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[GEC] Master Edition PSX Doom for the PlayStation. Beta 4 Released [11/16/2022]

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After testing some of the maps thoroughly, I have found one big annoyance. The lag in the main room in Against Thee Wickedly. Seriously, trying to move around in that lava room when the Cyberdemon rains rockets towards you is quite a pain. (Thankfully there's an invuln. sphere...)

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1 hour ago, riderr3 said:

This is the usual practice of PSX Doom when it is not possible to use cheat-warp for secret levels. It should remain so, because it is the SECRET levels which should be hidden normally. Alternatively, you can save the password for secret levels only when you complete the previous level and find the secret exit, because now the password system has changed.

Warrens still not hidden because it has not yet been decided from which level the transition will be.

Huh. Could've sworn you could warp to the secret maps in PS1 Doom, but just checked for myself and nope, you can only warp directly from 1-54.


I stand corrected. I suppose it would still be a good question to ask though, as it does make playtesting them harder if you have to actually complete a level before them instead of warping right to it.


Not being able to warp perhaps is better served for the final version, when all the maps are done.

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On 10/31/2018 at 7:20 PM, DynamiteKaitorn said:

Not sure if you guys can see anything here but to me this is just full on black. Maybe it's just my monitor (which is a TV) but this room is so dark I can't see anything at all to the point I got attacked by a lost soul.

Darn crap! That's all my fault. Due to that sector having accidentally reduced to zeroth brightness level it shows blackness. Should be raised to around 235-255 to display better (as its color is something of that darkest blues).


At the point of the brightnesses, by the way. That's too bad GZDoom Builder no longer comes with a tool called Brightness Mode. While it seems at a glance totally worthless, this could (the days of DB2) lower/raise a light level of any number of selected sectors (including every sector a map has) in just a click. A highly cool appliance for PSX mappers/converters!

Is that possible to get this back to the GEC edition in a form of an additional plug-in at least? Because there are so much of maps in this Beta 2 I noticed which appear too bright on a monitor and would be great to have the light trimmed a little.

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17 hours ago, mr-around said:

Darn crap! That's all my fault. Due to that sector having accidentally reduced to zeroth brightness level it shows blackness. Should be raised to around 235-255 to display better (as its color is something of that darkest blues).

Regarding to the E1M10: Sewers, I used VRAM viewer cheat (Triangle, Square, Up, Left, Down, Right, Cross, Circle) and saw some free space for textures. Might you incorporate more comp## textures variations for computer room upstairs? Usually in PSX Doom the developers compensated the variety in this way.
And before that comp room is too many steps on that staircase and slowdown are pretty noticeable, may you reduce some of them?
On a positive side I like the dark and colored tunnels there (not this with 0 brightness, hehe).

Also this is the second secret UD map which have a Super Shotgun.
Regarding to secret maps, level progression it's up to GEC, but if they want I can provide secret exits because I have some free linedefs for "They Will Repent" and "The Spirit World" maps.

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Just now, riderr3 said:

Regarding to the E1M10: Sewers, I used VRAM viewer cheat (Triangle, Square, Up, Left, Down, Right, Cross, Circle) and saw some free space for textures. Might you incorporate more comp## textures variations for computer room upstairs? Usually in PSX Doom the developers compensated the variety in this way.
And before that comp room is too many steps on that staircase and slowdown are pretty noticeable, may you reduce some of them?
On a positive side I like the dark and colored tunnels there (not this with 0 brightness, hehe).

Also this is the second secret UD map which have a Super Shotgun.
Regarding to secret maps, level progression it's up to GEC, but if they want I can provide secret exits because I have some free linedefs for "They Will Repent" and "The Spirit World" maps.

If they'd like I could also make things interesting if they'd like to access it from Dis. The map is VERY plain otherwise, after all, and I've got more than enough space free for lines, I'm sure.


Then again, they could also expand New Hangar to a more "proper" map and put it there, since the secret exit for Sewers was in E1M1, after all.

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Honestly, the New Hangar can discredits the whole mapset. I won't to be a rude but it's reminds me of 1994 where many people start to edit E1M1 relentlessly.
New Hangar is just a testing map from where this project started. I still wonder why it's still in beta2. The 3D effects and NM monsters are already been represented on other maps.

E1M10:Sewers is plain because it saving the original shape. On PSX this map feels very sprawling, and using automap here is essential after a while. Still I partially agree, some shapes of corridors (center and south) can be corrected to looks like there are actual sewers. Maybe even add some new textures to to emphasize these shapes.

Edited by riderr3

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20 hours ago, riderr3 said:

Honestly, the New Hangar can discredits the whole mapset. I won't to be a rude but it's reminds me of 1994 where many people start to edit E1M1 relentlessly.
New Hangar is just a testing map from where this project started. I still wonder why it's still in beta2. The 3D effects and NM monsters are already been represented on other maps.

To be fair, I did say to expand it into a more "proper" map. But that'd be up to Team GEC since that's theirs.

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So is this project going to include to the original maps as well, and 'fill in the blanks' with the new maps?

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46 minutes ago, Kroc said:

So is this project going to include to the original maps as well, and 'fill in the blanks' with the new maps?

That's a good question. I'd like that if possible, but they'd have to make several sub-EXEs, since including the full contents of all games is 167 by my count. (36 from Ultimate Doom, 32 each from Doom II and both Final Doom episodes = 96, 21 Master Levels, 9 maps for NRFTL, 2 XBox maps, 2 Romero Maps, and Tom Mustaine's MAP14 Tribute = 167.)


I don't know if it's still true or not, but I read somewhere from @Erick194 that apparently the game wigs out if it tries to access a 64th map (no music or map name, IIRC), and 65th+ crashes outright, meaning that in the source there's probably some hard map limit. Is that still true if you read this, Erick194? (Or @Gerardo194, if you know the answer?)


That would also definitely need to be distributed as some kind of patch files as well to be applied to the regular CDs, since at that point we'd be including the original game's content, meaning technically that's piracy. (Technically so is this, because even though we're making custom maps, we're still using the official content. Granted, the market for PS1 Doom would be pretty much nil, Midway is no longer in existence, and Williams exited the video game market in 1998, so while this is technically true, it's also a bit of a stretch to expect the lawyers to come knocking with cease and desists.)


I've also inquired about if they'd like to cover some other notable PWADs, for example, Icarus: Alien Vanguard, or stuff like the WizardWorks episodes (Hell to Pay/Perdition's Gate), or The Lost Episodes of Doom. The problem there is we'd definitely be dipping into custom texture territory (not really for Lost Episodes of Doom though probably).


And of course there's my "PS1 Doom in Doom 64" idea, which I'd absolutely love to do and work on, given the better complexity of the N64 engine and more RAM/power, meaning less compromises (for both map and monster variety), especially if they hack in Expansion Pak support to bring the RAM up to 8 MB, but even the 4 MB stock N64 would probably allow for a pretty good time - 8 MB might allow for even richer animations, re-insertion of some missing enemy types, or at the very least, a resolution bump.


The original N64 Doom fit its 32 (technically 33 if you count the title) maps into an 8 MB cartridge, after all, and even then it doesn't use all of that space, so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say expanding it to 32 or even 64 MB wouldn't let us put several episodes' worth of content onto it. The largest official N64 games were 64 MB (stuff like Resident Evil 2 or Conker's Bad Fur Day), and while a few MB would be needed for sprite/texture assets/sounds, pretty much the entire rest could be map data.


Throw in the fact Kaiser extensively reverse-engineered Doom 64 to make Doom 64 EX, after all, and basically we'd have a lot better of a grasp of the limits of that game's engine, compared to PS1 Doom where it's still somewhat of a guessing game.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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The most difficult and complicated is to modify the EXE files.


Previously I said it, in the thread of Dexiaz, page 3:

and the final objective is to incorporate the original and current levels in each respective game DOOM, DOOM II "this will include NRFTL", Master Leves, TNT and Plutonia. in total there will be 5 EXE files and another 5 with PAL versions.


The other PWAD, could be done but in another project.


The problem of Doom64, is that the maps are compressed in a different format, which I have not taken time to decipher, but I do not think it helps much since the rom is limited to 8Mb, and uses almost 5Mb for the WAD originally, for some reason Midway did not include the missing enemies, because they ran into the limits of the console, and if it is true that there are games up to 64Mb, but I think the file uploads are separate, unlike Doom64 which is a WAD file loaded in memory.

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Finally got around to Beta 2. Most of the issues I experienced so far are just graphic anomalies due to the PSX rendering. However, there were some issues with Tomb of Malevolence. 


There were a number of vertical misalignments between sectors of varying heights. This is most obvious in the starting stairway, but it does continue in the battle area. Unless I was doing something wrong, the lift after you raise the stairs worked only one time, breaking the level for me. The sector stay raised, although you could hear the lift cycle. 


Unrelated, but lol, imps surrounded the nightmare cyber and killed him for me on the first attempt. :) 

Edited by Job

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7 minutes ago, Erick194 said:

The problem of Doom64, is that the maps are compressed in a different format, which I have not taken time to decipher, but I do not think it helps much since the rom is limited to 8Mb, and uses almost 5Mb for the WAD originally, for some reason Midway did not include the missing enemies, because they ran into the limits of the console, and if it is true that there are games up to 64Mb, but I think the file uploads are separate, unlike Doom64 which is a WAD file loaded in memory.

Kaiser's Doom 64 Tech Bible explains the map format and technical details very well, including how to decompress the level lumps.




As for limits of the console, again, Doom 64 predates the Expansion Pak (which doubles the RAM available to the console). Theoretically speaking, if you don't mind learning MIPS assembly (and you're already well underway with that via this PS1 project), it might be possible to have the game detect if the Expansion Pak is used. (And if so, possibly load a second set of maps that'd need the 8 MB of total RAM it provides; otherwise, load the 4 MB versions of the maps that would only have the stock/altered resources guaranteed to run on that).

Edited by Dark Pulse

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3 hours ago, Dark Pulse said:

I don't know if it's still true or not, but I read somewhere from @Erick194 that apparently the game wigs out if it tries to access a 64th map (no music or map name, IIRC), and 65th+ crashes outright, meaning that in the source there's probably some hard map limit.

https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/1830458 Last time I heard, Quasar said that the maximum bit you can encode into the map password is 63.

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14 minutes ago, Dark Pulse said:

Kaiser's Doom 64 Tech Bible explains the map format and technical details very well, including how to decompress the level lumps.

Exactly as the doom64_techbible says,
0 = no compression, 1 = LZSS, 2 = Huffman


The mystery of Huffman compression is that it is different, you can see it here https://github.com/svkaiser/Doom64EX/blob/master/src/engine/wadgen/deflate-N64.cc only decompression is not compression.

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5 minutes ago, Erick194 said:

Exactly as the doom64_techbible says,
0 = no compression, 1 = LZSS, 2 = Huffman


The mystery of Huffman compression is that it is different, you can see it here https://github.com/svkaiser/Doom64EX/blob/master/src/engine/wadgen/deflate-N64.cc only decompression is not compression.

Yes, but nominally speaking, if you reverse the decompression, you end up with the compression algorithm, right?


I'm admittedly not a programmer, but it's pretty common sense that if you know how to decompress something, recompressing it is basically a matter of reversing the steps needed to decompress it, especially since you will have a known, verifiable way to compare it against. (For example, if you're unpacking bytes at some point, in the reversed chain of command, at that point you'd be packing them instead, using the decompressed way to show you what you need to compress.)


Basically if you take a stock map, decompress it, and then reverse the steps to recompress it, if you got a bit-identical version of the compressed map as is stored in the game, you've got your compressor all set.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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Ah, okay. So then the problem isn't so much you don't know how to decompress the maps, it's that you're still figuring out a way to recompress the maps.


It's a bit of a long shot, but perhaps you could consider emailing Kaiser and he might be able to point you in the right direction? His email address is at the end of the PDF.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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I got my hands on beta 2, so you can see a lot of feedback on new and old maps, with text and screenshots under the spoiler!
Please read anyone who participated lately.


Against Thee Wickedly
These bars is not marked as "impassable" (also on the opposite side)

Almost impossible get out from here after platform is raised

I don't know why, but it seems to me that you can add more colored sectors in this map

Wrong flat on small crate
On a positive side this area have much better framerate, also Cyberden have more stable framerate now.

I know the original have too many bulk cells. I even thought I've meet a big horde here, but nope. Did this have the negative effect to continuous players? In the next map player will overloaded with the cells.

Spirit World
It’s important to change the flats GLOW0* to GLOW01 on all maps, otherwise bullshit floors will happen randomly. My map will be updated

The game can totally freeze when you try open this door. Most times it's open normally but if you again keep pressing circle button and move away a little, the game will freeze

"Texture cache overflow" error happened a bit ahead of this place. Though it happened only one time. I restarted map multiple times and this not happened again. Not sure what is triggered that error

Can you make this wall transparent like the original Hunted? It's now possible with blank texture. You can see the example with W_BLANK on Stronghold map

This is not so complex map like the Mill, Mount Pain and Odyssey of Noises, but monster variety here are limited to three and it is noticeable. I feel that one more monster type can fits here. By the way the cheapest ones in the lost souls. In my maps, I removing the optional linedefs (but save original progression), where most players would not even notice that they were removed, while freeing up space for new baddies.

Go 2 It
Just a typo on map name

If you come close, there is almost impossible to press this switch. The solution here is keep switch linedefs diagonally at 45 degrees (a PSX Doom engine quirk)

Totally black sector

Map compilation bug where the secret exit throwing player to the main menu, still this is not a last map. I knew there will be errors like this

Honestly, this staircase with many steps causes slowdowns which affecting a large place in the front. Maybe it would be worth reducing the ladder itself and the number of steps? Even maybe a space for additional monsters can be freed.
On a positive side this map has gloomy metal corridors with glowing lights and working machinery, all this really fits a PSX Final Doom map.

It's a possible to insert middle blank texture here on a back side, like I did in Habitat.

Dude! I've just skipped the whole purple area just by climbing this "steps". The first one should be higher

The left side switch can be activated from this point and will also lead to skipping, nearby switches also affected in this way

I have multiple opinions on this area
-Monsters from left teleporter are too late.
-Originally there are many monsters at the final room which are served like good blockers. What we got in PSX edition? A single (or two?) caco which flied away and path now free and map progression is broken. Best using here is a HUGE crowd of nightmare demons instead, with support of another monsters coming from teleporters.
-Mill is a huge map and respectively needs a wide texture variety. I've peek in VRAM viewer and see you using PLAT01 which are really expensive. Might you want to incorporate 2 new textures instead of PLAT01? Originally this room have texture called ASPHALT which are looked like rock.
-I see a narrative on many current TNT maps where this plain metal texture was used like on screenshot above. From my point of view, the use of this texture in large rooms making them too plain, it's harder to see what is closer and what's far. An exception a map called Metal which should justifies its name.

Mount Pain
After ambush is open you can shoot this way and admire this strange glitch

Also an opportunity to insert blank midtexture on back sides of that rooms

Wrong alignment. I even though it is secret. The top of fire texture also visible

From this point, the player sees what he should not see

Comment on former "Disaster Area". Inside, there are multiple nearby sectors in the form of "rings" on different heights, as well as in some places on The Sewers and Tombstone. PSX Doom is very unfriendly to such constructions, is it possible to somehow reduce the rows of steps a little bit? I, in turn, made changes to the final room at Tombstone to avoid terrifying slowdowns.

I thought the wrong texture for plutonian pedestals is made for saving VRAM space, but I was wrong, there are free space left for textures. Some plutonian maps needs fixing their pedestals, they anyways have free space for adding proper comp textures.

The Twilight
It's possible to stuck in this pit forever

The Temple of Darkness
This door marked but it's not required blue key to open

Impossible Mission
Floor have wrong height
Also those stone texture to the right is made exclusively for Pharaoh map. Honestly, it's looking weird on this map.

Yellow bars can be skipped by using switch from this point

My only advice here is make this window shorter - the red key will stays visible and the framerate will be better (because stairs in player's area).

Odyssey of Noises
I see the free space for textures here. The brown stone wall between two red floors is looking weird (there is originally red rock texture). Decide it yourself, this is just my point of view.

I might be wrong but it looks like a stretches on wall


The ambush of the revenants in RL room is simply unfair. Originally there are demons, for which one shot from SSG is enough. With revs who have more HP, this room becomes a trap of imminent death. An imps would be a fair choice

The most terrifying slowdowns in the whole beta2 occur in this very place. Simple reasons - a large deep location and a stairs (do we need stairs here?). Please do something. This location needs bold solutions for redesign.

Well of Souls
It's a possible to activate this lift from another side and the player will no longer reach the exit (see what can happened after crossing that red door line)

Do you remember what these small pillars for? They showed the road through an invisible bridge on both sides. In the PSX version, this is now a regular bridge. Now these pillars are just unnecessary obstacles, especially given the less precise movement of the player in the PSX Doom. The most reasonable option here is to remove these pillars
Also this map's beginning is too rough because of very scarce ammo, because of added wall which force player to meet with 4 HKs without grabbing extra shell box and backpack. So ammo balance is broken on this map. Maybe move some ammo to nearest closets with two chaingunners?

Well, now I've also can be counted as beta-tester in credits =)


Edited by riderr3

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5 minutes ago, riderr3 said:

I got my hands on beta 2, so you can see a lot of feedback on new and old maps, with text and screenshots under the spoiler!
Please read anyone who participated lately.

  Reveal hidden contents

Against Thee Wickedly
These bars is not marked as "impassable" (also on the opposite side)

Almost impossible get out from here after platform is raised

I don't know why, but it seems to me that you can add more colored sectors in this map

Wrong texture on small crate
On a positive side this area have much better framerate, also Cyberden have more stable framerate now.

I know the original have too many bulk cells. I even thought I've meet a big horde here, but nope. Did this have the negative effect to continuous players? In the next map player will overloaded with the cells.

Spirit World
It’s important to change the flats GLOW0* to GLOW01 on all maps, otherwise bullshit floors will happen randomly. My map will be updated

The game can totally freeze when you try open this door. Most times it's open normally but if you again keep pressing circle button and move away a little, the game will freeze

"Texture cache overflow" error happened a bit ahead of this place. Though it happened only one time. I restarted map multiple times and this not happened again. Not sure what is triggered that error

Can you make this wall transparent like the original Hunted? It's now possible with blank texture. You can see the example with W_BLANK on Stronghold map

This is not so complex map like the Mill, Mount Pain and Odyssey of Noises, but monster variety here are limited to three and it is noticeable. I feel that one more monster type can fits here. By the way the cheapest ones in the lost souls. In my maps, I removing the optional linedefs (but save original progression), where most players would not even notice that they were removed, while freeing up space for new baddies.

Go 2 It
Just a typo on map name

If you come close, there is almost impossible to press this switch. The solution here is keep switch linedefs diagonally at 45 degrees (a PSX Doom engine quirk)

Totally black sector

Map compilation bug where the secret exit throwing player to the main menu, still this is not a last map. I knew there will be errors like this

Honestly, this staircase with many steps causes slowdowns which affecting a large place in the front. Maybe it would be worth reducing the ladder itself and the number of steps? Even maybe a space for additional monsters can be freed.
On a positive side this map has gloomy metal corridors with glowing lights and working machinery, all this really fits a PSX Final Doom map.

It's a possible to insert middle blank texture here on a back side, like I did in Habitat.

Dude! I've just skipped the whole purple area just by climbing this "steps". The first one should be higher

The left side switch can be activated from this point and will also lead to skipping, nearby switches also affected in this way

I have multiple opinions on this area
-Monsters from left teleporter are too late.
-Originally there are many monsters at the final room which are served like good blockers. What we got in PSX edition? A single (or two?) caco which flied away and path now free and map progression is broken. Best using here is a HUGE crowd of nightmare demons instead.
-Mill is a huge map and respectively needs a wide texture variety. I've peek in VRAM viewer and see you using PLAT01 which are really expensive. Might you want to incorporate 2 new textures instead of PLAT01? Originally this room have texture called ASPHALT which are looked like rock.
-I see a narrative on many current TNT maps where this plain metal texture was used like on screenshot above. From my point of view, the use of this texture in large rooms making them too plain, it's harder to see what is closer and what's far. An exception a map called Metal which should justifies its name.

Mount Pain
After ambush is open you can shoot this way and admire this strange glitch

Also an opportunity to insert blank midtexture on back sides of that rooms

Wrong alignment. I even though it is secret. The top of fire texture also visible

From this point, the player sees what he should not see

Comment on former "Disaster Area". Inside, there are multiple nearby sectors in the form of "rings" on different heights, as well as in some places on The Sewers and Tombstone. PSX Doom is very unfriendly to such constructions, is it possible to somehow reduce the rows of steps a little bit? I, in turn, made changes to the final room at Tombstone to avoid terrifying slowdowns.

I thought the wrong texture for plutonian pedestals is made for saving VRAM space, but I was wrong, there are free space left for textures. Some plutonian maps needs fixing their pedestals, they anyways have free space for adding proper comp textures.

The Twilight
It's possible to stuck in this pit forever

The Temple of Darkness
This door marked but it's not required blue key to open

Impossible Mission
Floor have wrong height
Also those stone texture to the right is made exclusively for Pharaoh map. Honestly, it's looking weird on this map.

Yellow bars can be skipped by using switch from this point

My only advice here is make this window shorter - the red key will stays visible and the framerate will be better (because stairs in player's area).

Odyssey of Noises
I see the free space for textures here. The brown stone wall between two red floors is looking weird (there is originally red rock texture). Decide it yourself, this is just my point of view.

I might be wrong but it looks like a stretches on wall


The ambush of the revenants in RL room is simply unfair. Originally there are demons, for which one shot from SSG is enough. With revs who have more HP, this room becomes a trap of imminent death. An imps would be a fair choice

The most terrifying slowdowns in the whole beta2 occur in this very place. Simple reasons - a large deep location and a stairs (do we need stairs here?). Please do something. This location needs bold solutions for redesign.

Well of Souls
It's a possible to reactivate this floor from another side and the player will no longer reach the exit

Do you remember what these small pillars for? They showed the road through an invisible bridge on both sides. In the PSX version, this is now a regular bridge. Now these posts are just unnecessary obstacles, especially given the less precise movement of the player in the PSX Doom. The most reasonable option here is to remove these pillars

Well, now I've also can be counted as beta-tester in credits =)


I got through without complaints or bugs. I am happy.


To be fair, it's kinda hard to fuck up Dis. I'm sure I'll get some when I get to Hanger and Open Season. :P

Edited by Dark Pulse

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33 minutes ago, riderr3 said:

It’s important to change the flats GLOW0* to GLOW01 on all maps, otherwise bullshit floors will happen randomly. My map will be updated

you have downloaded the beta 2? update, in that correcting the GLOW texture in "Spirit World" and "Industrial Zone".

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The main reason Mill looks so bad was due to an INSANE amount of ZMALLOC's. Since you mentioned PLAT01 being rather big for VRAM I'll happily try to remove it and clean up the map with better textures. (Mostly gave up on Mill towards the end... shame really since It's my fav TNT map :l )

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1 hour ago, Erick194 said:

you have downloaded the beta 2? update, in that correcting the GLOW texture in "Spirit World" and "Industrial Zone".

Of course! That bugged floor happened on beta2. I checked the map which comes in beta2, and it indeed now have GLOW01 flat. It's animated, but yesterday I encountered those corrupted floor after more hour of play when warping through the maps.
I've myself a bit confused, I maybe check a few more times tomorrow.

Also if someone encountered corrupted glow flats on Spirit World, Industrial Zone and Tomb of Malevolence, please mention it here.

@Dark Pulse yeah, I'm using the updated one, which fixed transitions in FD maps.

Edited by riderr3

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2 minutes ago, riderr3 said:

Of course! That bugged floor happened on beta2. I checked the map which comes in beta2, and it indeed now have GLOW01 flat. It's animated, but yesterday I encountered those corrupted floor after more hour of play when warping through the maps.
I've myself a bit confused, I maybe check a few more times tomorrow.

Also if someone encountered corrupted glow flats on Spirit World, Industrial Zone and Tomb of Malevolence, please mention it here.

Just so this is clear, he means if you downloaded the updated Beta 2 that came out about 15 hours later after the initial release.


Or to put it another way, if you downloaded it close to when it came out, download it again and see if that still happens on that release.


You'll know if you have the old release if you play the Final Doom maps and it fails to go past MAP01 on anything other than EPSXE.

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riderr3, thanks for feedbacking of those. Granted, I got remarks on some of the little "criticism".


2 hours ago, riderr3 said:

Totally black sector


That was deeply red area in truth (color index: 78 - call this "barn red"; brightness - 25 - very gloom dark). If this irritates I can raise the value of light level to approximately 50...60 and add a transparent middle texture adjacent to room's walls (it yet not marked to display the mid-texture due to my fault).


2 hours ago, riderr3 said:

The Twilight
It's possible to stuck in this pit forever

Please simply disable god mode cheat. That pit is deliberately fatal :)


2 hours ago, riderr3 said:

"Texture cache overflow" error happened a bit ahead of this place. Though it happened only one time. I restarted map multiple times and this not happened again. Not sure what is triggered that error


Hadn't encounter the crash any time before. What will be your suggestions?

Edited by mr-around
Overlooked the number

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2 minutes ago, mr-around said:

Hadn't encounter the crash any time before. What will be your suggestions?

Sounds like you're just barely within the VRAM limits then. Maybe consider removing some decorative stuff to give a little more room for sprites, or possibly chop a monster type. Zombiemen, for example, cost a bit more than Shotgun Guys (55k vs. 50k), so if the map has relatively few of those, consider converting them to Shotgun Guys.

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3 minutes ago, mr-around said:

Hadn't encounter the crash any time before. What will be your suggestions?

"Texture cache overflow" - this error is not always associated with textures. Usually it happened if in front of the player a large crowd of different monsters and player shoots from the BFG. Still, it's may be linked to the textures somehow.

This error also sometimes appears on official maps Suburbs and Perfect Hatred.

By all sane means, there are no prerequisites for it to happen on this TNT's Prison. Still, some random events happened on map can cause this.

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Guys, upon you have checked up this issues and you want to send a fixed map of it, don't hesitate to do it. To be honest, I'm loving all of your work here. Plutonia is looking great.

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2 minutes ago, riderr3 said:

"Texture cache overflow" - this error is not always associated with textures. Usually it happened if in front of the player a large crowd of different monsters and player shoots from the BFG. Still, it's may be linked to the textures somehow.

It's really not. It means that there was too many sprites and it overflowed the area reserved for it. Textures and flats are pretty "fixed" and you really can't go past their limits, and sprites won't ever use up any of their areas.


Basically the solution is to reduce the amount of sprites that are going on, so as to make it not overflow. This usually means less monster variety, less decorations, etc.

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17 minutes ago, Dark Pulse said:

It's really not. It means that there was too many sprites and it overflowed the area reserved for it. Textures and flats are pretty "fixed" and you really can't go past their limits, and sprites won't ever use up any of their areas.


Basically the solution is to reduce the amount of sprites that are going on, so as to make it not overflow. This usually means less monster variety, less decorations, etc.

In my experience, in both beta1 and 2 I've seen enough areas which have hordes of different monsters which potentially can trigger that error, but I've only encountered this in two PSX Doom maps and only one time in TNT's Prison (without using a BFG).

Edited by riderr3

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I'd say TNT MAP05: Hanger is just about ready for primetime... and as a bonus I went through the trouble of getting a video playthrough recorded and had it dump a whole bunch of screengrabs that I then cropped.


Now a lot more run-down, and barely functional after the invasion of Hell, this lab is running in low-power mode, and not for the faint of heart, or those who feel unsafe in the darkness... but you're not afraid of the dark, are you?


After all, I've got to keep some things a secret, you know... :)


So have over a dozen screenshots from this map that sadly was just a little too late to make the Beta 2 cut.































Edited by Dark Pulse

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