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(Private alphas in progress) Infernew, a Community Project

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1 hour ago, Pegleg said:

Is this megawad going to have custom boss monsters? Or are we sticking with the Spider Mastermind for the ultimate boss.

I hadn't thought about custom bosses until just now actually. The dehacked file was originally just going to be giving some enemies KeenDie actions on their death states so you'd have to kill them to progress the level, like in Doom 1. I really don't think I want a custom boss as that would likely stray quite massively from the Inferno feel, but perhaps if the project starts to feel monotonous and I find one or something close to what I want, I might try to add it in to keep things spicy.


18 hours ago, sarge945 said:

Seriously though, I like Infernew, although it's likely to get internet-buried by the much more popular Infernew update for CS:GO

which is what I named this project after


19 hours ago, Pegleg said:

Hell2 (would that be Hell Squared?), Hell II, Hell Part 2, Hell Returns, The Hell Strikes Back

19 hours ago, Big Ol Billy said:

If we’re actually brainstorming names, I’d put in for “Infernal Return.” 

If we do a sequel, it's gonna be called "Infernewer: STOP THAT INFERNAL RACKET"


2 hours ago, sarge945 said:

My only annoyance is the skulls-on-spikes decorations on his platform tend to soak up bullets.

2 hours ago, sarge945 said:

Many of your trigger lines for things like the first archvile fight and berserk fight are visible on the map.



On 7/8/2018 at 12:17 AM, Pegleg said:

My take was that bonnie was interested in Hell maps, and if you were inspired by a particular feature in one of the E3 maps, then all the better. The bottom line is, make a map that would fit in a "Hell" episode that looks like it could have been in an Inferno-esque episode and you're good.

My take was that being inspired by particular features of the E3 maps was a requirement. I wouldn't be horribly disappointed if we ended up with 32 Inferno homages, but I would absolutely be disappointed if we ended up with 32 generic "Hell" maps. I was hoping that people would make maps matching both the Inferno aesthetic and gameplay to a degree, as that was kind of the point of the project. I'll try to clarify this more in my next update.



9 minutes ago, NaZa said:

Is adding Doom II stuff absolutely obligatory?

why would it be??


omega edit:

9 minutes ago, NaZa said:

Well, your wording definitely implied it very strongly, so I wanted clarification.

@NaZa what wording?? where???? my goodness friend


@sarge945 Yes but even with the worst zdoom settings I could think of, I couldn't get the lines to appear on the automap, nor could I get the decorations to block bullets. Were you referring to prboom+'s default automap colors?

Edited by bonnie

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Is adding Doom II stuff absolutely obligatory?



21 minutes ago, bonnie said:


why would it be??

Well, your wording definitely implied it very strongly, so I wanted clarification.

Edited by NaZa
i dislike editing posts with quotes

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16 minutes ago, bonnie said:

I hadn't thought about custom bosses until just now actually. The dehacked file was originally just going to be giving some enemies KeenDie actions on their death states so you'd have to kill them to progress the level, like in Doom 1. I really don't think I want a custom boss as that would likely stray quite massively from the Inferno feel, but perhaps if the project starts to feel monotonous and I find one or something close to what I want, I might try to add it in to keep things spicy.

I assume you have no plans for anything involving the Map07 special then? I doubt it would fit with the Inferno style, so I would say leave it out.


18 minutes ago, bonnie said:

which is what I named this project after



20 minutes ago, bonnie said:



My comment was basically that there are a bunch of lines that are in the middle of a sector which are used for WR or W1 actions. From my understanding, these are generally not supposed to be visible on the automap, although I guess it's not really a big deal.


21 minutes ago, bonnie said:

My take was that being inspired by particular features of the E3 maps was a requirement. I wouldn't be horribly disappointed if we ended up with 32 Inferno homages, but I would absolutely be disappointed if we ended up with 32 generic "Hell" maps. I was hoping that people would make maps matching both the Inferno aesthetic and gameplay to a degree, as that was kind of the point of the project. I'll try to clarify this more in my next update.


I guess I am pretty lucky mine is very, very heavily inspired by Hell Keep to the point where my first playtester said "why are you getting me to play Doom 1?" and didn't realize it was my map :P


Just now, NaZa said:

Is adding Doom II stuff absolutely obligatory?


Nope, but no sense limiting yourself.

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Did anyone have any opinions on my map?


Also here's some more demos, in which I take entirely too much damage while punching things.


@Aquila Chrysaetos drx-MalebolgeFDA.zip

I don't know about most players but my desire to fight barons is basically non-existent, especially when weapons are limited. The dozen barons felt like a dozen too many. If I didn't pick up the secret BFG I probably wouldn't have completed the map. When they weren't barons a lot of encounters were sudden teleport surrounds as well. It feels pretty cheap when the optimal strategy is to poke the trigger line and run out of the room before you get trapped.

There was a cacodemon (thing 650) stuck to two shotgunners and one caco got stuck going through a teleporter near the exit.


@xvertigox drx-DTSv19FDA.zip

Honestly I didn't really notice a difficulty drop. The blue key area is easier to get into and the yellow key area is tougher if you don't go into it with spare rockets or plasma and the rest felt pretty similar. I'd say the weakest area right now is the final fight. If you get out of the box it's easy to run around and rocket everything, if you get stuck inside you're probably dead.

Edited by Darox
Demo files were missing

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22 hours ago, Darox said:

Just in time for my first draft.

Sacrilege v1:




My initial layouts ended up looking somewhat like a church, so I made a demon church inspired by Limbo and Unholy Cathedral. Difficulty settings, Coop & DM all exist but are pretty bare-bones right now. I'd love to see demos and hear what everyone thinks about it so I can make it better.




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The layout is really awesome, as is the middle and end of the map, but having to go up against a mancubus right at the start with potentially nothing but a fist is really rough. Maybe I am just bad at the game, but it seems like this map would benefit from ~20% more ammo in total, at least in the starting teleport areas

Edited by sarge945

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@bonnie I'm sorry, I misread the whole section where you said "you will have access and may use Doom II monsters and SSG" but my brain automatically saw it as "should" so I asked. Sorry! 

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1 minute ago, HAK3180 said:

Has anything been decided about damaging floors?

Well since not even Inferno is consistent about it, I think it's best that I don't enforce any rules about them. Just don't do anything ridiculous like make lava non-damaging or something.

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All right, well, barring any bugfixes or tweaks required after further testing, I think I can call my map's sectorwork officially complete!


Now to place monsters, supplies, and the remaining decorations, and then I'll release a rough version for people to test.


Here are some more screenshots of a representative sample of areas from within the map.  These were taken as I was running through on PRBoom just now to check for functionality and visual anomalies.






Edited by jerrysheppy

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Implemented a deathmatch exclusive area and semi-full 4-player support.

Might be the last fix for a while until someone notices another issue.

Edited by pc234

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4 hours ago, bonnie said:


On 7/7/2018 at 11:17 PM, Pegleg said:

My take was that bonnie was interested in Hell maps, and if you were inspired by a particular feature in one of the E3 maps, then all the better. The bottom line is, make a map that would fit in a "Hell" episode that looks like it could have been in an Inferno-esque episode and you're good.

My take was that being inspired by particular features of the E3 maps was a requirement. I wouldn't be horribly disappointed if we ended up with 32 Inferno homages, but I would absolutely be disappointed if we ended up with 32 generic "Hell" maps. I was hoping that people would make maps matching both the Inferno aesthetic and gameplay to a degree, as that was kind of the point of the project. I'll try to clarify this more in my next update.



This is an interesting exchange because it highlights the difference between Hell maps generally and Inferno maps, which I would consider to be a subset of Hell maps.  You can look at Scythe II Map 27, for example, and easily understand why no one would call it an "Inferno" map in this context, even though it's indisputably a Hell map.  I assume this sort of thing is what bonnie's trying to warn Pegleg against, though I would also have assumed that Pegleg already realized this since he wrote "...looks like it could have been in an Inferno-esque episode."



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I'm freeing up map31 for anyone else to pick up, i'm too uninspired to pull this off and as it turns out, I will be too busy with my job this month, there's a lot of busy stuff coming up for me.

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Hey Darox, I played yours https://www.dropbox.com/s/x1uhvh6z4mfpqii/dtsacrilege.lmp?dl=1


Enjoyed it, kind of felt like an e4/e3 cross at times, especially outside.  Nice casual play, that vile could make you jump though if you weren't expecting it (like me)


Cheers for the feed back on mine, sorry you didn't enjoy it that much, was a quick concept that came to me and felt like I needed to jot it down.  I originally had some pinkies appear aswell as the mastermind, but every single time without fail the pinkies would block the SMM and gnaw her to death, was quite hilarious.  Might put them back in, what do you think?  Might consider removing the poles, but would like to see some more FDAs first if people are interested

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I don't usually map like this, but I have the bare bones/basic progression done and almost no things placed.


Here's a Crispy video (everything's good in Chocolate so far). No monsters at all, so it's kinda boring. Crank the video speed up if you want.




Some areas' detailing is not final (red key area in particular). I expect basic geometry is pretty close to final. I will change the music but haven't decided what yet.

I'd say the main inspirations are Slough of Despair, Pandemonium, and House of Pain. It is big, but it's going to be pretty short (I'll shoot for casually maxable in ten minutes) and not too hard, so it can definitely occupy an early slot.


I'd welcome ideas if you see something and think, "Ooh, you know what would be cool there?..."

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16 minutes ago, HAK3180 said:

 Here's a Crispy video (everything's good in Chocolate so far). No monsters at all, so it's kinda boring. Crank the video speed up if you want.


Does the lavafall made of bossbrain textures actually work in vanilla/chocolate?  I'd have thought it would cause tutti-frutti.  Unless you made it as an extremely steep staircase to give the illusion of a full-height lavafall, I guess.

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map name:  Swamps of the obscured presence

Most inspired by: Slough of despair

Build time: 4 hours... divided in 4 days lol

Music:  from skulltag (Descent 2?)

Coop support: full but untested

DM support: no, just one spawning point

Description: A short map inspired from Slough of Despair, with a twist. What twist? Play and you'll see it! This map is nothing really hard, even kinda of easy-ish imo

level and casual Demo: lostsoul.zip


Feedback is highly accepted!

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30 minutes ago, jerrysheppy said:

Does the lavafall made of bossbrain textures actually work in vanilla/chocolate?  I'd have thought it would cause tutti-frutti.

It should indeed cause tutti-frutti, I had it in my own map when I tried. A steep staircase should work however like you suggested.

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@HAK3180 You could also try using one of the fire textures!


I spent another day working on my map. Maybe I'll finish it tomorrow...


This screenshot is making the area look a bit non-hellish... but it's better than overdosing on generic marble gothic!

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Just wondering, will secret levels be like extra levels (ex. E1M9) or like zany, unexpected levels (ex. MAP31-32)

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5 minutes ago, Garbage said:

Just wondering, will secret levels be like extra levels (ex. E1M9) or like zany, unexpected levels (ex. MAP31-32)

Depends on what the mappers decide to do.

Only the mappers and bonnie will have that information until they're released.

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Well currently we don't actually have a map31 anymore, since Alter dropped out. If anyone is interested in taking the secret slot, PM me first with your idea (don't say anything in the thread until you get approval). The other free slot is currently being reserved until further notice.

Edited by bonnie

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4 hours ago, dt_ said:

Cheers for the feed back on mine, sorry you didn't enjoy it that much, was a quick concept that came to me and felt like I needed to jot it down.  I originally had some pinkies appear aswell as the mastermind, but every single time without fail the pinkies would block the SMM and gnaw her to death, was quite hilarious.  Might put them back in, what do you think?  Might consider removing the poles, but would like to see some more FDAs first if people are interested

The problem was more than I didn't find the second switch at all, and bumping into the closed-off third switch still revealed the mastermind and exit. Sequence breaking it like that messed up the final fight, if you prevent that from happening it'd be much improved.

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made a map inspired by e3m1 pls include




Not a serious post.

That map is an exaggeration of the worst parts of e3m1.

Consider this a possible reserved slot since i was personally asked by bonnie to make a map for this project, I'm not entirely sure if I'll make something yet though.


Edited by elmle

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49 minutes ago, elmle said:

made a map inspired by e3m1 pls include


Just dropping by to say that you haven't reserved a slot, so this is basically forcibly stealing somebody else's slot. 

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