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Well, it looks like the Plasma Rifle and the Chaingun were entirely reversed in their roles in Doom 2016, the roles being "weak rapid-fire weapon" and "strong rapid-fire weapon". The plasma rifle in D2016 is probably the most disappointing weapon of them all, mostly because of its sound effects that make it look like it's spewing water bubbles rather than hot plasma. So yeah, it's your first automatic weapon. But it doesn't feel very rewarding to use, unfortunately.

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Wait, was the plasma rifle your first automatic weapon? I thought it was the assault rifle.

I could very well be wrong, it's been since March since I played '16.

I agree, though, that the plasma rifle was underwhelming. On Nightmare I used the SG (not SSG), HAR, RL, and GC almost exclusively, primarily for their mods (though the GC recoil helped a lot in the Mastermind fight), and the plasma only came out for its stun ability.

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Personally, I think the best use for the Plasma Rifle was its stun bomb upgrade. It made taking on tougher enemies more manageable since you could wittle away at their health while they're helpless to do crap about it.

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On 6/15/2018 at 4:16 AM, Xfing said:

I hate SMGs overall. The SMG is probably the thing that most reminds me of modern, realistic shooters out of them all. It's pretty much a staple. Doom is anything but a realistic shooter, it's a classic shooter. No handholding, no reloading, no ducking, no 15 types of SMG as selectable weapons. Classic shooters don't have SMGs, they have plasma rifles and BFGs!

And assault rifles and rocket launchers!


On 6/14/2018 at 9:56 PM, Rifle Infantry said:

I'd love to see the Call of Doom assault rifle reused, whether as an "SMG" like weapon or simply an NPC/enemy implement. After all, not everyone can afford the power armor to lug around a .50 machine gun in rifle format.

The cut assault rifle can be used by the UN military. 


BTW, I don't understand why it's called "Call of Doom".


The plasma rifle in D2016 is probably the most disappointing weapon of them all, mostly because of its sound effects that make it look like it's spewing water bubbles rather than hot plasma. So yeah, it's your first automatic weapon. But it doesn't feel very rewarding to use, unfortunately.

The problem is that it's firing sound is looped. If there's one thing I hate, it's games where automatic weapons have a looped firing sound that's out of sync with the weapon's firing rate(looking at you Saints Row, GTA V).

Edited by ATP2555
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To note: it's named Call of Doom because the way things progress is way too similar with the style of storytelling that Call of Duty does.


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