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Further E3 Teaser Breakdown

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So trying to look through the teaser for anything one might have missed, I've created sort of a gallery to assess some of the trailer's bit that most people may have overlooked.



So, Earth marine helmet? It actually reminds me of the helmets worn by the colonial marines in Aliens.




Another death Earth marine. When I first saw it, I actually thought it was the remains of a Cyber-Mancubus, based on the perspective. I did just notice that to the very right, there's what appears to be either a Combat Shotgun or a Heavy Assault Rifle.




Definitely a Combat Shotgun, next to a mangled skeleton.




More corpses, including what appears to be an imp center right, a Possessed Soldier/UAC Marine on the left, and another Earth marine on the right.




Another shotgun next to that UAC marine (might actually be the case, since the weapon is there in the first place).




Scattered shotgun shells (which according to IMX, are actually blue).




Floating buildings just behind the lifeless hand of a Pain Elemental. Perhaps this version doesn't explode when killed, or at least leaves behind gibs? Either way, those floating building fragments look absolutely hellish.




A better look at the Arachnotron. Yes, it does appear to have glowing blue eyes just like the classic version.




So it seems like the cityscape ravaged by Hell appears to be what would seem like a modern city, possibly even a present-day city as evidenced by traditional traffic lights. Perhaps this is a version of present-day Earth that was unlucky enough for Hell to take over?




That demon skull appears to be attached to a smaller-than-usual body (despite being proportionate). Perhaps Baalgar-type demons are expected?




Definitely a dead Imp, and its skin coloration actually appears to be brown. Anyway, here's to hoping lasting corpses are a thing.




More credence to a "Hell on Earth in a present-day city," although the car appears to be slightly boxy compared to most modern cars. I expect it might be in the near-future? (According to the concept art on the Doom website, the wrecked cars shown have wheels and are nothing like flying cars/Spinners from Blade Runner.)




The first look at Doomslayer's new armor, and already his boots look pretty different. We also get another look at the Imps.




Doomslayer's gauntlets also look pretty different. In fact, they bear quite a resemblance to the "Bounty Hunter" armor sets from the D2016 multiplayer.




The chest armor also looks different, being more minimalistic and actually taking notes from the Doom 3 armor.




In fact, Doomslayer's armor looks pretty different from the Praetor suit, complete with a different-looking helmet. Plus, the only real similarity is the shoulder pads (and even those look slightly different). The Pain Elemental's design also looks interesting, having a mixture between a diabolical grin and the Cacodemon's lamprey mouth.




So it appears that the Arch-Vile's design actually took inspiration from the original clay model used to create the digitized sprites for the OG flame boi. Namely, the enlarged cranium comes to mind. Plus, his eyes appear to be glowing yellow or orange or white.

So here's all the extra observations I could find while inspecting the trailer further. Thoughts?

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Don't forget the twin bayonets on the SSG.  Overall I'm completely psyched for the game...hopefully it looks anything like the teaser.

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Funny to see this thread. I was literally just looking to see if this had been done yet. Very awesome teaser trailer and looks to have a lot to dig through. I appreciate your time in doing this :)

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Good observation with tons of helpful infos.


This time is Hell on Earth which I have always wanted to see something like cutscene group of civilians/soldiers slaughtered by the demons

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What's surprising me about that marine is that their armor looks pretty bulky, not near the levels of starcraft or its marine inspiration warhammer 40k, but definitely much bulkier than anything we've seen in doom before.

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Pretty good analysis, I've managed to miss some of these, and unsurprisingly, I missed exactly the obvious.


The Doom Slayer's armor is much more minimalistic this time around with obvious influences from the Doom 3 armor design, but the only part I noticed until now were the gloves and a general Doom classic vibe to it.

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Nice thread. I wanted to have an indepth look but I get too excited to observe in detail.


But what makes you think that lifeless hand is frim a pain elemental?


Also I don't notice these bayonets on the SSG people are talking about.


Edit: I think I see them. Hard to see much detail though 

Edited by Chezza

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4 hours ago, Chezza said:

Also I don't motice these bayonets on the SSG people are talking about.

I finally saw it last night myself. It's very brief but it's there

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7 hours ago, Chezza said:

But what makes you think that lifeless hand is frim a pain elemental?


Because the lifeless hand bears a striking resemblance to the one from the current Pain Elemental.




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The PE looks kinda cute.  I wonder if he is fluffy like the stuffed toy.  Too bad he would probably pop and kill you if you attempted to squeeze him.

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Regarding the cars, the canned Doom 4 had near-future cars but they were really boxy-looking. Perhaps they will recycle that design



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To add onto this analysis, while rewatching this for the 20th time (lol) I noticed something interesting




Look at doomguy's left glove, there's a rather large metal looking shape going over it (near the pain elemental). Could this be brass knuckles on his left hand like in OG dooms?

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4 hours ago, IMX said:


Because the lifeless hand bears a striking resemblance to the one from the current Pain Elemental.




Hmm. I count 4 to 5 fingers on dead hand and 3 on PE.

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51 minutes ago, Chezza said:

Hmm. I count 4 to 5 fingers on dead hand and 3 on PE.


You're counting whatever is in the floating building on the background as extra fingers. Feel free to re-watch the trailer in 1080p and you'll see three.


Here's an unedited frame.




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@IMX You have a point. The photo makes it more clear. Although it almost lools like 4 fingers but I'm leaning more to 3.

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