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Doom 3 PBR textures

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So ive been working on doom 3 textures that are PBR aswell. Been a pain to sort out but so far ive managed to do the hell textures which is 67 in total. I will be working on each set and release the pk3 one at a time. Took me about 3 days to work the 67 here. Also the original textures ive tweaked for doom 1/2 so they fit more with the classic textures and size wise. Hopefully give some of you guys something to play with for mapping.







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8 hours ago, TheSylex said:

How many textures left to complete both Doom and Doom II campaigns?


To many lol. Working on each folder at a time for doom3. Ive also started to look at doom 2 textures. So far the doom 2 textures are looking good although I am having to create my own normal maps by hand which is long drawn out task unlike doom 3 which already has them. Doom 3 just requires me to create a roughness and ambient occlusion texture and tweak the specular which in turn becomes the metallic texture.

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Is there any way I can help? I am a programmer currently, but I have 0 experience with the doom environments. Gimme something I can start with and I may help :)

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Just an update. Restarting the textures over again. Been using C4D to render them out to get proper lighting, then taking them into photoshop with colour tweaks. On top of that then doing all the normal/metallic/roughness/AO. But yeah going slow but still cracking on :D.

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So been working and working rendering original images out in 3D then photshop edit for doom palette, but I wouldnt mind peoples opinion on this. With the limited doom palette and plus I want to use most of GZdoom features aka the PBR should I forget the palette colour as with the doom 3 textures there are alot of green and blue that dont convert so good. 


Original 3D texture rendered:



Photoshop edit with doom palette:



photoshop edit with no doom palette:


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Maybe you could plug your (normal/specular) PBR work on the existing doom3 textures pak, or reuse some of it for your albedos/diffuses (they are available in doom1 resolution, doom3 resolution, 24bit colors or doom paletted).

Some people asked for it :)

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You shouldn't worry about the palette, IMO, especially since custom palettes are quite common nowadays.


If people want to use it paletted, they can do the conversion themselves, it's not the hardest part of the work.

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  • 1 month later...

How's this coming along? It looked very promising originally. 


Also to echo the above comments: definitely don't worry about trying to match to the Doom palette. Only GZDoom's hardware renderer supports PBR currently, and that's always true-color. As far as I'm aware it doesn't even have a paletted mode. So just stick to their original full colors. 

Edited by Bauul

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slowly lol. Decided to just go with specular and normal maps. metallic and roughness doesnt look right without a cube map environment.

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Ok so still no way near done been experimenting with parallax occlusion on top of the specular and normal maps. Doesnt look to bad



Another video with a much better and cleaner heightmap used



Edited by furyweb
new video

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@furyweb Awesome work! I though paralax can't be done yet in GZDoom.


EDIT: I love it!


@furyweb can you post a test wad/pk3 to take a look in?

Edited by Teder

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dpJudas updated how shaders work with materials now. So I took a snippet of his parallax example code and used that. Its just getting the height just right aswell and the heightmap generated correctly.


Here is a link to a quick testmap just to show off some off the textures. just type into the console "map para"



Edited by furyweb

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@furyweb great thanks! Groundbraking step in DOOM graphic.

I'm curious is possible to use Wulfen's or Rygiel's textures to work parallax in DOOM.

Edited by Teder

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It's absolutely brillant job! Once more thanks for share how to make it. Quake stuff looks great too.



Your file with two test quake textures: 




There was a time when I re-port all QUAKE 1 textures to QUAKE 4 pk4 for myself use. I used one of first and best hi-res textures if I good remember made by Rygiel too.

Edited by Teder

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I'm sorry for my language, but this is really fucking cool!

Would you be able to apply these textures as replacements for OG Doom 2 textures?

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I'be been waiting for this parralaxe effect for so long. converting Normal maps to height maps is easy, so having these with doom3 textures will be top quality.
amazing !

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so just updated the parallax effect thanks to dpJudas for correcting my code. He said there were some calc mistakes. So it works correctly on walls and floors and looks even better. Also when you use a normal map make sure it opengl format and also you need to inverse your heightmap (black is top, white is bottom). Also the program ive been using to create heightmaps is Substance Designer. I convert the normalmap to heightmap.



Edited by furyweb

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@furyweb great, thanks! I'll try it for a moment.


EDIT: wow - you are right - it looks superb! I love how deep is DRDEL. 

I have a question - is there a paremeter to adjust deep of paralax or only heightmap decide about it?

EDIT2: now I see you inverted those heightmaps - thanks for tip!


Edited by Teder

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Came here from the "what are you working on" thread. Following this now. Outstanding work. Imo the first hi res pack that's worth this name. Can't wait to see it completed and use it with doom maps.

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If somehow we could apply these same methods to sprites then we would be cooking with gas. The pixel sprites clash horribly with such a highly detailed texture environment.

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The parallax occlusion stuff is amazing, and I love the effect of combining these high-tech shaders with low-res textures -- chunky texels forever!

My only complaint is that it's all too shiny! The place looks wet and/or polished & buffed. For most textures the specular lighting needs to be far more subtle.

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Thanks for putting that example together Furyweb! I managed to get parallax mapping working on other textures by following your pk3, so thank  you for the guidance!

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