playing in OpenGL or true color mode, so they look reddish.
  • The chainsaw and chaingun fire too fast, it's either too fast or too slow, I can't get it right.
  • No DOS prompt ending sequence. I wanted to include it, but I couldn't find a way to make it appear only when cheating or skipping maps. I looked into the idea of making GZDoom crash with a fatal error at the ending as a joke, but no luck with that either.
  • No scrolling credits. Technically it's possible to do, but it would require an stupid and insane amount of scripting just to simulate that effect with Intermission and I'm not up to that task. I just placed the CREDIT lump instead. Cheap, I know.
  • The ending and cast texts don't have the same font as the original. I guess it's possible to do it, but I don't know how to work with fonts and I'm not sure if it's possible to change fonts on ZDoom intermission texts.
  • Ending music loops, couldn't find a way not to when using a custom intermission.
  • The layout of the main menu and the intermission screen is different, I don't think there's much that can be done about that.
  • IDFA and IDKFA have the normal behavior instead of giving you 500 ammo for every weapon.
  • Skull keys actually show on the status bar, I left this in intentionally as you don't encounter any skull keys during normal gameplay, so it shouldn't affect.
  • Works in multiplayer. The maps actually have player 2 and Deathmatch starts, so I just modified the status bar to add the frags panel. I thought of making it like the Jaguar version with your frags as well as your opponent's but it wouldn't work too well if you play with more than one person. I know the original version had no multiplayer, but still... Playing cooperative is a bit weird though because monsters will appear to be attacking you when they're attacking the other player.
  • The orientation of the flats used for the border and the intermission background is different from the original.


I attached some screenshots of the mod, as well as the mod itself with the configuration file I used to take them. It makes the game be a little more genuine, so you don't have to tamper with your own GZDoom configuration to make this look better.


One thing, because of the way ZDoom handles status bars, I had to raise the HUD weapons 12 pixels to make them look ok, otherwise they were going to be too low and less visible (and thus, less accurate). This comes with the consequence that some weapons float and the rest seem too tall when playing in full screen.


I took the screenshots in OpenGL mode, but the mod looks OK even in 256 colors. If you use the original ZDoom, it might have some problems displaying the pink text along with the status bar face, as those colors are outside of the Doom palette, but apart from that, it should work fine.


Any input is appreciated (specially if someone knows who made the original version!), as well as any improvements that can be done to it. I invite anyone who wants to take this and make it even closer to the original.


Why would you want to play this? I don't know! Just have fun! :D


Download link here: 

On 6/6/2018 at 2:58 AM, CoTeCiO said:


Older version download link here: 32XDoomTC.zip (get this one only if you want the .ini file, otherwise download the 1.1 version)

Note: You don't need to use the configuration provided, it is there just to give you an idea of how I expect the mod to look like, it plays fine without it. Feel free to use and change it however you like or just discard it.


Screenshots here:



gzdoom 2018-05-31 02-31-56-26.png

gzdoom 2018-05-31 02-36-04-89.png

gzdoom 2018-05-31 02-39-40-32.png

gzdoom 2018-05-31 02-41-00-26.png

gzdoom 2018-05-31 02-44-38-38.png

gzdoom 2018-05-31 02-45-16-81.png

gzdoom 2018-05-31 02-45-50-24.png

gzdoom 2018-05-31 03-14-43-34.png

gzdoom 2018-05-31 03-15-53-71.png

gzdoom 2018-05-31 20-08-17-13.png

gzdoom 2018-05-31 20-22-29-70.png

gzdoom 2018-05-31 20-26-59-25.png

gzdoom 2018-05-31 20-27-01-89.png

gzdoom 2018-05-31 20-29-03-77.png

gzdoom 2018-05-31 20-29-05-43.png

gzdoom 2018-05-31 21-37-44-65.png

gzdoom 2018-05-31 21-37-45-53.png

gzdoom 2018-05-31 21-39-19-02.png



Edited by CoTeCiO
Added spoiler for screenshots

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Good idea. You seem relatively new here. I suggest that you instead change the gameplay options to disable jumping and crouching instead of having them unbound. Also, it would be a very good idea to not have cheats binded to keys. Not only that, but instead of using the regular OPL MIDI option, instead download audio files of the 32X Doom soundtrack, drag and drop them into the .WAD, and rename them to the names of the .MUS files in the .WAD file.


EDIT: you're not new you just don't come here that much it seems

EDIT2: looks like I can't read either

you should've included the 32X soundtrack as an optional addon though

Edited by Sgt Nate V

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Were the rockets intentionally like that, with the "towards" frame being the "back" frame?

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3 minutes ago, Sgt Nate V said:

Good idea. You seem relatively new here. I suggest that you instead change the gameplay options to disable jumping and crouching instead of having them unbound. Also, it would be a very good idea to not have cheats binded to keys. Not only that, but instead of using the regular OPL MIDI option, instead download audio files of the 32X Doom soundtrack, drag and drop them into the .WAD, and rename them to the names of the .MUS files in the .WAD file.


EDIT: you're not new you just don't come here that much it seems

I provided the configuration file just for people to get a better idea of how I expected the mod to look like. I didn't think of the rest very much, to be honest. I personally use different configuration files depending on what I'm playing, that's why that particular file is so devoid of bindings. I played and tested the mod using those bindings, that's why they're there, the cheats binded to keys were done for testing of some stuff I've worked on or just for laughs (I remember binding G to summon a BFGBall once, pressing that repeatedly was quite a lot of fun). Again, I didn't think of that much as I suppose everyone has a different approach to bindings and controls. I didn't want to disable stuff in MAPINFO either, some people don't like having so many restrictions to the gameplay when it comes to ZDoom, so I just left everything normal.


I mentioned the music in the post. I didn't provide recordings of the 32X music because it was going to make the WAD file too big and to be honest, that music sucks so much that it's not even worth to bother. I figured I'd leave that to whoever wants to listen to that crap when playing. I looked for the soundtrack to see if something was available, but I couldn't find anything that had proper loop points or weren't MP3s (MP3s have a small silence added at the beginning and end, which is noticeable when trying to play looping music).


Yeah, I don't participate in the forums too much. I read a lot more than what I write here, to be honest. I usually find interesting stuff to look into, but then I realize it's 6 or 8 years old, so I don't comment on them haha!

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2 minutes ago, Glaice said:

Were the rockets intentionally like that, with the "towards" frame being the "back" frame?

Yep, all the sprites in the game have just their front angle, that includes monsters, Baron fireballs and rockets. I intentionally left out the player sprites, though, because they were a small black square originally and I wanted to implement multiplayer capabilities to the mod.

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Uh, so I just downloaded this mod, and when I looked up the .zip file, there's an .ini file inside it. Is it important for the mod?

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36 minutes ago, taufan99 said:

Uh, so I just downloaded this mod, and when I looked up the .zip file, there's an .ini file inside it. Is it important for the mod?

No, it's just the configuration file I used to take the screenshots. The mod will run fine without it. Just bear in mind the mod was made to be played with the status bar, using full screen will make some weapons "float".

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15 hours ago, riderr3 said:

It's funny how these monsters "strafing" due to lack of rotation sprites.

Yeah! Although, play in -fast, now demons look quite creepy running around always looking at you!

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Really goes to show what a difference those rotational sprites made and how much better the Atari Jaguar looked for being the only decent console version prior to the Ps1 to have them.

Edited by MetroidJunkie

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On 6/3/2018 at 5:14 PM, CoTeCiO said:

Yeah! Although, play in -fast, now demons look quite creepy running around always looking at you!

The main reason I can't stand playing the 32X and SNES ports.

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Hey everyone! I made a small upgrade to the mod.


I tweaked the weapon animations a little bit to make them more similar to the 32X version, particularly the chaingun firing animation and weapons drawing made faster, made the status bar show zero ammo (instead of nothing) when using the fist and chainsaw and fixed the floating weapons when using the full screen HUD.


More importantly, now I'm including a music add-on for the mod, so now you can listen to that phenomenal 32X soundtrack while you watch demons moonwalking! Yay! The files are 128 kbps OGGs, mainly so it could fit in less than 25 mb, if you want higher quality versions, let me now and I'll upload a better version to another host.


I added a 1.1 to the zip filename to distinguish it from the original. This does not include the .ini file the first upload had, as it seemed to be more confusing than anything else. Enjoy!


Download link here: 32XDoomTC_1.1.zip

Edited by CoTeCiO

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I don't know if it was fixed in the 1.1 version, but there was a map with a bunch of walls with missing textures (I think it was Level 15 / E2M7).

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1 hour ago, KVELLER said:

I don't know if it was fixed in the 1.1 version, but there was a map with a bunch of walls with missing textures (I think it was Level 15 / E2M7).


I played the whole map and everything looked ok here. If you could provide screenshots, that would be great, that way I can find exactly what textures are causing problems.


EDIT: I checked using The Ultimate Doom and yeah, indeed there are many missing textures. Apparently that map uses textures from Doom 2. You should try playing it with Doom 2 and it should work fine. Sorry about that!

Edited by CoTeCiO

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