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Source port for MP action?

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I've been using Zandronum for quite some time now, but playing online it's a huge pain in the ass. The server browser is buggy, slow and it's terrible to use. Hosting a server is also a pain because I have to manually issue commands (as if it was a telnet connection) and keep alt-tabbing. No NAT punch-through.


Is there a better source-port that I might be missing out?

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To my knowledge, all client/server multiplayer source ports make use of the "remote console" paradigm for servers that are primarily driven by console commands, so unfortunately, you will find no respite there.


However, there are two major server browsers out there - Doomseeker and Doom Explorer.  If you're pissed off with the server hosting capabilities of one, you might want to try the other.

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3 hours ago, mmx said:

Hosting a server is also a pain because I have to manually issue commands (as if it was a telnet connection) and keep alt-tabbing. No NAT punch-through.


Not sure how AlexMax forgot to mention that all three of the most used MP source ports (Odamex, Zandronum, ZDaemon) all allow for "rcon", where you can login to the server and issue the commands through your player client while connected to the server. I forget the ccmds for each, but I think they might all just be rcon_password to login, and then "rcon xxx" to pass commands to the server. 

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rcon is awesome! Thanks a lot guys.


Another quick question: Which port has the best netcode?

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  • 2 weeks later...
11 minutes ago, -TDRR- said:

Maybe ZDaemon?

Unless this has changed, maybe not.

Although good luck finding out if it has changed or not, because it's the only closed source Doom port. They don't allow anybody to review their code.

Edited by Edward850

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