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[GEC] Master Edition PSX Doom for the PlayStation. Beta 4 Released [11/16/2022]

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@DynamiteKaitorn You can start by fixing your monster rosters on The Chasm and Mill as I mentioned earlier. Both maps have no sky involved so you can easily squeeze in more variety in monsters for both to make the gameplay less bland. The Chasm - you can add in Chaingunners, Hell Knights, and Lost Souls.  Mill - you can probably fit Lost Souls and Imps if you want to keep the Revenants. Otherwise, swap them out with Nightmare Spectres and add in Hell Knights/Nightmare HKs (in place of Barons) and Cacodemons. Either way you tackle this map, you gain variety in monsters.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, everybody! I made a little map to test the tools published in this post, for the PSX version of Doom! It's based on an old map created for DOOM PSX TC.

I'm very grateful to Erick194 for sharing these tools!

If someone is interested I leave the file with the .ISO of the map and some images!








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23 minutes ago, VGA said:

Looks good. Is it your map?

Thank you! yes, it's a conversion and modification of a map I had done some time ago for the DOOM PSX TC version of PC. It doesn't have a skill selector yet.

I have some other slightly more complex maps that I want to convert considering the hardware limits of the PS1, but it's a long process and it's going to take me some time

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I wouldn't bother porting any of my old maps into PSX Doom. Most are made for GZDoom's UDMF in mind and... Well...? They're not exactly a desirable kind of set of maps either... Cool stuff nonetheless!

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You guys are amazing, can't wait. Between that and Doom Jaguar "Slayer Edition" it feels good to be a console Doom fan.

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9 hours ago, Whiteysnakey said:

Could someone post a simple up to date guide on how to create a workable disc image from a created map? I've tried following the initial post and video but I'm not getting any results. I've read through various replies/pages in the thread and tried following them also with no results "I see changed information as the thread evolves". Maybe there have been updates to the process I'm not aware of? It is two years later after all. :)



Not sure what your issue is specifically, but I can offer a little more info on that message - perhaps that might give a clue.


Basically you get that error during gameplay when the renderer goes to draw a sprite which isn't already loaded/cached into RAM. Since storage on the PS1 was so slow (2x CDROM) the developers decided to just treat this situation as an error (and hence force it to be fixed) rather than trying to stream in whatever WAD lump was not loaded, like on PC. Streaming in WAD lumps on the fly on PS1 would have caused unacceptably large stalls due to the latency/speed of CDROM drives...


As to how you ensure the WAD lump is pre-loaded, that is done via the 'MAPSPR--.IMG' file associated with the map wad. This file basically contains duplicates of WAD lumps found in PSXDOOM.WAD for whatever sprites are needed for that particular map. The lumps contained within this file are cached entirely into RAM when the map loads and this is basically where the game must ensure it has everything it needs for gameplay. 'MAPSPR--.TEX' serves a similar purpose also, but for texture lumps.


So in this situation it probably means your MAPSPR--.IMG file is missing the particular lump that it's complaining about. In the original PlayStation DOOM (not sure about Final Doom) that lump number is associated with `BAR1A0` in the main IWAD - so it probably means you are looking at an explosive barrel which is not loaded.


Again not sure how you ended up with this situation using the tools, but that is the general idea of what is happening. It's possible you may have run into a bug also in which case maybe @Erick194 might be able to investigate further.


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@Whiteysnakey You're doing it all wrong then. Don't use the Projects Cd folder, use the WIP Maps folder. There, you place your map in either Doom or Final (depending on what game you're using). You use Build_Find_Side.bat to make an ISO of your level.

Optional - Use Music_Hack.bat to change music of your level after using Build_Find_Side.bat

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Single-room maps cause problems in DOS Doom, too. Like enemies not seeing you.

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Hi all


I've been playing through "The Plutonia Experiment" levels and have noticed some issues.


Level 10: The Omen

At the end of the level, it's not possible to enter the grated area -- you simply cannot run under the bars, once they are up.

As such the switch cannot be pressed (I tried shooting it, to see if it's one of those switches that activate that way, but it doesn't).

But I was still able to end the level by running off one moving platform to the static one with the end-level teleport.

Not sure if not being able to get in here is intentional?





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Level 16: Tombstone

To exit this level you have to find three switches, one for each for the three coloured keycards, and turn them on.

I thought the level was glitched initially, as I had pressed all three, but the exit was still inside the walls.

Annoyingly, all three switches are the "double-press" type, where you have to press USE twice to set them permanently on.


Could I suggest removing this type of switch from all levels and just using the normal type?

I think having the double-press type just make some levels unnecessarily awkward.


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Level 19: Bunker

This teleport seems to be non-functional as it causes the game to crash if you run over it...



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Level 21: The Sewers

The flashing effect used in this tunnel and on this ledge with the health-packs and plasma rifle should be set to one of the slower-rate ones, as the current flicker-rate could trigger someone with epilepsy.  I'm not myself, but I did find it hard to keep looking at the screen.



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Not a level-specific issue, but a PSX engine overall request: is it possible to hide the areas on the AutoMap where enemies are stored (see arrows in screenshot).


I got 100% secrets on that level, but these white/grey areas on the map often make me waste-time thinking they are secret-areas.


Is this possible to make the AutoMap not show these?



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TNT Level 2: Hanger


I found it very-difficult to get the AutoMap secret in the spiral staircase -- far-moreso than I'd expect for this level in the PC version.


I suspect what's happening is that the switch timer still lasts the same time as it would on PC (about 2-3 seconds) but as the frame-rate is lower in the PSX engine, Doomguy travels slower making it harder to get in (yes, I was holding run!)


I can only suggest either seeing if it's possible to make the switch stay on a second longer, or maybe redesign the level slightly to bring the switch nearer.


(I have noticed a number of times in various levels where timed sections are harder due to the framerate/Doomguy speed difference.)



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33 minutes ago, dftf said:

Not a level-specific issue, but a PSX engine overall request: is it possible to hide the areas on the AutoMap where enemies are stored (see arrows in screenshot).


I got 100% secrets on that level, but these white/grey areas on the map often make me waste-time thinking they are secret-areas.


Is this possible to make the AutoMap not show these?




 If you grab computer area map or use map revealing cheat you anyway see that hidden-marked walls in PSX version of Doom.

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1 minute ago, Whiteysnakey said:

Would it be possible to add death events to monsters on the custom doom builder? e.g. killing a monster and triggering an action? Like when you kill The Cyberdemon on the Tower of Babel to open the exit?

From OP


    666 -> Mancubus        -> Lower Floor To Lowest

    667 -> Arachnotron     -> Raise Floor 24

    668 -> Spider              -> Lower Floor To Lowest

    669 -> Hell knight        -> Lower Floor To Lowest

    670 -> Cyber demon    -> Open Door

    671 -> Baron Of Hell    -> Lower Floor To Lowest


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TNT Level 12: Shipping Respawning


This switch isn't required, as in the PSX version you can simply press USE when right next-to the platform and it will lower.


(Also, the two switches side-by-side in the room on the left don't appear to do anything.  On PC, I think they turn the lights on and off in this room, but in this conversion the room has static-lighting so might be worth removing them.)



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TNT Level 12: Shipping Respawning


The translucent window between these two areas renders with a corrupt texture, and whenever I am facing the window (whether in the outside area, or inside the room) the framerate drops to around 7-10FPS.


If you PAUSE the game, then depending when you pause, the window can be show correctly rendered.


I'm guessing either (1) the PSX engine cannot cope with rendering both rooms together, hence the corruption or (2) it's a ePSXe specific bug (maybe someone could test it under a different emulator and confirm?)




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TNT Level 12: Shipping Respawning


There is a very-fast flashing effect in the blue keycard area that should be removed, or set to a slower variant, to avoid triggering people with Epilepsy


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TNT Level 12: Shipping Respawning


(One last one for this level!)


Not sure if this is intentional, but if go over the wall behind the SoulSphere (which doesn't even require a run, just regular speed) you then are trapped as there is no teleport, nor does any wall lower



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