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Doom Eternal is a game, that exists

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It has Arachnotrons, Pain Elementals, and what looked like Hell Knights wielding energy swords and some other new demons.

Also its Hell on Earth and its not called Doom 2 (thankfully)

They also said it will be revealed further at Quakecon and will also be shown online, unlike when Doom 16 was first revealed behind closed doors.


Looking forward to it.

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It appears that the Barons are going to have laser swords akin to the Cyberdemon, the Arch-Vile makes a glorious return (as does the Pain Elemental), Arachnotrons are back (and actually bear a resemblance to their Doom 64 version but with their plasma gun being like a scorpion's tail). Also, the Imps have more spikes and are far closer to their classic appearances (complete with red eyes).

We're in for a full homecoming.

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I'm ambivalent toward it, really. I can't really form much of an opinion on it until I see gameplay firsthand. What we've seen in the teaser looks good, but teasers always look good, so I'm a little cautious about it. Doom (2016) was good, but not the best, I don't think. So, I'm going to wait to see if Eternal proves itself.

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Oh fuck yes give it too me now baby!




For the record I thought Doom 2016 was a thoroughly enjoyable experience. The music alone made it worth the ticket price.


Rip and Tear

Edited by Bridgeburner56

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  On 6/11/2018 at 2:05 AM, dobu gabu maru said:




OMG, yes!!!!! Thanks for this, Dobu. Funny thing, I finally got around to buying Doom 2016. It should arrive this week, along with Wolfenstein New Order and Old Blood. I'm psyched for seeing some different environments. I also like the looks of Rage 2. But seeing Archie in Doom Eternal made my heart soar. Looking forward to this.

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Im excited, hope they don't pull the same BS they did with the QuakeCon 14 reveal for the previous game

It looks like the missing monsters are in the game now

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This is the greatest announcement in the past five hundred years. This game will be epic! And gameplay in a couple months at QuakeCon, they've been keeping busy these past two years.

Edited by PsychoGoatee

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I mean, it has graphics.

Not sure about the title, though. I think we all remember Duke Nukem Forever's fate. I think we established that those kinds of titles were cursed.

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Ok, I've watched the trailer 4 times and I got goose bumps every time. It seems to tick all the right boxes for the sequel.


Bring in the missing monsters from Doom 2? Tick

Hell on Earth? Tick

Still essentially the same kick arse game? Tick tick tick.


Suffice it to say I am very excited.

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I'm really excited, hope it'll be great. A better multiplayer mode would be nice too. And that Archie looks F'ing gorgeous

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Arch-vile, arachnotrons, and pain elementals YESYESYESYESYESYES


I am very excited, let's just say



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Y'know, this makes me think of an obvious update to D4D:


Monsters will have randomizers that will spawn either their D4D versions or their Doom Eternal versions (i.e., Lightsaber Barons can spawn in place of regular ones).

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I imagine Eternal Doom is going to get a bunch of downloads from people who confuse it with the new game.

Going to be interesting to see how the Arch-vile will play out in Doom Eternal considering how the Summoner is a thing in Doom 4.


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Mentioning Eternal Doom reminds me that Eternal Doom IV might never be finished, unfortunately.


But anyways, so far looks really promising, glad to see the Arch-Vile return! Although I wonder if we can see it reviving corpses of dead monsters since they disappear quickly in DOOM (2016).

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>Archvile Hunter


You stay away from my glorious Archies. >8-(


Damn glad to see them make a return, for a while it felt like the Summoner was going to occupy that niche for the foreseeable future and to me those didn't have as much impact. Fingers crossed that Archie kicks ass!

Edited by Obsidian

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  On 6/11/2018 at 2:28 AM, Breezeep said:

Looking forward to people looking up the game's name and then stumbling upon Eternal Doom 



"This game is NOTHING like the original Eternal Doom, Id fucked up!"

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