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(Private alphas in progress) Infernew, a Community Project

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Finally finished.

Map Name: The Carcass
Inspired by: An idea I had (and some areas in inferno)
Build Time: 10 hours
Music: The Binding of Isaac: Apostate midi by Ribbiks
Co-op: limited
DM: limited
Demo type: Casual (HMP difficulty)











Edited by pc234

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@Urthar, I went ahead and played your map. Unfortunately, I have nothing to show for it but these words:

Very nice. I really enjoyed the vibe with how small the map was and the flickering light and all the ominous narrow pathways. I didn't spot any glitches or anything. I was on Ultra-Violence, only found the first secret and the super shotgun secret, and was rather low on ammo toward the middle (first mancubus, barons+sergeants, etc.) I may have missed some stuff, but I think a box of shells and a box of ammo would take care of it.

Very creepy and enjoyable.

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7 hours ago, Pegleg said:


Paging @Nine Inch Heels, @mArt1And00m3r11339, @rdwpa, @Killer5, @Ancalagon, @Bloodite Krypto, @Benjogami (there are many more, but 1 of these should be interested in that type of difficulty level and progression).

I tested AD_79's level, Esoteric Entity, and I notice some halls of mirrors in GLBoom+.


Hall of Mirror.png

Edited by mArt1And00m3r11339

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v SR50 isn't actually required. The timing is pretty tight but I've been able to manage it with a regular straferun.



umm I should mention that the idea is to rocket-boost yourself across. Therefore, SR40 is enough, heh. Add to that the blue key switch granting access to the launcher.


Edited by AD_79

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Those are missing middle textures.

I played it myself and the progression was more irritating to me than the difficulty, but the only point I couldn't actually get past was the SR50 jump, because I can't seem to use SR50 at all, despite what the Doom Wiki says about it.

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Thank you very much Darox and HAK3180 for the feedback.


9 hours ago, HAK3180 said:

@Urthar, I went ahead and played your map. Unfortunately, I have nothing to show for it but these words:

Very nice. I really enjoyed the vibe with how small the map was and the flickering light and all the ominous narrow pathways. I didn't spot any glitches or anything. I was on Ultra-Violence, only found the first secret and the super shotgun secret, and was rather low on ammo toward the middle (first mancubus, barons+sergeants, etc.) I may have missed some stuff, but I think a box of shells and a box of ammo would take care of it.

Very creepy and enjoyable.


It's hard to judge the the ammo situation without an FDA, since there are various ammo caches that aren't hidden as such, but are easily overlooked. Darox for example entered the middle section of the map with only a small ammount of ammo and managed ok. Additionally a degree of ammo deprivation is an Inferno trope, so I'm deliberately playing to that.

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here's a quick small feedback post that i'll edit as time goes on for mappers not in the discord, but first i'd like to ask the remaining unsubmitted mappers to give a small update or something letting us know that you're still with us within 48 hours:

@printz, @bioshockfan90 ✓, @ETTiNGRiNDER ✓, @General Rainbow Bacon, @DMPhobos ✓, @Classicgamer6 ✓, @JustCallMeKaito ✓, @Breezeep, @danielhday ✓, @Kapanyo... @bonnie


some reminders: include a unique identifier for your name as well as a version number in your filenames. real simple stuff. also don't forget that the links in the OP are what will be used for compiling so make sure they're fully updated. this isn't to make extra work, it's to make compiling smoother.


another reminder is to make sure you're balancing for both pistol starts and continuous, another fairly simple concept. just incorporate basic ammo balance and incorporate weapons accordingly with your map's difficulty and length (i.e. no bfg/plasma in a short easy map) to prevent wild overstocking between maps, and make sure your map doesn't completely break (flow or otherwise) if it's being played continuous and make sure it's still possible from pistol start, yadda yadda yadda


EDIT: OH MY GOODNESS i forgot to mention we're extending the deadline to august 4th, stay tuned for possible further extensions




@elmle Awesome map, almost definitely gonna be an episode-ender. I'll let you know when I can confirm that so you can add a death exit (and perhaps a boss fight).


Minor concerns: ammo is a bit tight at the beginning and a little too plentiful by the end; texture alignment is poor and while it seems to be on purpose in most areas, some spots like the blood-sewer-maze don't really benefit from it; the gap you have to jump near the end of the level (sector 55) seems too difficult to do without straferunning; the ending fight is a bit underwhelming overall; it might have been a secret or I got it at the wrong time or something, but that megasphere seemed oddly placed and hurt the balance.


Major concern: Visplane overflows!! I started becoming very fearful entering the center area after having 2 consecutive runs end at hand of chocolate doom crashing. Still an amazing map though.


@xdarkmasterx Yeah that's gonna be a NO from me, friend. I saw your changelog and feared the worst when it appeared to say that you didn't actually fix the map on UV, but I never tried it until now. We're balancing for UV friend. I'll give you one more chance to fix the map because it's absolutely still salvageable, but if you don't understand why 20 archviles and 2 cyberdemons (among plenty of other things) don't fit with the Inferno style, I might have to remove you from the project.


Please man, just make it reasonable. HMP seems like it would make for a great lategame episode-starter, though it still needs work in a lot of areas. Once you fix it up, I'll try to get you a demo and some proper feedback.


@Garbage Tutti-frutti in the third room on the first stair. A few too many shells, as I ended with quite a large number of them. Boxy in some areas, a little too symmetrical in others. Inferno has a lot of unsymmetrical designs and areas. A little too cluttered in some parts. I liked the really bright sector in that one curvy room at the start, though. I recommend spacing a lot of areas out (but don't forget to add decorative things/detail to fill in the empty spaces) and adding more chaotic design to others, while lowering shell counts, at least on UV. Also that soulsphere was kind of weird. Is that supposed to be on the lower difficulties? Because it's only on UV. Overall a somewhat decent map that has room for improvement.


Here's a demo: garbage_bondemo.zip

Edited by bonnie
added feedback for garbage

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@bonnie I've posted some screenshots on the previous page. Might as well post the layout so far
I know im a slow mapper, but i started a bit late o my map since i was a bit busy early this month, also the last days haven't been the best irl, so i haven't been mapping as much as i wanted, but still im confident i can reach the deadline since im aiming for a shorter lenght map. Tentative map name is 'Caina'

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@bonnie Yeah, I only really have some experimental areas put together at the moment since I apparently thought it would be a great idea to participate in two map jams in the same month but I should be able to finish something of IWAD-ish scope in the time remaining since I can more or less focus on this one now.

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3 hours ago, bonnie said:

Yeah that's gonna be a NO from me, friend. I saw your changelog and feared the worst when it appeared to say that you didn't actually fix the map on UV, but I never tried it until now. We're balancing for UV friend. I'll give you one more chance to fix the map because it's absolutely still salvageable, but if you don't understand why 20 archviles and 2 cyberdemons (among plenty of other things) don't fit with the Inferno style, I might have to remove you from the project.


Please man, just make it reasonable. HMP seems like it would make for a great lategame episode-starter, though it still needs work in a lot of areas. Once you fix it up, I'll try to get you a demo and some proper feedback.


will add more soon


ok here is a new version with no archviles and more pickups and only 1 cyberdemon let me know if it is easy enough now https://www.dropbox.com/s/0gx40o9sfqe9aor/church_of_satan_easy.wad?dl=0

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@bonnie yeah sorry for slacking on that, the map's been prepped to add things practically for the past few weeks but I had to deal with real life stuff. i'll have the map done by this weekend. :)

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I made some changes based on feedback I've received, gonna hold off on posting a new version incase I need to put in a death exit/boss fight.

@bonnie You are right about some texture alignments being bad on purpose, that was because it looked like that in the original Limbo down in the blood sewer. I've fiddled with the textures so it looks more clean around the map.

About the visplane overflows, I looked around in the visplane explorer at some point and I didn't see any red spots but I must have added something somewhere that pushed it over the edge, it seems fixed for now though.

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3 hours ago, elmle said:

About the visplane overflows, I looked around in the visplane explorer at some point and I didn't see any red spots but I must have added something somewhere that pushed it over the edge, it seems fixed for now though.

You may want to get a copy of Chocorenderlimits to be on the safe side.


I once made a vanilla level that was fine in Visplane Explorer (at least with regard to visplanes, drawsegs were a different issue) and I never had any problems when I tested it in Chocolate Doom. I didn't end up finding visplane problems until I went through it with Chocorenderlimits and played through the level.

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17 hours ago, xdarkmasterx said:

ok here is a new version with no archviles and more pickups and only 1 cyberdemon let me know if it is easy enough now

It's a start. Have you played your map? Like a full playthrough of the map. I'm just curious.


Anyways, it still needs reworking and tweaking in a lot of areas. For the starting area, I would either move the shotgun onto the player so they pick it up right away or put it behind the player. It's kind of frustrating tapping forward everytime to pick it up. That's about it for the inside, since you've got a pretty fun start. For the cyberdemon area, I really don't see many options there, aside from completely removing it. It's not Inferno-like at all and isn't really much fun. Maybe thinning out the hordes on imps on those narrow pathways? For the outside, it's pretty boring. It's a big circle with hitscanners, mancs, and arachnotrons, which doesn't play very well. And that curved staircase seemed completely pointless, especially with the inaccessible imp platform. That's like 20 imps that aren't even in your way and don't guard anything. They're just kinda there. As for the rest of the map...


My best suggestions for the map overall:

  1. Play it yourself and balance accordingly
  2. Reduce the amount of doom 2 stuff
  3. Try to keep more in line with the start of the map: hectic and difficult yet fair doom 1 combat
  4. Keep it moderately short
  5. Don't pull any meme stuff

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ok since the old level was too long i create another one to replace it



The Witch House: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nanixpo5nbdkdqv/TWHdarkmaster.wad?dl=0


Most inspired by: Hell Keep


Build time: 1-2 hours


Music: E2M6


Coop support: starts, additional monsters and ammo, no lockouts


DM support: starts only


description: it's easy trust me


Demo: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e8n98895wj1gyja/WITCHHOUSE.lmp?dl=0





Edited by xdarkmasterx

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@xdarkmasterx No. I'm removing you from the project. That was a lot of wasted potential with the first map too, man.


Anyways with classicgamer6 reclaiming his spot, @FelixTheWolf gets another chance at a spot if he likes, but he'll have to tell me within ~12 hours if he actually wants it or not.

Currently both secret level slots are open, so if anyone would like a shot at them, please PM me with your idea, otherwise I might steal one myself :o

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I'm going to go ahead and state now that my current map will be its final state (bugfixes and minor tweaks excepted), and that you can take me off the reserves list. I have other projects I'm working on (two of my own and one I'm a guest mapper for), so I won't be making any more for Infernew, unfortunately.

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Yeah, a double post, but whatever.




UV-100K in 10:46, PRBoom+, complevel 2

Fun map, very much Slough of Despair with some Mt Erebus mixed in. Find the keys to open the locks to the exit deal.

Near the beginning, I look at the DBRAIN falls for a moment and its possible to see the lines that are oriented at a 0/90/180/270 degree angle, because those are a little brighter because of the tragedy called fake contrast. I would suggest moving the vertices a little so they're at a non-multiple of 90 angle.

Getting the SSG in the rock maze was a major game changer, and I tried to explore as much as possible before moving on.

I like that both of the necessary keys are here and you're locked in until you have them both.

I liked the knight trap. It was claustrophobic and tough, and locked the play in just long enough to make them sweat. I don't think it's too brutal.

The revenants revealed after coming back to the compound were somewhat annoying at first because it wasn't clear if autoaim would shoot over the walls.

The compound itself was well done, distinctly Pandemonium, and had a wealth of content of its own.

The dark room with the SKSNAKE textures was nice and tense, with the reward of turning on the light once it was conquered.

I found three secrets of four, which is why it's only a 100K and not a max.


TL;DR: A solid id-ish map that runs like Romero, but plays like Sandy. The only issue is the fake contrast on the lava falls.




UV-max in 8:30, PRBoom+, complevel 2

First, I liked what you did with the red textures to simulate colored lighting. That was very nicely done.

The map looks Limbo, but doesn't feel Limbo, which is fine.

Combat is on the forefront here, with the emphasis on ammo conservation (for rockets and cells, specifically) and using the tools available effectively.

The crusher room provided an interesting dynamic with avoiding both them and the monsters at the same time.

The red skull trap was nice, but I feel a few more rockets placed there would've made it more interesting, though there was a rocket box I missed.

The singular secret being a lone rocket box was somewhat underwhelming, I was hoping for something more interesting, though I'm not sure what.

Toward the end, it's possible to see I forgot where I was going for a moment, but I quickly reoriented myself.


TL;DR: A Limbo map in appearance only, combat dominated these caverns, though a small shortage of rockets makes the last encounter either a little more harrowing or tedious.

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Thank you for the feedback, Aquila.


I think you may have played the first draft rather than version 2 of the map which has 5 secrets. Unfortunately, the demo desyncs almost immediately so I'm unable to view it, so I'm not sure if I need to add a few more rockets or not, as v2 has different resource distribution.


Is it possible you could upload the versions of the map and resource wad you used to record?

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@Aquila Chrysaetos, thanks a lot. Great video. So you were the only one who got the soul sphere secret (I'm curious, did you just hump or did you work out the hint?), which certainly makes a difference in the hell knight fight. I may remove one - not sure yet. As for the revenants on the return, I think I made their platform 25 lower than the ledge, thinking I might want to have cacodemons able to get in, but seeing as I did not end up implementing any floaties in that area, I may just raise the revenants up even more and then make the ledge impassable.

And thanks for the dbrain tip.

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That was the second attempt, actually, since my first a few days ago, and it was then that I worked out the hint for the soulsphere secret.

I noticed a small difference and had to try, like I often do.

The fake contrast thing was something that I really only became conscious of once Dragonfly pointed it out in one of my own screenshots.

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Thanks Aquila, I got it to work. I did a no secrets run, killing every available monster,  and decided to increase the ammo a bit.


New version uploaded here:


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Name: Caina

Inspired by: All E3 in general, no specific map

Build time: 10 Days

Music: E3M1 (Originally i used 'un43' from the unused doom midis since i didn't wanted to overuse the inferno midis, but since the melody gets a bit repetitive, i changed it to E3M1 music theme)

Co-op support: Starts only

DM support: Starts only

Demo: Not yet
Map was tested exclusively on Chocolate Doom








Good god this was a hard map to make, but despite that i like the end result, this is UV only at the moment, HMP and ITYTD settings haven't been implemented yet untill the current difficulty feels right. I was recording a demo, but at the middle of the level, windows decided this was a perfect moment to remind me of updates, and ruined the recording, since it's quite late atm i'll do a recording later if it's required

Let me know what you guys think




Edited by DMPhobos
revision 3

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@DMPhobos, I just loaded it up and ran around for a while, but I gotta say, I really enjoyed it. It definitely feels like a potpourri of Inferno but with an overarching emphasis on exploration that makes the conceptual design remind me most of Mt. Erebus. After a bit I just killed everything to run around a bit more and check it out, so I don't know how difficult it really is, but it seems to me like a second-to-last kind of level.

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Two more FDAs: Urth_Infernew_FDA270718.zip

(PrBoom+ complevel 2 skill 3, using the d1gfxd2_infernew.wad resource.)


Infernal Return v1

This is a fun map with a variety of tricks and traps that feel engaging rather than overbearing, and suitably Inferno-esque. Visually, recognisable Inferno motifs pop up all over the place, but sometimes the detailing feels over worked for E3. It feels like something Romero and company might have made today, rather than 25 years ago, which isn't necessarily a bad thing at all. I enjoyed playing it.



Almost a perfect Inferno in every respect. There appear to be a few stray pain sectors on patchs of dirt, and you initially only have a shotgun for company for quite a long period. I would be tempted to move the Plasma Rifle to much earlier position with limited ammo to allow the player more tactical options without being able to rely on it.

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Cool thanks for th review @Urthar! I did go for more of a tribute to Inferno in my style (under vanilla constraints) than a DTWID-style “lost map.” I was really inspired by bonnie’s description of the Sandy Petersen hell aesthetic, so I was just running with that general vibe. I’m ok with scaling back some details if bonnie wants, but I’m really happy with the map—probably my favorite in my short mapping career so far.

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@Urthar thanks for the demo, you escaped most of the combat zones making some monster roams were they weren't supposed to hehe, but it really seems it worked for the best, so i'll leave it as it is. Being stuck with a shotgun depends on the path's taken, but i guess you are right about the plasma since there isn't a lot of ammo scattered around, and it works really well for the blue skull combat, not to mention it's nice to have some variety, so i'll move it into the outdoors area.

Thanks for the feedback

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