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(Private alphas in progress) Infernew, a Community Project

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The HMP version is complete. HNTR has yet to be done, and, in fact, has almost nothing on it at the moment.

It's pretty hard. My own playthrough of it took twenty minutes because I was leading around all those barons a lot and stirring infighting.


HMP demo.

Recorded in Crispy Doom 5.2, skill 3, MAP01.

Use this version to watch the demo. I appended a small change to the map before uploading it, but after recording, that shouldn't affect the demo in any way, but I want to be sure, so run the HMP demo with AC-Malebolge-HMP-old.


I will set up HNTR soon.


Edit: Don't attempt to run this version on HNTR or UV. The player starts and keys, among other things, are not flagged to appear. I broked it by mistake and will fix as soon as possible :(.

Edited by Aquila Chrysaetos

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Here's some screenshots to prove I'm still alive. Not sure how Inferno-y it'll come out or if it'll just be a generic hell map but I'm trying. I'm probably ~50% done so far, aiming for around 10min length.





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6 minutes ago, xvertigox said:

Here's some screenshots to prove I'm still alive. Not sure how Inferno-y it'll come out or if it'll just be a generic hell map but I'm trying. I'm probably ~50% done so far, aiming for around 10min length.

I would say some of the screenshots have a Hell Keep/Limbo feel to them (or maybe it's just the snake floor and all the walking around in blood).

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If you don't mind, I've been thinking about taking some time off some other projects to make something for this.

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13 minutes ago, Pegleg said:

I would say some of the screenshots have a Hell Keep/Limbo feel to them (or maybe it's just the snake floor and all the walking around in blood).

I got a House of Pain vibe from those shots.

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Bonnie can correct me if they want to, but my impression is that no one needs to pick out specific E3 map(s) and imitate them.




I really really like Inferno. I love the idea and design philosophy behind it: Hell doesn't make sense. It doesn't conform to human ideas of design, architecture, or structure. It just throws human-designed rooms entangled with nonsensical horrors and puzzle-like elements at you, as well as quite colorful texture schemes.

These ideas along with hordes (not slaughterlike, just normal hordes) of enemies make Doom 1's Hell maps amazing, atmospheric, and pretty heckin fun. That's why I want to start a project to just throw together a bunch of E3-inspired maps... a new Inferno... Infernew if you will.



Basically as long as you're doing something "low-fi, zany Hell" enough that it seems like it could fit in the original Episode 3, I'd think you should be good.

Edited by jerrysheppy

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started a map, slough of despair style:






yeah, it uses the e1 sky, i'll change to e3 sky soon (need to change them at the texture source...)

Edited by Walter confetti

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2 hours ago, jerrysheppy said:

Bonnie can correct me if they want to, but my impression is that no one needs to pick out specific E3 map(s) and imitate them.


That's what I gathered as well, and not doing so is a far superior approach anyways, I would say. It's somewhat disappointing seeing so many mappers deliberately creating homages to the original maps. We know the originals. Please give us stuff in the E3 theme but with its own unique identity!

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I can't speak for everyone but my "It's like Unholy Cathedral" wasn't really meant to imply a homage.

Speaking of, I'm not very fast but progress is marching on:


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Meh, I'm not terribly good with Hell areas anyway, so I chose to build mine in the spirit of Pandemonium. I liked Pandemonium.

Nothing wrong with homaging an E3 map, since Infernew is kind of an Inferno homage, anyway.

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@pc234 Looks so fuckin yuck lol. I love the organic/skin textures in Doom.



Pretty much finished with the layout itself (got one, maybe more two secrets to add). Definitely going to need a hand with playtesting in a little bit





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2 minutes ago, xvertigox said:

Definitely going to need a hand with playtesting in a little bit

No problem. I'll give it a spin in Crispy and supply a demo and a review when you upload it.

Same goes for everyone else.

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Should you test it out at some point, it's probably best that you don't bother with a demo for my submission.

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Some amazing eye candy screenshots being posted here, folks!


I'm closing in slowly but surely on having all the linedefs laid out for my map.  Then begins the task of populating it... sigh.

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Oh, one issue I have encountered: Unless I've missed something, the crucified Baron texture is NOT showing up in the texture pack.  I'm using @Aquila Chrysaetos 's fixed pack, in case that makes a difference.


Is this intentional?  It doesn't make or break my map or anything (I don't even know if I'd end up using it), but I was considering using it for a detail and realized I couldn't find it in the editor.


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Hi, here's a screenshot of my map. I want to use rough (low) detail overall, at least in the beginning, and improve detail later.


I'll come a bit later with the official description as per rules.



Captură de ecran din 2018.07.07 la 08.00.51.png

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Here's my first beta. If anyone could playtest this that'd be great~


There's no difficulty or MP settings yet so it's just the UV difficulty. Will find a name / midi soon too.


Edit: Tweaked a couple of things and added a midi

Edit 2: Got a name too, Doomed to Suffer.




Edited by xvertigox

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For the Inferno feel - in my map, I have tried to make it feel like "Doom 1 plus" in terms of enemies/weapons. That is, try to only use Doom 1 enemies, but with "variants" added - aka Hell Knight and Chaingunner, for example. These are technically Doom 2 enemies, but feel like slightly different versions of Doom 1 enemies, so they get a pass. You could also argue that the SSG doesn't ruin the feeling too much either as it's like a beefed up version of the regular shotgun.


That said, I also have a couple of Doom 2 enemies (a secret arch-vile and some mancubi) and the SSG so even I don't stick to that rule.

Edited by sarge945

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Guest Unregistered account

Hey, how does this work? If there's any slots free, I'd love to snap one up!!

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Hmmmm put me down as interested. I was gonna take a break from mapping this month, but the idea of a short ‘n’ sweet Infernoesque map is too tempting. I’m 100% on board with your description and appreciation of the Inferno aesthetic.

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Malebolge, HNTR is now implemented. Let me know if the difficulties are broken or something else is wrong.

And the demo: Malebolge-HNTR-AC.

It was kind of a speedrun, since I put myself in a bad position early on, and I didn't show most of the map.

I will probably change a thing or two and update the map in a couple days.

Older demos should work, because I didn't change too much, on this version, but I'm not sure.

EDIT: Link has been removed.


Now, a level review.



Recorded in Crispy Doom 5.2, skill 4

There were some misaligned spine textures near the beginning, you'll probably know it when you see it.

The gameplay was interesting, but I think the monsters were a little high tier for there being so many, not because it was difficult, but because killing them all with the plasma rifle was really grindy. I felt the cyberdemon could've done more if the map had been a little larger, and the cacos were the only real threat because they could roam freely and there were a lot of them.

It probably felt grindy because I missed all the secrets, and judging by the rockets I was given, I could've found a rocket launcher in one.


It seems like you tried to rush this one out, too, given its size and gameplay. The pinkies released served no other purpose than road blocks, and the barons felt kind of just thrown in. The viles could've been more interesting if they'd been teleported into the primary room, but that would encourage camping, which I did a lot of.


TL;DR: The map is too small for all the large enemies that populate it. More low-tier monsters would be appropriate and reducing step heights and broadening the corridors would do wonders for allowing the monsters to roam. The concept is really nice, though, I'd rather you kept it.

Edited by Aquila Chrysaetos

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@NaZa @HAK3180 As long as the final product retains a visual resemblance to Inferno, any textures are allowed.


@xdarkmasterx First off, please refer to the submission guidelines for how to submit your map. Second, there's absolutely no way I'm going to accept your map in its current state. 25 archviles? Did you even play your own map? The cyberdemon arena even has visplane overflows.


On 7/5/2018 at 5:04 PM, Aquila Chrysaetos said:

I'd like to alter the difficulties such that each one provides a different playstyle and, hopefully, challenge, from the others.

Of course, if allowed, I would provide a demo for each difficulty setting.

The only way I'll allow this is if each difficulty still followed the convention of being easier than the last.


On that note, I updated your fixed version of the textures to include some other Infernew resources as well as change all 3 skies to use the SKY3 patch.



Anyways, I want to talk about what I have played, and issue out some caveats: Please please please don't try to make your map overly long or overly difficult, nor should you try to put some grand finale in each map. We're likely looking at a full 32 maps here, so don't be scared to make short and (somewhat) easy maps. The maps I've played so far have been trying a bit too hard.


Also keep in mind that we'll be balancing and ordering around UV, and you should also balance your map for both pistol start and continuous, to an extent.


Another announcement is that now that we're filled up on slots, we'll need some boss levels. If you're interested in turning your submission into a potential boss level, let me know and I'll give you a dehacked file you can use. We won't need many, and I'm still working out how many boss levels and episodes there will be.


Another-another announcement is that you may now enlist for the reserves if you so choose, meaning that you join the project but without getting a slot. The first people on the reserves get access to slots that open up, and if we get enough people, I'll consider allowing an overflow wad for all the extra maps c:


i had more things to say but I forgot them

oh well, happy mapping

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